11/16 PBE Update: Infernal Nasus Login Screen & Balance Changes

Posted on at 1:38 PM by frostyNinja
A small update has been pushed to the PBE! This update includes a login screen for the upcoming Infernal Nasus skin, a handful of new items icons, a note on the self mystery gifting option, and some minor balance changes.
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Infernal Nasus Login Screen

Infernal Nasus, the upcoming Legendary Nasus skin, now has his own hellish login screen.

New  Item Icons

New icons for Frost Queen's Claim, Spellthief's Edge  Relic Shield, Emblem of Valor, and Face of the Mountain.

Self gifting Mystery Gifts

In a recent PBE update, the option to simply purchase a mystery gift, rather than unlocking it for a friend, was added to the shop for testing.

Here's a comment on the matter from Hippalus:
"Many players asked for it because they didn't have friends to trade mystery gifts with."
and in response to someone saying "now I don't have to have friends!"
"That's why we're testing this - some players were frustrated that they needed a friend to purchase them a mystery skin."
He continued:
"If this feature is made available, it will not only have the daily limit of 3 purchases, but will also be live for a very limited time. Days, not weeks."

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out!


  •  HP per level returned to 98 from 87 ( revert back to live values ) 
  • Empower ( W ) damage returned to 40/75/110/145/180 from 60/80/100/120/140 ( this is a revert of previous changes, now back to live values )
  • Empower ( W ) mana cost returned to 30 at all ranks from 20/25/30/35/40 ( this is a revert of previous changes, now back to live values )


Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • Spell damage returned as health and mana increased to 8% from 5%, now reads "Half Effect for Area of Effect Spells".
Twin Shadows
  • AP increased to 50 from 30.

Miss out on previous updates from this PBE cycle? Catch up with the links below!