This week in eSports: NA Expansion Tourney starts, Voyboy leaves Curse, and more!

Another week has passed and were back with the latest edition of "This Week in eSports", including the results of the first week of the NA Expansion tournament, info on Voyboy leaving Curse, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Tournament/League News:

  • [Reminder] The Expansion Tournament , which decides which two teams will fill the final two sports in the 2015 LCS season, has started up and will run almost every weekend through December 21st!
  •  Be sure to tune in next weekend, November 22nd - 23rd for the start of the EU expansion and the second round of NA!
  • Riot Tiza jumped on Reddit to address concerns about practice and the patches that the expansion tournament would be running on. Teams will have approximately 3 weeks of practice on the pre-season patch (4.20). Riot is still monitoring the patch to make surenothing game breaking shows up like League of Black Cleavers 
  • The current 8 teams in the running (qualified past first round) for the NA Expansion Tournament are: 
  • CompLexity.Black 
  • Final Five 
  • Team Coast 
  • Team LoLPro 
  • Curse Academy 
  • Col.White 
  • Fusion 
  • Enemy eSports 

Off Season News

North America:

  • Voyboy announced that he would be parting ways with Curse in order to take some time to find out what he'd like to do in the future. He explicitly mentioned this is not a retirement


  • Deft (formerly of Samsung Blue) announced he would be joining EDward Gaming over in China. 
  • Team WE announced that they would be parting ways with their coach Hiro

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