This "WEEK" In eSports 11/7 - 11/17

Posted on at 3:05 PM by Glyceroll
While I'm sure we are all pining for the return of LCS for our weekly eSports fix, there is still plenty of other thins happening in the eSports world!
Warning: There will be spoilers after the jump! Continue reading for the latest on roster changes, upcoming off season events, and MORE!


  • [All] The 2014 LCS event locations were released:
    • Season 4 World Finals will be hosted in South Korea (possibly in Busan)
    • Season 4 All-stars will be hosted in Europe (Location unknown)
    • Source

  • [NA/EU] Riot announced the group stages for the Season 4 Promotion Tournament. They will be offline and broadcast through Wellplayed's/ESL's Stream. More information can be found via lolesports

  • [KR] OGN  Winter Round of 16 began on November 15th! Be sure to check out the stream here and more information on the teams competing can be found via Leaguepedia

  • [All] The groups for WCG 2013 were revealed:
    • Group A:  yoe Flash Wolves, MYM, Dash9, Lyon Gaming, ESC ICY Box
    • Group B: OMG, Isurus Argentina, Millenium, Arenales, Dark Passage
    • Group C: CJ Blaze, Rampage, Energy Pacemaker.HK, Immunity, KaBuM!
    • Group D: WorldElite, MiTH, Royal Paladin, compLexity, The RED
    • More information can be found via Leaguepedia.

  • [NA] The North American Challenger League (otherwise known as Salty league) continues for week 7 of their 8 week challenger season with a $35,000 prize pool. A list of participating teams can be found on the Leaguepedia page. Be sure to check out/follow the stream Monday-Thursday for matches!

  • [NA/EU] The Season 4 Promotion Qualifier #2 is underway for both NA and EU LCS. 16 North American teams will be competing for two Season 4 NA LCS Promotion seeds. More information for NA can be found on Leaguepedia. 8 EUW Teams and 8 EUNE teams will be competing for two Season 4 EU LCS Promotion seeds. More information for EU can be found via the Leaguepedia page
    • Napkins in Disguise and COGnitive Gaming picked up the first two spots for NA
    • H2k-Gaming and Salade Tomate Oignon picked up the first two spots for EU

  • [All] Riot posted a really nifty infographic on a few of the stats from Season 3 World Finals! Be sure to check it out over on lolesports. 

Team News & Roster Changes

  • [NA/EU] Riot Nick Allen updated everyone on the current status of banned players. IWillDominate and ShookL2 demonstrated significant reforms and are currently eligible for the 2014 LCS season. However, Rayt3ch and Linak were deemed ineligible for LCS and recieved punishements. The full reports can be found over on the forums

  • [NA] Team Dignitas announced their new top laner - Cruzerthebruzer! Full article can be found via Twitter. Also announced, Patoy was moved to a sub position and they're still determining their final Season 4 roster. Announcement can be found here

  • [NA] Velocity eSports released their entire roster. It's most likely they will pick up one of the challenger teams already competing for one of the Season 4 spots. Just for clarification: 
    • Players hold the "spot" for qualifying for LCS (Example: FXO qualified for the Season 4 Promotion Tournament, but the players who switched organizations keep their spot)
    • Organizations hold the "spot" after they've qualified for LCS. This is why Velocity still retains their LCS position after dropping their team

  • [NA] The roster for ggLA consisting of Nydushermain, Bobbyhankhill, Bischu, KOR Kez, and Yazuki was dropped completely from the team. The new team roster consists of otter, Pobelter, i KeNNy u, Sickoscott, and BunnyFuFuu

  • [EU] The long awaited team of Edward was finally announced! He'll be rejoining Gambit Gaming. Full announcement can be found via Gambit's channel

  • [KR] Manyreason, who was famous for his antics in Season 1, announced his retirement this week. His replacement will be Odin as the new Xenics Blast midlaner. 

As always, feel free to leave any eSports questions you may have for me in the comments below!