Infernal Nasus prepares to ascend

Meet Infernal Nasus - a hellish new legendary skin for Nasus to accompany his VU!
A dark symbol sears the ground beneath his victim, burning everything within. Infernal Nasus is on the hunt. Dark, shadowy hands encircle his quarry, choking their movement as if immersed in sludge. There is no escape.

He stands above his prey, a legend come alive and growls, “I am death.” 
Infernal Nasus’s pauldrons break free with exultant howls as flames ignite the fury of the sands. Death would be preferable to what comes next."
"With fiery new particles, shadow effects and animations including a unique second form during his ultimate, Infernal Nasus is the new, darker legendary skin for the Curator of the Sands."

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