Cosmic Reaver Kassadin Now Available

Posted on at 11:12 AM by Moobeat
[NOTE2015 Season End Sale live - 2 for 1 rune pages, 50% off boosts, name change discount.]

"Your magic is powerless against me!" Cosmic Reaver Kassadin is now available for purchase
Continue reading to rift walk into preview screenshots and videos of this upcoming skin!

From the official release post - "Galaxies crumble before Cosmic Reaver Kassadin" :
"Across the vastness of the universe, there is no creature like him. Present at the birth of the universe, he shall be there at its end. 
Cosmic Reaver Kassadin rises to bring balance to the cosmos.

With astral blade in hand, channel the power of the stars and serve celestial justice to your opponents with Cosmic Reaver Kassadin, now available in the League store 975 RP until 11:59 PDT on October 19 (1350 RP after that)."

Cosmic Reaver Kassadin

1350 RP or on sale for 975 RP though October 19th.
OCE server also has exclusive sale for 675 RP though Oct 30th