12/13 PBE Update: Lunar Revel Skins for Tryndamere, Riven, and Diana

The PBE has been updated! In addition to some tentative balance changes, three new skins for next year's Lunar Revel event have popped up - Lunar Goddess Diana, Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere, and Dragonblade Riven!
Continue reading to check out the latest PBE content!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Here's RiotAether commenting, on the PBE community, about the three new Lunar Revel 2014 skins now up for testing on the PBE!
"Hey testers,

The 2014 Lunar Revel skins are currently being deployed to the PBE, so you’ll see new looks for Riven, Tryndamereand Diana available for testing when the platform comes back up. As with the Snowdown skins last month, the Lunar Revel skins are hitting the PBE in varying stages of roughness. In particular, we want to mention that the Diana skin is missing her entire particle set and will be using Diana’s base particles as placeholder until the new ones reach a test-ready state. More broadly, all three skins will be adjusted to a higher level of polish before we release them for the Lunar Revel event next year. 
Thanks guys!"

New Skins

Lunar Goddess Diana

975 RP

( As mentioned above, LG Diana's particles are missing and she is using default particles as placeholder )

Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere

975 RP
With fury
With R active

Dragonblade Riven

1350 RP
Left: No Passive - Right: Passive Active

New Info Ticker

Here's Riot Azmodius with info one updates to the info ticker:
"Hello everyone! 
A few weeks ago we made a post about updates being made to the client frame and how we wanted to address a few key pain points. One area we also focused on for improvements was the Info Ticker. 
We set out to make the messages clearer when there is an issue impacting the service by adding...
  • Support for longer informative messages
  • Scrolling for long messages
  • Better support for multiple messages
  • Opt-in viewing that is not disruptive and allows you to easily view all messages
There is still a bit of work left for us to do, but it should work in being able to display server messages in a clear and informative way. 
For testing, we may be posting messages a bit more frequently than normal for PBE, so let us know how the ticker feels for you. 
As always, thanks for checking it out and providing feedback on the Ticker and the rest of the frame :)"

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out!


  • Hatespike ( Q ) missle speed reduced to 1250 from 2000
  • Ravage ( E ) damage changed to 50/95/140/185/230 TOTAL from 35/55/75/95/115 EACH STRIKE. [ The old tool tip read for each strike, which there are two of, and new tooltip reads total. ]
  • Ravage ( E ) now deals physical damage instead of magic damage.

  • Monsoon ( R) healing increased to 100/150/200 ( +.6 AP ) every second for 4 from 70/110/150 ( 0.35 AP ) every second for 4 seconds.

  • Looks like his rework has been reverted.


Spirit of the Ancient Golem
  • No longer grants health and mana regen
  • No longer has Unique Passive Maim.
  • Unique Passive - Butch now reads "Against monsters, deal 30% bonus damage and restore 8% of damage dealt as Health and 4% as mana ( half restoration effects fro AoE spells )"

Spirit of the Elder Lizard
  • No longer grants health and mana regen
  • No longer has Unique Passive Maim.
  • Unique Passive - Butch now reads "Against monsters, deal 30% bonus damage and restore 8% of damage dealt as Health and 4% as mana ( half restoration effects fro AoE spells )"

Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • No longer grants health and mana regen
  • No longer has Unique Passive Maim.
  • UNIQUE Passive - Spirit Drain now "Grants 2 ability power per large or epic monster kill ( max:30 ) [ NOTE: Reads as 40 AP and cap of 40 in air client item browser ]
  • Unique Passive - Butch now reads "Against monsters, deal 30% bonus damage and restore 8% of damage dealt as Health and 4% as mana ( half restoration effects fro AoE spells )"

Spirit Stone

  • No longer grants health and mana regen
  • No longer has Unique Passive Maim.
  • Unique Passive - Butch now reads "Against monsters, deal 20% bonus damage and restore 8% of damage dealt as Health and 4% as mana ( half restoration effects fro AoE spells )"

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