It's that time of the week and we're back with another edition of This week in eSports!
Continue reading for the results of the recent NA/EU promotional tournament, reminders on the start of Worlds 2014 group stages, and more!
- [NA/EU Promotion Tournament] Here's the results of the Promo Tournament that took place over the week. Keep in mind - there's still an Expansion Tournament coming up which the losers have already qualified for. Two more teams will make it into LCS, so fear not if your team didn't make it! VODs can be found here.
- Spot in NA LCS
- Evil Genuises
- Team 8
- Participating in NA Expansion Tournament
- Curse Academy
- Coast
- Complexity
- Plus teams from the ranked queue ladder
- Spot in EU LCS
- Copenhagen Wolves
- Gambit Gaming
- Unicorns of Love (best name ever)
- Participating in EU Expansion Tournament
- Millenium
- SK Gaming Prime
- H2K Gaming
- Plus teams from the ranked queue ladder
- [All] Riot has announced and begun PBE testing of the Season 1 World Championship Fnatic skins. It's not currently known when exactly these skins will be released, but we do have a comprehensive post with all the skin details here!
- [2014 World Finals] Here's a complete list of teams qualified for the 2014 World Finals!
- EU (3 Spots) (Determined from Gamescom EU Regional Finals)
- Fnatic
- Alliance
- SK Gaming
- NA (3 Spots) (Determined from PAX Prime NA Regional Finals)
- Cloud 9
- KR (3 Spots) (Determined by OGN/NLB Circuit Points and KR Regional Finals)
- Samsung Galaxy Blue
- Samsung Galaxy White
- NaJin White Shield
- China (3 Spots) (Determined by LPL Spring/Summer and China Regional Finals)
- EDward Gaming
- SH Royal Club
- International Wildcard (2 Spots)
- Dark Passage - Representing Turkey
- KaBuM! e-Sports - Representing Brazil
- SEA (2 Spots) (Determined by GPL Summer 1st Place and Garena Regional Finals)
- Taipei Assassins
- ahq
Check out the first two chapters of Riot's new "Road to Worlds" series:
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Next Level
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Next Level
- [2014 World Finals ] The schedule for the 2014 World Finals has been posted including match ups, dates, and times!
- The days and locations for the World Final stages are:
- Group Stage One in Taipei, Taiwan from September 18th - 21st
- Group Stage Two in Singapore from September 25th - 28th
- Quarter Finals in Busan, Korea from October 3rd - 6th
- Semi Finals in Seoul, Korea on October 11th - 12th
- Finals in Seoul, Korea on October 19th.
- [2014 World Finals - Reminder] Along with the above information, Riot also released the official Worlds Rule book! Check it out for information on prizing, team member eligibility, and much more.
Team News and Roster Changes:
- [EU] Fnatic brought in Toyz (formerly of Taipei Assassins) as a coach for at least the rest of the season.
- [All] Azubu has made a deal with KeSPA in order to host streams pf Korean super stars like Faker, Mata, KaKAO, etc. The leaked list includes approximately 20 players but will likely include more as the deal comes to light.
- [KR] Vin and GBM (otherwise known as Ganked by Mom) announced that they would be leaving the Jin Air Falcons.
- [All] Riot officially announced their Interregional Movement Policy Rule which is incredibly lengthy and includes a lot of requirements and restrictions but essentially is intended to keep people from migrating to "easier" regions which would be unhealthy for the ecosystem. If you'd like to read the full ruling check out the post over on lolesports.