Red Post Collection: Pentakill Album will be FREE, Karthus VU Sculpts, Rumble Bug to be fixed in 4.9

This morning's red post is short and sweet! In addition to a recap of the last two busy news days, you'll find Praeco with more details on the upcoming PENTAKILL album, Pwyff on a Rumble Q bug to be fixed in 4.9, and Grumpy Monkey sharing some high quality Karthus VU sculpts!
Continue reading for more information!

Pentakill "Smite and Ignite" Info

As you've surely heard, PENTAKILL is releasing a full length album on June 3rd! While you can check out the teaser and the "Lightbringer" track over here, Praeco has been chatting a bit about the the project over on reddit:

He first confirmed that the vocalist is indeed Jørn Lande, known for his involvement with Ark,  Avantasia, Masterplan, and more!

As for what platforms the album will be released on, Praeco noted:
" Will be available to download for free and on all the common platforms(itunes, spotify, google play etc.) and also as a physical copy (physical copy though probably not at the very beginning, but following soon..)"
He continued, offering more on the physical version:
"Yes. It won't be available at the beginning of the release, but we will make sure that it will follow as quickly as possible."
When asked about the price listed on this website, he commented:
"it will be free for download, but we made sure to offer it on every platform that people might wanna use, and some of them just don't offer free options." 

UPDATE: When asked if they will use the awesome Pentakill art as a splash art for the set of in-game skins, Praeco commented:
"We will :) "

Rumble Q Fix coming in 4.9

After reporting earlier that a pesky bug  with Rumble's Q damage was hot fixed on live, Pwyff returned to reddit to note that it's likely summoner will have to wait until 4.9 for the actual fix.
"So I may have slipped - I think we were trying to hotfix it but realized it had some other things attached so we'll be shipping the fix in 4.9.

Sorry :("

Grumpy Monkey Karthus Sculpts!

Now that the Karthus VU is on the PBE, Grumpy Monkey shared a few  high quality sculpts!
[ Tweet 1 ] "Here the sculpture turnaround from the Karthus VU. For your reference. :) #Vimeo"

Here also uploaded a close up turnaround of Karthus face!

He also shared a Singed sculpt but VERY CLEARLY warned that it is NOT a visual update, it was just done as a demonstration at a Riot sponsored event at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects.

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