Bard, The Wandering Caretaker, now available!

Our latest champion, Bard, The Wandering Caretaker, is now available for purchase and play!
During his first week of availability, Bard will be priced at 975 RP / 7800 IP, after which he will drop to the standard 6300 IP price point. Alternatively, you can pick up Bard and Elderwood Bard in his limited time release bundle for 1462 RP through March 16th.

Continue reading for a magical journey through Bard's abilities, lore, and a preview of his release skin!

Bard, The Wandering Caretaker

7800 IP on release, 6300 IP after one week // 975 RP // 1462 RP in Release Bundle until 3/16

Stats and Abilities

For a rundown on Bard's abilities, check out his champion spotlight:

  • Base HP: 535
  • HP Growth: 85
  • Base Mana: 350
  • Mana Growth: 50
  • Base HP Regen Per Second: 1.08
  • HP Regen Per Second Growth: 0.11
  • Base Mana Regen Per Second: 1.2
  • Mana Regen Per Second Growth: 0.09
  • Movement Speed: 330
  • Attack Range: 500
  • Base Damage: 46
  • Damage Growth: 3
  • Base Armor: 21
  • Armor Growth: 4
  • Magic Resist: 30
  • Magic Resist Growth: 0

 [Meeps, Passive, Q, W, E , R]

Passive: Traveler’s Call
Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.
  • Meeps currently deal 30 (+.3 AP) magic damage. A new meep appears every X seconds, max of X  
Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience,  mana [8% missing +15], and out-of-combat movement speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.
  • X  chimes collected - with  X more, X happens
  • 5 Chimes : Meeps apply a 25% slow for 1 second
  • 10 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 25 more damage. 
  • 15 Chimes: Bard will be able to have 1 more meep following at once
  • 20 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 25 more damage. 
  • 25 Chimes: Meep attacks will strike through their target
  • 30 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 30 more damage. 
  • 35 Chimes: Meeps will reappear 1 second faster
  • 40 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 30 more damage
  • 45 Chimes: Meep attacks will slow by 45%
  • 50 Chimes :Meep attacks deal 35 more damage
  • 55 Chimes: Bard will be able to have 1 more meep following at once
  • 60 Chimes :Meep attacks deal 35 more damage,
  • 65 Chimes: Meep attack strike-through cone increases in size. 
  • 70 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 35 more damage. 
  • 75 Chimes: Meeps will reappear 1 second faster 
  • 80 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 35 more damage. 
  • 85 Chimes: Meep attacks will slow by 60%
  • 90 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 30 (or 35?) more damage
  • 95 Chimes: Bard will be able to have 1 more meep following at once 
  • 100 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 30 more damage
  • 105 Chimes: Meeps will reappear 1 second faster. 
  • 110 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 30 more damage
  • 115 Chimes: Meep attacks will slow by 70%
  • 120 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 25 more damage
  • 125 Chimes: Meeps will reappear 1 second faster
  • 130 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 25 more damage
  • 135 Chimes: Meep attacks will slow by 75%
  • 140 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 20 more damage
  • 145 Chimes: Meep attacks will slow by 80%
  • 150 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 20 more damage.
  • ( Every 5 chimes after 150 adds 20 damage )

Q: Cosmic Binding
Mana Cost: 60 at all ranks
Cooldown:  11/10/9/8/7 seconds
[Range Example
Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing 75/110/145/180/215 (+0.5 AP) magic damage to one or two enemies. The first target hit will be slowed by 60% for 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8 second(s). 
If the bolt hits another enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are stunned for 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8 second(s).
W: Caretaker’s Shrine
Mana Cost: 100/105/110/115/120
Cooldown: 12 seconds at all ranks 
[Range Example]  
Bard raises a health shrine that immediately offers 30/60/90/120/150  (+0.2 AP) health, but restores up to 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.45 AP) health as it gathers power for 10 seconds. The shrine's effect also grants 50% decaying movement speed for 1.5 seconds. 
Bard can have up to 3 shrines active at once, which remain until visited by an ally  champion or crushed by an enemy champion.

E: Magical Journey
Mana Cost: 30 at all ranks
Cooldown: 26/24/22/20/18 seconds 
Bard opens a one-way corridor through nearby terrain. Both allies and enemies can use the corridor by right-clicking on any part of it while near its entrance, with allies travelling 10/20/30/40/50% faster than enemies. 
The corridor disappears after 10 seconds.
[These portals go the length of the terrain]

R: Tempered Fate
Mana Cost: 100 at all ranks
Cooldown: 130/115/90 seconds
[Range Example]  

Bard sends magical energy arcing to a target location. On impact, all champions, minions, monsters, and turrets in the target area are put in stasis, becoming invincible, untargetable, and unable to act for 2.5 seconds. 
Epic monsters are also put into stasis, despite normally being immune to disables.


Rather than a traditional voiceover, Bard as a vocals a series of tones and sounds! These sounds change as Bard accumulates more meeps using his passive!

Bard's Champion select quote:


Here's Bard's short form client lore entry:
"Bard travels through realms beyond the imagination of mortal beings. Some of Valoran's greatest scholars have spent their lives trying to understand the mysteries he embodies. This enigmatic spirit has been given many names throughout the history of Valoran, but titles such as Cosmic Vagabond and Great Caretaker only capture a fleeting aspect of his true purpose. When the unknowable structure of the universe is threatened, Bard steers all existence away from utter annihilation."

You can also find a glimpse into Bard's role as the Wandering Caretaker in the Bard: Mountain animation!

"When Runeterra’s sacred treasures are misused, the Wandering Caretaker intervenes."

Release Skin - Elderwood Bard

Of course, Bard's release also includes his first skin - Elderwood Bard!

Elderwood Bard

975 RP or 1462 RP as part of the release bundle until 3/16

Login Theme

More info

Looking for more on Bard? Check out these links!

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