5/21 PBE Update: Sandstorm Ekko splash art and Abyssal Scepter rework reverted

[~5:45 PM PDT - 5/22 Update: A small update was pushed to the PBE with typical end of cycle- bug fix & wrap up type stuff as is usual for an update this late in the cycle.]

As we near the end of the 5.10 PBE cycle, a small patch has been pushed to the PBE! Today's update includes the splash art for Sandstorm Ekko and a revert of the Abyssal Scepter rework.
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

New Splash Art

As we near the end of the cycle, today's PBE patch includes the splash art for Ekko's release skin Sandstorm Ekko!

Sandstorm Ekko

Check out our 5.10 PBE megapost for a better look at Sandstorm Ekko (975 RP) in-game!

Testing changes to ranked inactivity notifications

[Added 5/22 ~5:45 PDT]

Here's Riot Mirross with information on changes to the ranked inactivity notification:
"Hey everyone, 
We're testing some changes to inactivity (decay) in the upper tiers of ranked play. Previously, you'd get a one-time notification as you approached the decay threshold, but now we're dialing up the frequency of inactivity warnings to ensure the risk of decay stays front-of-mind. We just want to make sure players don't simply forget to maintain the ranking they worked so hard for. 
Players in danger of ranked decay will receive inactivity warnings every time they log in until becoming active again. Previously this notification occurred just once. 
MASTER & CHALLENGER SOLO: Decay starts after 10 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 3 days
MASTER & CHALLENGER TEAM: Decay starts after 28 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 9 days
PLAT & DIAMOND SOLO AND TEAM: Decay starts after 28 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 9 days 
Let me know your thoughts!
-Riot Mirross"

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.

  • Chronobreak (R) cooldown increased to 110/90/70 from 90/80/70

Abyssal Scepter
  • As it will not be going live in 5.10, the Abyssal Scepter rework has been reverted and the item is back to live stats and functionality.  Expect the rework to return next PBE cycle.

Mandrake Ward

Check out THIS PAGE for a comprehensive list of the new content in this PBE cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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