A small update containing minor tweaks to the Heartseeker Ashe splash art has been pushed to the PBE!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
Team Builder will be coming back on Monday (2/10) and Tuesday (2/11) from 1:00 to 5:00 PM PST!
As it has for the past few weeks, the Team Builder will return for more PBE testing next Monday and Tuesday! See this thread for more info!
Heartseeker Ashe Splash Tweaks
Heartseeker Ashe's Splash Art, which we first saw added in yesterday's PBE update, has been updated with some minor tweaks to her face and more sparkles on her bow.
To help spot the differences, try opening the OLD one and the NEW one in separate tabs to compare for yourself!
Balance Changes
There are no balance changes in this patch.
Miss out on previous updates from this PBE cycle? Catch up with the links below or check out THIS PAGE for a comprehensive list of the balance changes currently in this PBE cycle!
- 1/15 PBE Update - Skarner and Xerath reworks return to the PBE
- 1/16 PBE Update - New Audio Engine, Kass + Ashe Changes
- 1/17 PBE Update - Tentative balance changes
- 1/17 PBE Update #2 ( AIR CLIENT ONLY )
- [ PBE Coverage ] Updates to SE Rene, New Rumble Q Particles, Pantheon Movement.
- 1/21 PBE Update: More Balance
- [Rolled Back] 1/22 PBE Update: SE Renekton Splash
- 1/23 Update: New Kassadin Particles, Lots of new icons, and more
- 1/24 Update: Hexakill, Thornmail particles, and more!
- 1/27 PBE Update: Bouquet Ward
- 1/28 PBE Update: Lots of Reverts
- 1/29 PBE Update: Heartseeker Ashe, new Ghost/Clairvoyance VFX
- 1/30 PBE Update: HS Ashe available for testing
- 1/31 PBE Update: New Ashe icons
- 2/3 PBE Update: Ashe R Update, "Choose your path" icons, & more
- 2/4 PBE Update: Vision Bug Testing + Minor Changes
- 2/5 PBE Update: Heartseeker Ashe Splash