Bilgewater: Burning Tides - Act One

The Bilgewater site has been updated with ACT ONE of Bilgewater: Burning Tides!
Continue reading for content previews and a look at the first act of Burning Tides!

The Bilgewater: Burning Tides webpage has been updated with the start of ACT ONE, complete with new stories, a look into the world of Bilgewater, and a slew of new content ( which is coming our way in 5.14)!
"For many of those fleeing justice, debt, or persecution, Bilgewater is a city of new beginnings. But for some, the past is something you can never escape."

Table of Contents


First up, we have a new story revolving around Bilgewater's champions - Graves, Twisted Fate, and Gangplank. Check out Act One in four parts:

The Rat Town slaughter docks; they smell as bad as their name suggests. 
And yet here I am, hidden in the shadows, breathing the blood-and-bile stink of butchered sea serpents. 
I melt deeper into the darkness, pulling the brim of my hat down low over my face as heavily armed members of the Jagged Hooks stalk by. 
They’ve got a reputation for savagery, these boys. In a fair fight, they might take me down, but I’m not big on playing fair, and I’m not here to fight. Not this time. 
So what brings me here, to one of the foulest districts in Bilgewater? 
Money. What else? 
It was a gamble, taking on this job, but the payout is big enough that I couldn’t pass it up. And besides, I cased this place to stack the deck in my favor. 
I don’t intend to linger. I want to be in and out as quickly and as quietly as possible. Once the job’s done, I aim to collect my payment and be gone before dawn. All goes well, I’ll be halfway to Valoran before anyone knows the damn thing’s missing. 
The thugs turn the corner of the massive slaughter shed. Means I’ve got two minutes until they swing back around - plenty of time. 
The silver moon slides behind a bank of clouds, covering the wharf in shadow. Crates from the day’s work are scattered across the dock. It makes for easy cover. 
I see lookouts on top of the main warehouse, silhouettes standing watch, crossbows in hand. They’re gossiping loudly like fishwives. I could be wearing bells and these idiots still wouldn’t hear me. 
They think no one would be fool enough to come here. 
A bloated corpse hangs overhead, a warning for all to see. It spins slowly in the midnight breeze coming off the harbor. It’s an ugly sight. A huge hook, the type used to catch devilfish, holds the body aloft. 
Stepping over rusted chains lying limp upon wet stone, I pass between a pair of towering cranes. They’re used to haul giant sea creatures into the slaughter sheds for butchering. 
It’s those looming factories that are the source of the gods-awful stench that permeates everything here. I’m gonna need to buy myself a new set of clothes once this is over. 
Across the bay, past the chum-churned waters of the slaughter docks, scores of ships lie at anchor, their lanterns swaying gently. One of the vessels draws my eye; a massive, black-sailed war galleon. I know whose ship that is. Everyone in Bilgewater knows. 
I take a moment to gloat. I’m about to steal from the most powerful man in town. There’s always a certain thrill that comes from spitting in death’s eye. 
As expected, the main warehouse is locked up tighter than a noblewoman’s virtue. Guards posted at every entrance. Doors locked and barred. For anyone other than me, it would be impossible to break into. 
I duck into a blind alley opposite the warehouse. It’s a dead end, and it’s not as dark as I’d have liked. If I’m still here when the patrol comes back, they will see me. And if they get ahold of me, the best I can hope for is a quick death. More likely, I’ll be taken to him... and that would be a far more painful, drawn out way to go. 
The trick, as always, is not to get caught. 
Then I hear them. The bruisers are returning early. I have seconds, at best. I snap a card from my sleeve and weave it through my fingers; it’s as natural as breathing. This is the easy part, the rest can’t be rushed. 
I let my mind drift as the card starts to glow. Pressure builds around me, and I’m nearly overcome with the promise of everywhere. Half-closing my eyes, I focus, and picture where I need to be. 
Then, there’s the familiar lurch in the guts as I shift. A displacement of air, and I’m inside the warehouse. Gone with barely a trace. 
Damn, I’m good. 
One of the Jagged Hooks outside might glance up the alley and notice a single playing card falling to the ground, but probably not. 
It takes a moment for me to get my bearings. Dim light from the lanterns outside creeps in through the cracks in the walls. My eyes adjust. 
The warehouse is crowded, stacked high with treasures from all over the Twelve Seas: gleaming suits of armor, exotic works of art, shining silks. All things of considerable value, but not what I’m here for. 
My attention is drawn to the loading doors at the front of the warehouse, where I know I’ll find the most recent arrivals. I run my fingertips across the various cartons and crates... until I come to a small, wooden box. I can feel the power emanating from within. This is what I’m here for. 
I unlatch the lid. 
My prize is revealed; a knife of exquisite design, lying upon a bed of black velvet. I reach for it— 
I freeze. There’s no mistaking that sound. 
Before he even speaks, I know who’s standing behind me in the darkness. 
“T.F.,” says Graves. “It’s been a long time.”

I’ve been here for hours. Some folks might get bored standing still this long, but I’ve got my anger to keep me company. I ain’t leaving this spot until I settle the score. 
Long after midnight, the snake finally shows. He suddenly appears in the warehouse, using that same old magic trick. I prime my shotgun, ready to turn him inside out. After years spent looking for that treacherous son of a bitch here he is, dead to rights at the end of Destiny’s barrels. 
“T.F.,” I say. “It’s been a long time.” 
I had better words ready for this moment. Funny how they all went out the window as soon as I saw him. 
But T.F.? His face shows nothing. No fear, no regret, no hint of surprise. Not even while facing down a loaded gun. Gods damn him. 
“Malcolm, how long have you been standing there?” he asks, the smile in his voice enrages me. 
I take aim. I can pull the trigger and leave him deader than sea scum. 
I should. 
Not yet, though. I need to hear him say it. “Why’d you do it?” I ask, knowing full well he’ll just come back with something clever. 
“Is the gun really necessary? I thought we were friends.” 
Friends. The bastard’s mocking me. Now I want to tear his smug head off – but I’ve got to keep my cool. 
“You’re looking as dapper as ever,” he says. 
I look down at the devilfish bites on my clothes. I had to swim to get past the guards. 
Ever since he got a little money, T.F.’s been a stickler for appearance. I can’t wait to mess him up. But first, I want answers. 
“Tell me why you left me to take the fall, or they’ll be pickin’ bits of your pretty face out of the rafters.” This is how you’ve got to be with T.F. Give him room, and he’ll pull your strings ‘til you don’t know which end’s your ass. 
His slipperiness came in handy when we were partners. 
“Ten damn years in the Locker! Know what that does to a man?” 
He doesn’t. For once, he’s got nothing cute to say. He knows he did me wrong. 
“They did things to me that would’ve driven most men mad. All that kept me from breaking was my anger. And thinking about this moment, right here.” 
Then comes the clever reply: “Sounds like I kept you alive. Maybe you should thank me.” 
That one gets me. I’m so mad, I can barely see. He’s trying to goad me. Then, when I’m blind with rage, he’ll do his little disappearing act. I take a breath and leave the bait alone. He’s surprised I ain’t biting. This time, I’m getting answers. 
“How much did they pay you to sell me out?” I growl. 
T.F. stands there, smiling, just trying to buy some time. 
“Malcolm, I’ll be happy to have this conversation with you, but this really isn’t a good time or place.” 
Almost too late, I notice the card dancing through his fingers. I snap out of it and squeeze the trigger. 
His card’s gone. Almost took his damn hand off, too. 
“Idiot!” he barks. I finally made him lose his cool. “You just woke up the whole damned island! Y’know whose place this is?” 
I don’t care. 
I ready a second shot. I barely see his hands move, then cards explode all around me. I fire back, not sure if I want him dead or just almost dead. 
Before I can find him again in the smoke, fury, and splintering wood, a door gets kicked open. 
A dozen thugs come roaring in, just to add to the damn mess. 
“So, do you really want to do this?” T.F. asks, ready to throw another fistful of cards at me. 
I nod, and hold my gun steady on him. 
It’s time to settle up. 

Things get ugly. Fast. 
The whole damned warehouse is crawling with Jagged Hooks, but Malcolm couldn’t care less. I’m all he’s interested in. 
I sense Graves’s next shot coming and turn away. The boom of his gun is deafening. A box explodes where I’d been a fraction of a second earlier. 
I do believe my old partner is trying to kill me. 
Somersaulting over a stack of mammoth ivory, I whip a trio of cards in his direction. Before they hit home, I’m already ducking into cover, looking for an out. I only need a few seconds. 
He curses loudly, but the cards won’t do more than slow him down. He’s always been a tough bastard. Stubborn, too. Never knows when to let things go. 
“You ain’t gettin’ away, T.F,” he growls. “Not this time.” 
Yep, that trait’s still riding him hard. 
He’s wrong, though — as usual. I’ll be taking my leave as soon as possible. There’s no use talking to him when he’s out for blood. 
Another blast, and shrapnel ricochets off a priceless suit of Demacian armor, embedding into the walls and floor. I dart left and right, weaving and feinting, sprinting from cover to cover. He sticks with me, roaring his threats and accusations, his shotgun barking in his hands. Graves moves fast for a big man. I’d almost forgotten that. 
He’s not my only problem. The damned fool’s stirred up a hornet’s nest with all his shooting and hollering. The Jagged Hooks are all over us, but they’re smart enough to leave some men barring the main doors. 
I have to get gone — but I’m not leaving without what I came for. 
I’ve led Graves on a merry dance around the warehouse, and I arrive back where we started a moment before he does. There are Hooks between me and my prize, and more coming, but there’s no time to wait. The card in my hand glows red, and I hurl it dead center of the warehouse doors. The detonation blows them off their hinges and scatters the Hooks. I move in. 
One of them recovers faster than I expect, and he swings at me with a hatchet. I sway around the blow and kick out his knee, hurling another spread of cards at his friends to keep them honest. 
My path clear, I swipe the ornate dagger I’ve been hired to steal, hooking it onto my belt. After all this trouble, might as well get paid. 
The gaping loading doors beckon, but there are too many damned Hooks piling in. There’s no way out there, so I make for the only quiet corner left in this madhouse.
A card is dancing in my hand as I prepare to shift, but as I start to drift away, Graves appears, stalking me like a rabid bear. Destiny bucks in his grip, and a Jagged Hook is shot to tatters. 
Graves’s glare is drawn to the card glowing in my hand. He knows what it means, and swings the smoking barrels of his gun at me. I’m forced to move, interrupting my concentration. 
“Can’t run forever,” he bellows after me. 
For once, he’s not stupid. He’s not giving me the time I need. 
He’s keeping me off my game, and the thought of being taken down by these Hooks is starting to weigh on me. Their boss is not known for his mercy. 
Among the dozen other thoughts rattling around my head is the nagging feeling that I’ve been set up. I’m thrown an easy job out of nowhere, a big score just when I need it most - and surprise, there’s my old partner standing there waiting for me. Someone a lot smarter than Graves is playing me for a fool. 
I’m better than this. I’d kick myself for being sloppy, but there’s a dock full of goons waiting to save me the trouble. 
Right now, all that matters is getting the hell away from here. Two blasts from that damned gun of Malcolm’s send me scurrying. My back slams against a dusty wooden crate. A crossbow bolt lodges in the rotted wood behind me, just inches from my head. 
“No way out, sunshine,” Graves yells. 
I look around and see fire from the explosion starting to spread to the roof. He may have a point. 
“We’ve been sold out, Graves,” I shout. 
“You’d know all about that,” he replies. 
I try reasoning with him. 
“We work together, we can get out of this.” 
I must be desperate. 
“I’d see us both dead before I trust you again,” he snarls. 
I didn’t expect anything else. Talking sense to him just makes him angrier, which is exactly what I need. The distraction buys me just enough time to shift outside the warehouse. 
I can hear Graves roaring inside. No doubt he just rounded on my spot only to find me gone, a single card on the ground, taunting him. 
I launch a barrage of cards through the loading doors behind me. It’s long past time for subtlety. 
I feel bad for a moment about leaving Graves in a burning building - but I know it won’t kill him. He’s too stubborn for that. Besides, a fire on the docks is a serious deal in a port town. It might buy me some time. 
As I search for the quickest way off the slaughter docks, the sound of an explosion makes me look over my shoulder. 
Graves appears, stepping through the hole he’s just blown out the side of the warehouse. He’s got murder in his eyes. 
I tip my hat to him and run. He comes after me, shotgun booming. 
I have to admire the man’s determination. 
Hopefully it won’t kill me tonight.

The young urchin’s eyes were wide and panicked as he was led toward the captain’s quarters. 
It was the agonized screams emanating from the door at the end of the passageway that gave him second thoughts. The cries echoing through the claustrophobic decks of the enormous, black warship were heard by every crewman aboard the Dead Pool — as intended. 
The first mate, his face a web of scars, rested a reassuring hand on the boy’s shoulder. They came to a halt before the door. The child winced as another tortured wail issued from within. 
“Steady,” said the first mate. “The captain’ll want to hear what you’ve got to say.”
With that, he rapped sharply on the door. It was opened a moment later by a hulking brute with facial tattoos and a broad, curved blade strapped across his back. The boy didn’t hear the words spoken between the two men; his gaze was locked on the heavyset figure seated with his back to him. 
He was a big man, the captain, and of middling years. His neck and shoulders were thick and bullish. His sleeves were rolled up, and his forearms slick with blood. A red greatcoat hung from a peg nearby, alongside his black tricorne. 
“Gangplank,” breathed the urchin, his voice thick with fear and awe. 
“Captain, I figured you’d want to hear this,” said the mate. 
Gangplank said nothing, nor did he turn, still intent as he was on his work. The scarred sailor nudged the boy forward. He stumbled before he caught his footing and shuffled closer. The child approached the captain of the Dead Pool as he would a cliff’s edge. His breath quickened as he caught full sight of the captain’s work. 
Basins of bloody water sat upon Gangplank’s desk, along with an array of knives, hooks, and gleaming surgical implements. 
A man lay upon the captain’s workbench, bound tightly with leather straps. Only his head was free. He looked around in wild desperation, neck straining, his face covered with sweat. 
The boy’s gaze was inexorably drawn to the man’s flayed left leg. The urchin suddenly realized he couldn’t remember what he came here to do. 
Gangplank turned from his work to stare at the visitor. His eyes were as cold and dead as a shark’s. He held a slender blade in one hand, delicately poised between his fingers, like a fine paintbrush. 
“It’s a dying art, scrimshaw,” said Gangplank, his attention returning to his work. “Few have the patience for carving bone these days. It takes time. See? Every cut has a purpose.” 
Somehow, the man was still alive, despite the ragged wound in his leg, the skin and flesh peeled back from his thighbone. Transfixed with horror, the lad saw the intricate designs the captain had carved upon that bone; coiling tentacles and waves. It was delicate work, beautiful even. That just made it even more terrible. 
Gangplank’s living canvas sobbed. 
“Please...” he moaned. 
Gangplank ignored the pathetic plea and set down his knife. He splashed a cup of cheap whiskey over his work, clearing it of blood. The man’s scream threatened to rip his own throat out, until he slumped into merciful unconsciousness, his eyes rolling back in his head. Gangplank grunted in disgust. 
“Remember this, boy,” Gangplank said. “Sometimes, even those who are loyal forget their place. Sometimes, it’s necessary to remind them. Real power is all about how people see you. Look weak, even for a moment, and you’re done.” 
The child nodded, his face now drained of color. 
“Wake him,” said Gangplank, gesturing toward the unconscious crewman. “The whole crew needs to hear his song.” 
As the ship’s surgeon stepped forward, Gangplank swung his gaze back to the child.
“Now,” he said. “What did you want to tell me?” 
“A... a man,” said the boy, his words faltering. “A man on the Rat Town docks.”
“Go on,” Gangplank said. 
“He was tryin’ not to be seen by the Hooks. But I seen him.” 
“Mm-hmm,” Gangplank muttered as he began to lose interest. He turned back to his work. 
“Keep goin’, lad,” the first mate urged. 
“He was playing around with some fancy deck of cards. They glowed funny.” 
Gangplank stood up from his chair, like a colossus rising from the depths. 
“Tell me where,” he said. 
The leather belt of his holster creaked in his tightening grip. 
“By the warehouse, the big one near the sheds.” 
Gangplank’s face flushed an angry shade of crimson as he pulled on his greatcoat and claimed his hat from its peg. His eyes glinted red in the lamplight. The child was not alone in taking a wary step back. 
“Give the boy a silver serpent and a hot meal,” the captain ordered to his first mate as he strode purposefully toward the cabin door. 
“And get everyone to the docks. We’ve got work to do.”

Be sure to check back when ACT II launches for the continuation of the story!


By checking out the Explore The World page, you'll find an interactive scene of the "The Warehouse" mentioned in the first part of the story complete with several pop up bits of information on Bilgewater, the Mother Serpent, and much more!

Here's the points of interest from "The Warehouse": 
  • Malcolm Graves, the Outlaw
    • Malcolm Graves is a wanted man in every realm, city-state, and empire he has visited. Tough, strong-willed, and above all relentless, through his life of crime he has amassed (then invariably lost) a small fortune.
  • Jagged Hooks banners
    • One of the oldest and fiercest dock gangs in Bilgewater, the Jagged Hooks swear undying allegiance to Gangplank. They take their name from the wickedly curved tools many of them use while hunting sea monsters.
  • The Bearded Lady
    • Also known as the Mother Serpent by the indigenous people of the islands around the city, the Bearded Lady is the patron deity of Bilgewater. Myths about her date back centuries, and it’s a reckless sailor who fails to drop the traditional tithe into the Serpent’s Well upon docking his ship in Bilgewater.
  • Silver Serpents
    • Traders, merchants, and corsairs from all over Runeterra bring wealth and goods through the thriving port every day. Only a fool turns away gold, no matter what foreign dignitary is stamped on a coin’s face, but Bilgewater does mint its own currency including Golden Krakens.
  • Hand-cannon
    • Relatively cheap, these repurposed weapons are popular among the myriad dock gangs, common brigands, and young corsairs alike. 
  • Crimson-coil dagger
    • Someone was willing to pay a considerable sum for this unassuming blade from Gangplank’s treasure trove. Its origins are unknown, as is its use.
  • The warehouse
    • Situated at the end of a pier, guarded on three sides by shark and razorfish-infested waters and on the fourth by the vicious Jagged Hooks dock gang, Gangplank’s warehouse is full of loot and spoils from every corner of the world.      
  • Fallen foes
    • One does not seize control of Bilgewater without crushing a few rivals along the way.


Moving on, the Live the Event focuses on the Burning Tides content that players will be able to experience for themselves, including a new ARAM map, champion skins, new merch, and more!

ARAM on Butcher's Bridge

Batten down the hatches because Burning Tides includes a brand new ARAM map - Butcher's Bridge!

"It’s an all-random melee on Butcher’s Bridge

Once an ancient stone bridge leading to a temple entrance, Butcher's Bridge has been kept up haphazardly and primarily serves now as a connection between the slaughter docks and one of Bilgewater’s slums. 

Event Skins

Next is a selection of skins that will releasing during the Burning Tides event!

First up is Cuttthroat Graves and Cutpurse Twisted Fate, both of which will be available for 750 RP each.
Cutthroat Graves
"As a young man, Malcolm Graves learned the value of human life, and then started charging more to end one."
Cutpurse Twisted Fate
"It didn’t take long for Twisted Fate to discover the importance of always keeping an ace--or a purse-slitting dagger--up one’s sleeve."
 [Video previews available here: Cuttthroat Graves and Cutpurse Twisted Fate ]

The page also has a third story skin that is locked. This skin, Captain Fortune will be released with Act 3.

Bilgewater Inspired Skins

The Bilgewater inspired skins, Corsair Quinn, Rogue Admiral Garen, and Sea Hunter Aatrox, are next on deck but won't be available until ACT 2 is released! 

Event Bundles

If new skins aren't making you walk the plank, there is also a selection of bundles available through August 10th!
Bilgewater veterans bundle  - 50% off 
Bilgewater-inspired artists and designers created alternate fantasy skins even before the city became the latest setting for a League event. Add these classic skins to your collection in this flexible cost bundle for 2996 RP (4118 RP if you need the champs) until 2:00 PDT on August 10, including Bilgewater Katarina, Bilgewater Swain, Bilgerat Rumble (Legacy), Fiddle Me Timbers, Buccaneer Tristana, and Pirate Ryze (Legacy).
Gangplank’s Saltscourged bundle - 25% off 
Seize control of Runeterra’s seas with Gangplank’s Saltscourged Bundle! This flexible cost bundle lays keel at 3535 RP (4127 RP if you need GP), lasts until 2:00 PDT on August 10, and includes Sailor Gangplank (Legacy), Special Forces Gangplank, Minuteman Gangplank, Toy Soldier Gangplank (Legacy), Sultan Gangplank, and Spooky Gangplank. 
Miss Fortune’s Bounty Hunter bundle - 25% off
Strut into action with the Bounty Hunter Bundle! This flexible cost bundle clocks in at 4547 RP (5139 RP if you need MF), lasts until 2:00 PDT on August 10, and includes Arcade Miss Fortune, Mafia Miss Fortune, Candy Cane Miss Fortune (Legacy), Road Warrior Miss Fortune (Legacy), Secret Agent Miss Fortune, Cowgirl Miss Fortune, and Waterloo Miss Fortune.

Ward Skins

Champion skins aren't the only content you'll be slapping down silver serpents for, we also have two new ward skins - Mother Serpent & Slaughter Fleet - and a new Bilgewater Crest summoner icon.
Mother Serpent (640 RP) and Slaughter Fleet (640 RP)
[Previews for the new Ward skins - Mother Serpent & Slaughter Fleet

Bilgewater Crest Icon (250 RP)


Got yer sights set on some real life booty? There are oodles of new merchandise sales and new items now available in the merch shop!
"Bring the event to real life with Bilgewater-inspired merch including figures, posters, mousepads, a premium champion statue and more. 
Here's a look at what is new:

    • "If you're lucky, donning this outlaw's shirt will give you a stacking magical resistance to mustache trimmers."

    • "Wearing this Twisted Fate tee won't enable you to teleport, but at least you'll look stylish when you throw cards at people."

    • "Only fools play the hand they're dealt."

    • "Graves may have escaped the most nefarious brig in Zaun, but we recaptured him in a shipping-friendly box just for you."

  • [CollectiblesTwisted Fate Statue - This product will be available for sale starting on 8/4.

    • "Cool as a summer breeze, but don’t let it fool you - the Card Master has more than a few tricks up his sleeve."

    • "If you're headed for Bilgewater, this cloth spandex mouse pad with an anti-slip rubber base will make sure you enjoy smooth sailing along the way."

Champion Updates

Included in patch 5.14 is the Gangplank and Miss Fortune champion updates!
"The Saltwater Scourge’s champion update is now available. Read more about Gangplank’s update here and check out his updated skin bundle below! 

Miss Fortune
"Miss Fortune’s light gameplay tweaks and small-scope visual update are now available. Read more about the Bounty Hunter’s update here and check out her updated skins bundle. 

Bilgewater: Burning Tides Rewards

There will also be a slew of Summoner icons to earn throughout the event once 5.14 hits live!
[Summoner Icon previews available here]

Here's an example of how these rewards work once your server updates with 5.14:

Click this button in the client:

You'll then pick a side. For Act One this is between Graves or Twisted Fate - be aware you can only pick ONE SIDE per ACT.
 and if you pick Twisted Fate:

Boarding Parties

If you'd like to set sail away from virtual waters, Riot has also set up a variety of in-person events!
"Leap aboard Community Events

Bilgewater is taking over Community Events! For a limited time, sign up for special Boarding Parties scheduled at in-person locations in your region and online around the world. Register for a Boarding Party and join other adventurous players as you compete on the new Butcher’s Bridge ARAM map and in the new Black Market Brawlers game mode. 


Lastly, Riot has whipped up Paper Craft for three of Bilgewater's biggest players!
"Join The Campaign

Tell your own Bilgewater: Burning Tides story by printing out and assembling one (or four) of these papercraft champions. 
Click below to download the templates, then share your creations online with #bilgewater. 


Last up, here's dArtagnan with a short FAQ on ACT ONE:
"Hey all, 
Many of you may have some questions regarding the requirements for the event as well as how the rewards will be distributed. Be sure to check out our Bilgewater Event FAQ for an overview of how the event will work! 
If you are looking for more specifics, the following should help clear up any confusion!

Black Market Brawlers
  • Must be level 3
  • Only available in the special Game Mode, and not available in normal Summoner Rift queues
  • When an enemy champion is killed, all players who got an assist will receive a Golden Kraken (for example, if you get a kill, and you're other 4 teammates got an assist, all 4 players will receive one Golden Kraken).
  • Large Jungle Creeps are: Blue Sentinel (Blue buff), Red Brambleback (Red buff), Ancient Krug (Large golem), Crimson Raptor (Large raptor), Greater Murk Wolf (Large wolf), and Gromp. Note: Rift Scuttler (crab) will not give bonus, as it is a neutral monster and therefore cannot be counter-jungled
  • Morellonomicon is disabled while in this mode. Be sure to check out the new items for BMB!
  • Once Golden Krakens are spent, these purchases/upgrades CANNOT be undone/cancelled.
  • it is not possible to 'lose' Golden Krakens without spending them
  • Not to be confused with Brawl Brothers

Butcher's Bridge
  • Must be level 6
  • Completely replaces The Howling Abyss until the end of the event. You cannot toggle between the Howling Abyss and Butcher's Bridge maps
  • Available in Matchmade 5v5 ARAM and in Custom Games
  • Gameplay is exactly the same, regardless of how visuals may look

Event Icon Rewards
  • You must first select a champion path for EACH act to start earning points to completing objectives. Once a champion path is chosen, it CANNOT be changed
  • It is not possible to receive/earn both icons from a specific act
  • Objectives for the icon must be completed in order. You cannot work towards (earn points for) the 2nd objective, until the 1st objective is completed.NOTE: You cannot complete both objectives in the same game. You can only unlock one objective, per game.
  • Matchmade Games includes all game modes you can enter a queue for (Including Co-op vs AI). Custom Games will NOT count.
  • Once you have completed the 2nd objective, the icon will be automatically unlocked.
  • It may take several minutes for your icon reward to appear on your account. NOTE: The icon may be "buried" in your list of icons, so make sure to carefully scroll through all of them to find it! If it does not appear after 24 hours, make sure to submit a ticket.

Bilgewater Skins
  • Both Cutthroat Graves and Cutpurse Twisted Fate are NOT Legacy Skins, and will be available for purchase after the event."
Be sure to check back in a few days for ACT TWO and the second round of content, including more of the story and additional skin unlocks!

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