11/22 PBE Update: Yasuo Available for Testing, Skarner Rework Returns, Relic Shield nerf

[Update]: Anivia also got a TU in this patch! I've added it to the bottom of this post but also created a new post for it. My bad on missing it guys!

The PBE has been updated and Yasuo, the Unforgiven is now available for testing! In addition to a few other balance changes, Skarner kit rework is now back on the PBE for additional testing.
Continue reading for the last from the public beta enviroment!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )


Our next champion, Yasuo, is now available for testing! Brush up on his gameplay, abilities, ,and more by checking out his champion reveal, or continue scrolling for a better look!

Even though it was previewed in the reveal, Yasuo's splash is not on the PBE yet - only his champion portrait is up.


Stats & Kit:

Base Stats
Base HP: 430
HP Per Level: 82
Base Movement Speed: 350
Base Attack Range: 175
Base Damage: 48
Damage Per Level: 3.6
Base Armor: 15
Armor Per Level: 3.4
Base Magic Resist: 30
Magic Resist Per Level: 0
HP Regen Per Second Per Level: 0.18

Passive: Way of the Wanderer
Resolve: Moving grants Yasuo Flow, which is tracked on his resource bar -- moving faster grants more Flow.  At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster grants him a shield for 2 seconds. 
Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike chance is doubled.
Shield from "Resolve"
Q: Steel Tempest
Thrusts forward, dealing 10/30/50/70/90 (+1.0 TOTAL AD // Tool tip lists a SCALING AD ratio of .9/.95/1/1.05/1.1 * AD but it is always just 100% of total AD atm. ) physical damage. 
On hit, Steel Tempest grants a stack of Gathering Storm for 10 seconds.  At 2 stacks, Steel Tempest fires a whirlwind that knocks Airborne. 
Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack: It can critically strike, applies on-hit effects, and its cooldown and cast time are reduced by attack speed. 
If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle.
CD: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4

W: Wind Wall
Passive: Dashing builds an extra 4/8/12/16/20% of your resource bar. 
Active: Creates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds. 
CD: 26/24/22/20/18

E: Sweeping Blade
Dashes through target enemy, dealing 70/90/110/130/150 (+1 AP) magic damage.  Each cast increases your next dash's damage by 25%, up to 100%. 
Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for 10/9/8/7/6 seconds. 
If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle.
Cooldown: .5/.4/.3/.2/.1 ( tool tips are weird and don't update the text but these are the listed values )
Indicator for targets you've recently E'd to
R: Last Breath
Dashes to an Airborne enemy champion, deals 200/300/400 (+1.5 bonus AD) physical damage and holds all Airborne enemies in the area in the air for an additional 1 second.  Resets all stacks of Gathering Storm. 
For 15 seconds, Yasuo gains 50/50/50% Bonus Armor Penetration -- this reduces armor from items, buffs, runes and masteries.
Cooldown : 80/55/30 
Indicator when you can use your E on an airborne target
Your sword glows when you still have the bonus armor penetration active.
and here's a full ability preview!

"Yasuo is a man of resolve, an agile swordsman who wields the wind itself to cut down his foes. This once-proud warrior has been disgraced by a false accusation and forced into a desperate fight for survival. With the world turned against him, he will do everything in his power to bring the guilty to justice and restore his honor. 
Formerly a brilliant pupil at a renowned Ionian sword school, Yasuo was the only student in a generation to master the legendary wind technique. Many believed he was destined to become a great hero. However, his fate was changed forever when Noxus invaded. Yasuo was charged with guarding an Ionian Elder, but, foolishly believing his blade alone could make the difference, left his post to join the fray. By the time he returned, the Elder had been slain. 
Disgraced, Yasuo willingly turned himself in, prepared to pay for his failure with his life. He was shocked, however, to find himself accused not just of dereliction, but of the murder itself. Though confused and racked with guilt, he knew the assassin would go unpunished if he did not act. Yasuo raised his sword against the school and fought his way free, knowing his treason would turn all of Ionia against him. Left truly alone for the first time in his life, he set out to find the Elder's real killer. 
Yasuo spent the next several years wandering the land, seeking any clue that might lead him to the murderer. All the while, he was relentlessly hunted by his former allies, continually forced to fight or die. His mission drove him ever forward, until he was tracked down by the one foe he dreaded most - his own brother, Yone. 
Bound by a common code of honor, the two warriors bowed and drew their swords. Silently they circled one another under the moonlight. When they finally charged forward, Yone was no match for Yasuo; with a single flash of steel he cut his brother down. Yasuo dropped his weapon and rushed to Yone's side. 
Overcome with emotion, he demanded to know how his own kin could think him guilty. Yone spoke: ''The Elder was killed by a wind technique. Who else could it be?'' Understanding swept over Yasuo as he suddenly realized why he had been accused. He professed his innocence once more and begged his brother's forgiveness. Tears streamed down Yasuo's face as his brother passed in his arms. 
Yasuo buried Yone under the rising sun, but could take no time to mourn. Others would be after him before long. His brother's revelation had given Yasuo newfound purpose; he now had the clue that would lead to the true killer. Swearing an oath, he gathered his belongings and, with one last look at Yone's grave, set out with the wind at his back. 
''The story of a sword is inked in blood.''
-- Yasuo"
Special Interactions:

Yasuo also has several unique taunts for a few different champions [ note, these are pulled from sound files and will not trigger in game yet ]

Master Yi
  • "Wuju? Never heard of it"
  • "Wuju? No, I wouldn't"
  • "Nice... sword... boots?"
  • "Which weighs more Riven? Your blade or your past?"
  • "Everyone faces a reckoning Riven!"
  • "You can't run from yourself riven! I've tried..."
  • "Broken Sword, Broken Spirit"

"Ninja" ( I think Akali or Zed - will check )
  • "Scurry back to your shadows ninja."
  • "Ninjas... I hate those guys"
  • "Cute mask .. your - uh -mom sew that?"

Release Skin: ( No Name Yet ) Yasuo

Here's an incomplete ( may be missing some features ) skin spotlight!

Skarner Rework

Skarner's rework is back up for testing! Here is the latest change list from Riot Scruffy:
"Now that patch 3.14 is out, Skarner is coming back to the PBE for some real in game testing! 
Crystal Slash
-Mana cost reduced from 20/22/24/26/28 to 16/18/20/22/24
-When target is hit, applies an attack speed buff for 5s that stacks up to 3 times 4/5/6/7/8
-Slow removed from Crystal Slash (moved to Fracture) 
-Attack speed component removed
-Cooldown lowered from 18s to 14s
-Max movepseed increased from 15/17/19/21/23 to 24/28/32/36/40 and ramps up over 3s
-Duration remains at 6s
-Shield value increased from 70/115/160/205/250 to 80/135/190/245/300
-Shield AP ratio increased from 0.6 to 0.8 
-Mana cost reduced from 50/55/60/65/70 to 30/35/40/45/50
-Heal removed
-Targets hit are slowed by 30/35/40/45/50 for 2.5s
-Missile range increased 800->1000
-Missile width reduced 120->90 
-Impale now roots targeted champion during the windup animation
-VO for “feel my sting” etc will happen on successful grab instead of cast start

Once the next PBE update hits, let's get some real testing and see how this kit plays."

Anivia Texture Update


Team Spirit Anivia

Bird of Prey Anivia

Noxus Hunter Anivia

Hextech Anivia

[Note]: Blackfrost Anivia did not get a texture update because she already had a new, updated model.

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out!

  • Kit reworked - see above post for more details!

Relic Shield
  • Recharges every 60 seconds up from 30.

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