Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower, available now!

"Terror has reached the Rift. Rek’Sai is here." - Rek'Sai is now available for purchase and play!
During her first week of availability, Rek'Sai will be priced at 975 RP / 7800 IP, after which she will drop to the standard 6300 IP price point. Alternatively, you can pick up Rek'Sai and Eternum Rek'Sai in her limited time release bundle for 1462 RP through 12/18.

Continue reading to dig in to more information!

Rek'Sai, The Void Burrower

7800 IP on release, 6300 IP after one week // 975 RP // 1462 RP in Release Bundle until 12/18

Abilities & Ratios

To get acquainted with Rek'Sai's abilities, let's take another look at her champion spotlight:

[Numbers below are subject to change after he release!]

Base + "Growth" stats:
  • Base HP: 611.2
  • HP Growth: 90
  • Base Movement Speed: 335
  • Base Damage: 55.628
  • Damage Growth: 3.35
  • Base Attack Range: 175
  • Base Armor: 28.3
  • Armor Growth: 3.75
  • Base Magic Resist: 32.1
  • Magic Resist Growth: 1.25
  • Base HP Regen Per Second: 1.4684
  • HP Regen Per Second Growth: 0.13


Fury of the Xer'Said (Passive)
Dealing damage while un-burrowed generates Fury. 
Burrowing consumes Fury over 5 seconds to restore up to X (25 per level) health. During this time, Rek'Sai's next attack or ability that generates Fury will grant an additional 15 bonus fury.

Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker (Q)
No Cost
Cooldown: 4 sec at all ranks 
Burrowed Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7 
Un-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 basic attacks within 5 seconds deal 15/35/55/75/95 (+.4 Bonus AD) bonus Physical Damage to nearby enemies. 
Burrowed: Rek'Sai launches a burst of void-charged earth that explodes on first unit
hit dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+1 AP) Magic Damage and revealing enemies hit for 2.5 seconds.

Burrow / Unborrow (W)
No Cost
Cooldown: 4 seconds at all ranks 
Un-Burrowed: Burrow into the ground. 
Burrowed: Un-burrow, dealing 60/110/160/210/260 (+.5 Bonus AD) Physical Damage and knocking up nearby enemies for up to 1 second based on their proximity to Rek'Sai. A unit cannot be hit by Un-burrow more than once every 10 seconds. 
Burrowed Effects: New abilities, +15 Movement Speed, reduces vision range, disabled basic attacks, and gains Tremor Sense: Nearby enemies that move in the Fog of War have their position revealed to Rek'Sai and her allies.

Furious Bite / Tunnel (E)
No Cost 
Cooldown: 12 
Borrowed Cooldown: 20/19.5/19/18.5/18 
Un-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target dealing (80/90/100/110/120% AD) Physical Damage, increasing by up to 100% at maximum Fury. If Rek'Sai has 100 Fury, Furious Bite deals True Damage. 
Max Damage: X 
Burrowed: Rek'Sai tunnels forward leaving two connected Tunnel Entrances. Clicking a Tunnel Entrance will make Rek'Sai dive to the other entrance.
Tunnel Entrances last for 10 minutes and can be destreoyed by enemies. Rek'Sai may have 8 tunnels at one time
[A small Flash when you reach 100 fury]
[These tunnels also show up on the mini map.]

Void Rush (R)
No Cost 
Cooldown: 150/110/80
Passive: Grants 20/40/60% Attack Speed. 
Active: After channeling for 1.5 seconds, Rek'Sai travels to target Tunnel Entrance. Taking damage from a champion or tower will interrupt the channel.


Rather than traditional speech,, Rek'Sai's voiceover clocks in with over 7 minutes of terrifying and bestial sounds.


Rek'Sai's short form in-client lore entry:
"The largest and fiercest of her species, Rek’Sai is a merciless predator that tunnels through the earth to ambush and devour her prey. Her insatiable hunger has laid waste to entire regions of the once-great Shuriman empire. Merchants, traders and armed caravans will go hundreds of miles out of their way to avoid these vast areas, though cunning bandits have been known to lure the unwary into her killing grounds. Once Rek’Sai detects you, your fate is sealed. There is no hope of escape; she is death from below the sand."

and here is her longer creative spotlight "Rek'Sai: Scourge of the Desert", which is set as a latter that tells of Rek'Sai and her species the Xer'Sai:
"My Dearest Merina,

Arriving in Bel’zhun at last! Though it pains me to leave our beloved country, I am certain Shurima will make my fortune. Uncle Velius left word that, in addition to cartography, I’m to draw “anything and everything of value or interest, especially wildlife.” For this meager service, I’m to be paid an additional three gold securi a day! You need only avoid your mother’s matchmaking for a little while longer. I will soon be able to return to you as a worthy suitor. There are no obstacles that could divert or slow me from that pursuit.

Below is a picture of the view from my window. I couldn’t help but laugh when our innkeeper called his home “a luxurious city!” Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.
Though his payments arrive regularly, I still have yet to catch up with Uncle. It is disconcerting that all I remember of him was his unrelenting mantra that “the lifeblood of the empire is our bureaucracy.”

I find myself employed as part of our nation’s endless clerical staff; ironically, not within its borders, but operating in these uncivilized lands.

My cartographic mission received an unexpected boon after I purchased an ancient stone map. The unsavory dealer was obviously a tomb raider or thief (like most Shurimans), but the item was too precious to pass by.
Today, the caravan hired teams of elujrav’i’, or “bell riders.”

These old men and boys will scout ahead to warn us of any approaching threats. The caravan master also purchased a few dozen saih’kharash’i, or “sand walkers.” These peasants — poor, even by this country’s miserable standards — will trot beside the caravan for their meals. If we find ourselves pursued, we will quickly outpace these unfortunates, leaving them behind as fodder.

In the southern desert, a great deal of suffering is endured to avoid the xer’sai and the other outerbeasts. That my unseen benefactor continues to lead me deeper into this strange and primitive land is unsettling.
A dead xer’sai.

The average-sized specimen was killed a few days ago after annihilating a herd of Eka’Sul goats. Its repulsive flesh oozes and bubbles, while decomposing at an abnormally rapid rate. Not surprisingly, the creatures are inedible. Xer’sai apparently burst from their small burrows and savage anything nearby. That this unimpressive beast should inspire such terror in the caravan’s guards speaks to their ignorance and weakness.
 With fifty securi, we purchased a ralsiji. The belligerent giant will make for an impressive display in the arena, but it lacks the ferocity of the xer’sai. Uncle Velius sent word the team is to concentrate on searching for live xer’sai. He has promised me three hundred securi for each good-sized specimen we procure! At that price, I could return home in a month with all of the fortune needed to proceed with our nuptials! I pray your cousin has stopped pestering you to meet that idiot, Genden Belgaunt.
We have entered the “sai,” the rolling plains of sand and sharp stones that define the harsh, southern desert. This is where I will finally be able to catch these mysterious creatures Uncle has fixated on. Within a fortnight, I hope to escape this hateful country’s grinding poverty and the unending silence that defines this land. There is no unnecessary noise permitted in the southland. No laughter. No idle conversation. Natives wait silently by their caravans, listening for the bells that warn of raiders or beasts. How I long to talk openly and to hear your sweet voice again.
A xer’sai the size of your pet hound attacked us yesterday.

Thankfully, our spotters saw it, and our spearmen were able to deploy in time. After it took down one of our guards, his fellows were rightfully enraged, and killed it. Though I could have sold the beast for two hundred securi, I cannot, and will not, blame my guards for taking their vengeance. The deceased wasn’t a man in our noble arenas, chasing fortune and fame; he was butchered by a vile thing without any hope for glory or wealth.

So much of Shurima seems a hateful place, determined to punish any who visit it and grind its inhabitants into submission. I am ashamed to think I once derided the people who live here.
For weeks, I’ve been hearing stories about Rek’Sai — an infamous xer’sai of unmatched size, ferocity, and speed.

“Perfect for the arena!” I laughed, grimly mocking Uncle’s repeated missives. Ridiculing my benefactor to our Shuriman trackers and guards must seem like madness to you, but I find myself feeling more connected to them than to our Noxian traditions. The desert has changed me. It is the absence of everything, and as such, it brings that which is important into sharp relief. Why should a man care for the amusements of the arena? What cherished memory is made there? It is the subtle curve of your cheek and the hint of a smile at your mouth’s edge that keeps the dread of this place at bay. I loathe the thought of Genden Belgaunt courting you and that your family considers him a worthy suitor.
Despite its bleakness, this empty outpost still possessed the only drinking water for leagues, and even spending a few hours in the shade of its ruins was a sweet relief from the unrelenting sun. Supposedly, Rek’Sai annihilated it decades ago. A few weeks past, I would have shrugged this off as yet another ignorant superstition of the desert folk. But I’ve seen too much death. I have walked past the bones of thousands. What sort of monster is capable of inflicting such horror?

Even with the supposed expertise of our Noxian trappers, I find myself doubting we have the means to capture this beast.
A burrow of Rek’Sai.

What possessed me to follow Uncle’s Noxian trappers there? And on the threshold of this beast’s realm, with the evidence right before us, why didn’t we turn back? It was as if we were standing on the edge of a great cliff and were seized by some primal instinct to lean against that emptiness until we plummeted to our deaths.

Thankfully, my Shuriman friends convinced me to turn back before it was too late. I wish I had heeded their advice to look away from the events that followed.

Truly, I cannot even explain what I saw. No violence in the arena could begin to describe this creature’s unspeakable horror. What I witnessed, within the blink of an eye, returns to me endlessly. I do not sleep for fear of seeing it again, and its memory seems always on the edge of my vision. The outerbeasts are a plague, which destroyed these lands, but Rek’Sai is death incarnate.

I hope I never see this unforgiving desert again, and yet, I know now I could never return to Noxus. I do not see our nation as strong. We are as arrogant and foolish as children.

I am seeking a position near the Demacian border or in the southern jungles – anywhere that takes me far from the devastation this creature has wrought. Would it be possible for you to live outside of our capital? Sadly, I know your answer. I must accept that long ago you moved on from my failed courtship, while I was trapped in a limbo of my own design.

I have enclosed the stone artifact I acquired and based my maps on. It is a wedding gift. I truly hope you will find happiness with Genden Belgaunt, but I pray you will not end our correspondence.
And in hope and love, I will always wait for your letters at the edge of our empire’s domain.


Ten drawings accompany the letter, which are displayed individually blow but side by side with the text on the site.

Release Skin

Eternum Rek'Sai

1350 RP (on sale for 975 RP through 12/18) or 1462 RP in her release bundle through 12/18

Login Theme

Looking for more on Rek'Sai? Check out these links for more from her development!

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