2/3 PBE Update #2: DJ Sona

The PBE has been updated with DJ Sona, our next ultimate tier skin!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

New Ultimate skin -  DJ Sona

Before we take a look at DJ Sona, here's Nurse Flan with a status update on DJ Sona on the PBE:
"Update: The second PBE deploy has addressed some important DJ Sona assets, but we are still in the process of fixing a last critical audio issue. We're getting there!"

As for this - the 2/3 PBE Update #2 - Kinetic and Consussive's in-game music is NOT WORKING. Only Ethereal is working at the moment. She is also still missing a few things we have already seen on her announcement page, such as her splash art, summoner icons & profile banner, and more.

DJ Sona

DJ Sona has three different forms which she can toggle through typing in "/toggle" or by hitting Control + 5! Each of these three forms has it's own set of animations, visual effects, sound effects, and more, as well as unique music that evolves as the game progresses!


[There are currently a "critical audio issue" - Sounds and Audio may be off or missing]

Autoattack :
Power Chord Ready
Power Chord
Hymn of Valor (Q)
Aria of Perseverance (W)
Song of Celerity (E)
Crescendo (R)


[There are currently a "critical audio issue" - Sounds and Audio may be off or missing]

Auto Attack
Power Chord Ready
Power Chord
Hymn of Valor (Q)
Aria of Perseverance (W) 
Song of Celerity (E)
Crescendo (R)


[There are currently a "critical audio issue" - Sounds and Audio may be off or missing]

Auto Attack
Power Chord Ready
Power Chord
Hymn of Valor (Q)
Aria of Perseverance (W)
Song of Celerity (E)
Crescendo (R)

Be sure to look over the earlier DJ Sona announcement for a detailed rundown of all of DJ Sona's extras, some of which have not made it on to the PBE yet - such as her splash art, summoner icons, and profile banners - and radio edits of Kinetic, Concussive, and Ethereal!

Check out THIS PAGE for a comprehensive list of the new content in this PBE cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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