This "Week" In eSports 10/27 - 11/6

This week's chunk of eSports news is just a wee bit late but that doesn't mean it isn't any less important - lots of preseason roster changes are continuing to come out!
Warning: There will be spoilers after the jump! Continue reading for the latest on roster changes, upcoming off season events, and MORE!


  • [NA] The North American Challenger League (otherwise known as Salty league) continues for week 5 of their 8 week challenger season with a $35,000 prize pool. A list of participating teams can be found on the Leaguepedia page. Be sure to check out/follow the stream Monday-Thursday for matches!

  • [NA/EU] The Season 4 Promotion Qualifier (There are TWO of them) is underway for both NA and EU LCS. 16 North American teams will be competing for two Season 4 NA LCS Promotion seeds. More information for NA can be found on Leaguepedia. 8 EUW Teams and 8 EUNE teams will be competing for two Season 4 EU LCS Promotion seeds. More information for EU can be found via the Leaguepedia page
    • Napkins in Disguise and COGnitive Gaming picked up two spots for NA
    • H2k-Gaming and Salade Tomate Oignon picked up two spots for EU

Team News & Roster Changes

  • [NA] Team Coast dropped their AD Carry DontMashMe. A replacement hasn't been found yet, but Coast has been practicing and playing in NACL with Chaox. Full announcement can be found via Facebook

  • [NA] Reginald announced his stepping down to become the coach of TSM. He will be replaced by none other than Bjergsen. Full announcement can be read on TSM's website. Bjergsen also did an AMA over on reddit here.

  • [NA] compLexity announced that their jungler, Lautemortis, would be stepping down as jungler for the team. Their manager Phranq also left. Full announcement can be found here

  • [NA] Cloud9 HyperX announced that they were picking up a new coach, Dan Dinh. Unfortunately, they also announced that Alex Penn would no longer be the analyst for the team. Full announcement can be found here

  • [NA] Napkins in Disguise announced that Flappybearfish would be moving to a substitute position while former compLexity member Brunch would be joining the team to replace him. Full announcement can be found via Leaguepedia

  • [NA] Team VEX was picked up by vVv Gaming. 

  • [EU] Gambit Gaming announced that they will be dropping Voidle from their roster. It's currently unknown who will be replacing him. Full announcement can be read on Gambit's website

  • [EU] Svenskeren and Bjergsen left Ninjas in Pyjamas. The team picked up Mithy, Nukeduck, and Zorozero but also lost TheTess, NeeGodbro, and kev1n (With Deficio moving to a coaching position). Full announcement can be found on NiP's site

  • [EU] SK Gaming announced their new roster, with Ocelote moving to a substitute position while fredy122, Jesiz, and Svenskeren join the team. Full announcement can be read over on SK's website. Ocelote's post can be found here

  • [China] Tabe and Wh1t3zZ retired from competitive play. Royal Club picked up F1sh and PandaB from their second team as AD/Support and Uzi moved to mid lane. 

  • [SEA] Kaigu, who recently left Mineski's roster, rejoined the team in the jungle role. 

As always, feel free to leave any eSports questions you may have for me in the comments below! 

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