Red Post Collection: 2015 Season End Sale, Kindred Community Creations, Teemo + Karthus disabled on OfA, & more!

This morning's red post collection includes the 2015 Season end sale that includes 50% XP/IP boosts, 2 for 1 rune pages, & discount on name changes, a small patch update for October 15th, a heads up that Teemo & Karthus are disabled on One for All, a bounty's worth of Kindred community creations, and more! 
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

2015 season end sale! 

With the end of the season approaching on November 11th,  two for one rune pages, 50% xp & ip boosts, and 50% off RP cost of Summoner Name changes are available through October 22nd! 

"From now until 23:59 PST on October 22nd some of the ranked essentials are on sale! Get ready for that final push! 
Get Two Rune Pages for the Price of One
Grab two rune pages for the price of one on purchases made with both RP and IP.
Head over to the Bundles tab in the store to find the 2 for 1 Rune Pages item. 

50% Off Boost Sale

Supercharge your IP and XP gains! All boosts are 50% off

Summoner Name Change Sale

It’s not competitive but hey, even LCS teams change their name sometimes. Snag one for 650 RP, 50% off the normal price."

October 15th Patch Update 

The official 5.20 patch notes are being updated to reflect a hot fix rolling out to servers to fix an issue with Kalista's W procs and a Kindred crash issue.
  • BUGFIX - Melee Oathsworn can once again reliably proc W - Sentinel marks 
  • A VAGUE CRASH FIX - Fixed a rare crash issue with Kindred"

Teemo & Karthus disabled in One For All queue 

With ONE FOR ALL out on live through October 26th, L4T3NCY has posted an update that both Teemo and Karthus are now DISABLED for One for All!
"Heya guys, quick PSA. 
Teemo and Karthus have historically been disabled in the One For All game mode (their core fantasies create a degenerate play pattern for the opposing team, that goes above and beyond what the other champions can accomplish), but this morning they were accidentally still enabled for a few hours. We've since disabled them in the One For All queue. 
You can still use Teemo & Karthus in custom games if you want to though, on the map of your choice! :D"

New Riot Engineering Blog Articles 

For the extra tech savvy out there, the Riot Games Engineering blog has been updated with a few new articles over the last few weeks!

Updated Report System on PBE

Here's NeuroCat with a look at the updated report system that is on the PBE for testing as of the 10/15 Update.
"Hey everyone, 
Last month, we debuted upgrades to the Instant Feedback system (reform cards, improved chat restrictions and intentional feeding bans). Now, we’re continuing the overhaul by pushing out some improvements to the report system. We made two major changes to how you report someone:
1) The old system had a lot of categories, some of which were redundant, not useful, or simply out-of-date. After analyzing old report data and listening to community feedback, we winnowed the list down to seven types of behavior:
2) Sometimes a player might display multiple offensive behaviors in game - in the old system, it wasn't possible to report them for more than one reason. With these upgrades, we’re allowing up to 3 categories to be selected when reporting a player. Keep in mind, selecting multiple categories doesn’t increase the severity of a report, so only select the offenses that happened in the game. In the future, players who falsely report others may face penalties. The more accurate the report, the better we can help players reform their behavior.
This should be hitting the PBE shortly. Please leave a comment if you have any questions."
Following the PBE debut, Lyte hopped on reddit to answer a few questions:

When asked about the removal of the "Unskilled Player" category, Lyte explained:
"The "Unskilled Player" report was very controversial internally too. On one hand, it was a great outlet for some players to use it and feel better after a match even though they knew the report could not be used to punish a player. However, on the other hand, the report just existing suggested to players that being unskilled was a punishable offense and added a lot of stress to newer players. 
We ultimately decided to remove it because some of the players who used that option before would now use the Intentional Feeding option, and could use the comments to further describe the player as potentially unskilled or too low skill. This is a higher barrier of entry, but we really wanted to avoid the perception and connotation that being unskilled is punishable."
As for the wording on some of these, Lyte continued:
"We're definitely open to suggestions from players on how to best phrase that report. We just wanted to get the feature on PBE to get some testing."
He continued:
"The wording of "Giving up" under Negative Attitude is still being debated internally. We have a couple iterations on what we'd like to do there, and make sure everyone has a clear understanding how to use that report. 
We're trying to capture the idea of passive aggression when giving up early, and wasting time just killing minions and not joining team fights to avoid being AFK, or sitting in base just placing wards down, or being intentionally trolly after a failed surrender."
As for why there is both a "Hate Speech" and "Verbal Abuse" category, Neurocat explained:
"Hate Speech specifically is referring to instances of racism, sexism and homophobia, which we have zero tolerance for. Verbal abuse can exist without including hate speech."

Kindred community creations!

Next up we have Riot Jynx with a bounty of Kindred community creations!
"Kindred has inspired a frenzy of amazing community creations featuring Lamb and Wolf. Prowl through the pieces below, and click the artists’ names to see even more of their work! 

5-ish and Abyssmosis 

Marlenne López


We know there’s still lots of Kindred art out there, so please share more of your favorites in the comments below!"

Kindred theme on Soundcloud

Speaking of Kindred, their login theme is now available on Soundcloud! Check it out: 

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