PAX Prime Relaunch Panel - Sivir Relaunch preview!

Earlier today at PAX Prime, several memebers of Riot's relaunch team hosted a panel discussing relaunching, visual updating, and reworking old champions.

Continue reading for more information on the panel, including a few shots of Sivir's visual update which was previewed at the end of the panel!

Here's a bunch of pictures for Sivir's VU from the end of the panel.

Here's a rough vid of  the entire panel - it was a bit of a last minute idea for us so please excuse the rough quality!

The panel was conduced by Mike "IronStylus" Maurino repping the concept art team, Josh "Grumpy Monkey" Singh repping the 3D art team, Randy Begel for the writing team, Kory "Ququroon" Dearborne for QA, Katie "Riot Tea Time" De Sousa for splash arts, and Ryan "Morello" Scott representing the game design team.

For those who might just want to skip to the exciting Sivir bits, here's someone else's recording of the Sivir reveal at the end of the panel

You may notice she says the line :"They say the desert is a cruel mistress, I like the sound of that.". Sounds like someone might be coming from the Shurima Desert. ( No confirmation )

Lastly, here is a few shots of the panel while it was underway. I'll add in more on everything the team covered when I can get back to the hotel later tonight!

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