2014 NA and EU LCS Spring Split Summoner Icons now available!

Sixteen new summoner icons,  one for each of the teams participating in the EU and NA 2014 LCS Spring Split, are now available for purchase! Each icons is priced at 250 RP and there is also several discounted bundles available. These icons are available for purchase until the end of the Spring Split!
Continue reading for a better look at these new icons!

Here's Riot Hundo with the full scoop!
"With the new season underway, we've created 2014 season commemorative icons for the NA and EU LCS teams. Icons are available for 250 RP each and are permanently added to your account once you’ve unlocked them. Support your favorite team by rocking their logo as they fight their way to the top of the Spring Split standings! 
For those of you who follow all teams equally, or scoff at the thought of splitting allegiances, you can snag all of the 2014 season icons you’re after. Both the EU and NA LCS bundles are 1600 RP each (8 icons in each bundle), which is 20% off the regular price. Grabbing all 16 icons will run you 3000 RP(25% off the regular 4000 RP price). 
When you purchase a team icon, 20% of the price goes directly to that team and the other 80% supports esports (prizes, streaming, events, etc.). Last season, players raised almost $400,000 for their favorite LCS teams!

LCS team summoner icons are available throughout the Spring Split; proclaim your allegiance today! "

Let's have another look at all of the icons:



and, as mentioned, here are the three icon bundles that are also available: