Red Post Collection: Abyssal Scepter Changes soon, Context on Riven R Missile Speed Nerf, and more

Tonight's red post collection includes Reinboom noting Abyssal Scepter changes will be on the PBE soon, Meddler with context on the PBE Riven R missile speed nerf, Lyte on the upcoming "Instant Feedback System", and more!
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Abyssal Scepter Update on PBE soon

Following the 5.8 changes to The Black Cleaver,  Riot Reinboom shared on  twitter that she'll have an Abyssal Scepter changes on the PBE for the 5.10 Cycle:
[1] "Working on an Abyssal Scepter update that should show up in PBE soon. It's not set for the next patch tho as we're still trying to tune it."
[2]  "Thoughts are to concentrate it on the play pattern of AP bruisers (and AP tanks a bit). We're looking at MR for mages elsewhere."
She continued:
[3] "We looked at Abyssal and BC in kind of sister spots, they are both (newly) solidly aimed at the bruiser space. :)"

When asked for more details, she noted:
[4] "Soon! We're still cleaning up the stats to fill its new play pattern. You'll get to see it once those are locked in. :)"

She did note that it despite testing during the PBE cycle will not be likely be released in 5.10 though
[5] "Even though it'll be on PBE soon, it won't be in 5.10 likely (unless we figure out mage MR fast). Abyssal was kind of awkward 1/2"

[6] "anyways in that space, but we definitely want to make sure there's not a gaping hole of feel bad defenses on mages."

Meddler on Riven PBE R Missile Speed Decrease

When asked about the PBE change to reduce the speed of Riven's R missile from 2200 to 1600, Meddler commented:
"We're testing a reduction to Riven's ult's travel speed to give her opponents a bit more time to react to it at longer range. The idea is that it should be more realistic to get off a clutch flash, heal or shield to save yourself or someone else if Riven's not directly on top of you when she uses Windslash. 
Windslash speed certainly isn't one of Riven's core strengths and that's the reason we're hitting it. It's an opportunity to cut a bit of power off a champion we think's a bit strong without having to nerf her in a way that affects the things she's meant to be good at."
He continued:
It seems that people still don't get that you guys prefer to nerf weaknesses, not strengths. 
Otherwise, I'm not on PBE. But I like the idea of the nerf. I play Riven here and there, and I've always thought her ult was just "too easy." I've secured kills I shouldn't have with it, I've stolen Dragons with it. Iv'e also died to it knowing it was coming. 
The problem is, some people want to see Riven gutted, while others want no change whatsoever. No one seems to want the middle ground.
Yup, if we can find a way to make strengths stronger and weaknesses more pronounced that's generally the direction we prefer to go. Goal there is to try and make (or keep) champions distinct from each other so that they impact other players in different ways, require different skills to master, allow you to pull off unique stuff etc. We will sometimes have to hit a champion's strengths if they're fundamentally problematic, it's not our first choice of approach though."

No Plans for a new Lissandra Passive

When asked if he still had plans to try to rework Lissandra's passive into something more interesting, Meddler commented that while he tried out a few things nothing is currently in the works:
"No current plans/nothing in progress right now. Did some experimentation a while back with a shield passive based off CCing enemies, wasn't able to hit on a version that generated sufficient decisions and satisfaction without putting a lot more power into it than could be afforded without nerfing her significantly elsewhere though. Might take another crack at passive explorations at some point, would be inclined to explore other variants on mana or mana regen effects next. See whether pushing the 'Lissandra has different interactions with mana costs and casting' aspect can be accentuated more."

[PBE] Beta Test for Instant Feedback System

Here's Lyte with more information on the Instant Feedback System that is now enabled on the PBE for testing:
"Hey everyone, 
We've just started a test of the Instant Feedback System on the PBE.
During this first test, player reports help the system recognize and punish instances of verbal harassment like homophobia, racism, sexism, excessive abuse and death threats immediately. We're starting with these exceptionally negative expressions because we already know the community emphatically rejects this kind of behavior. 
If a player receives enough valid reports to trigger the system, within 15 minutes, the system will examine the case and determine whether the reported player behaved in a manner that should be punished. If confirmed, we email the player with the relevant chat logs and info about the appropriate punishment he or she will receive. 
This is the first step in a plan for a new cohesive player behavior experience in League of Legends, and we’ll be talking more about this vision this month including how players can engage with the systems and contribute to making the community a better place."
He continued:
"As an additional note, we'll also be talking a bit more about the new voting experience where players can log into a website, review chat logs and vote on whether the behaviors are negative, neutral or positive. 
I'll be around the next few hours in case there are questions,"

As for how much it will take to trigger this new system, Lyte explained:
"It depends on the nature of the behaviors. If it's a death threat (an extreme example), 1 report might be enough to validate the behavior and the system will immediately deliver the punishment."
He continued:
You all are obviously very concerned about taking control away from players for punishment. Does this indicate a general shift in philosophy toward broader, more systematic behavior coaching, or is this the an extreme case treatment that was deemed low cost / high impact? 
Essentially, why automate verbal harassment now, and not with the launch of a new Tribunal?
Actually, it's the reverse. 
We're going to give players even more ability to directly influence these systems through their reports, honors, and voting in the future. All of the "automatic" systems are 100% informed by player data, and not by our own guidelines or rulesets. 
However, we finished Reform Cards awhile ago and just felt that there would be value in launching that feature first, even if the other features are not ready yet.

When asked if this feature will be going to live in 5.9, Lyte noted:
"If testing goes well, we'll be starting the roll-out to all servers starting with EU and NA."

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