[ Updated ] 10/28 PBE Update: Sivir Splash Art & Zyra Login

Posted on at 11:11 AM by Moobeat
Update: A second, late night patch went out with a login screen for Haunted Zyra! Check it out:

A small update, containing Sivir's updated splash art, has been pushed to PBE!
Continue reading a better look at the new splash and more!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Sivir Relaunch Splash Art

Sivir's updated splash art for her upcoming splash art is here!

Alongside the splash is her loading screen border and champion portrait.

Harrowing assets for Shop

The new Harrowing assets have been applied to the in-client shop.
As a side note about the shop, all the PBE shop prices are now the same as live instead of the normal lowered amount. Unsure if it's intended or just something weird.

Edit : PBE shop is being weird - now the gifting center tab is gone and purchase RP ( for whatever reason ) is there. Everything seems to be back to normal

Small Haunted Zyra Updates

Over the last few updates, Haunted Zyra has continued to get small tweaks to her particles.

Here's a quick comparison between what we saw  on the 10/18 PBE Update and what is up on today's update.

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new and often radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out!

There are no balance changes in this PBE patch.

Miss out on previous updates from this PBE cycle? Click here to see a tentative list of all balance changes ( relative to live servers ) currently on the PBE or catch up with the links below!