[UPDATED] Mysterious Teaser

[1/6 Update: Check out MIND OF THE VIRTUOSO ]

While we are still uncertain what these are for, a mysterious video teasers have been added Zed, Sona, Garen, and Vi's champion pages!
Continue reading for more information on these teasers, including several references to the name "Jhin"!

Table of Contents


[Teaser put up originally on 12/26 at 2-3 PM PDT.]

When you click into Zed's champion page, a mysterious video clip will play.

This short video leads in with what sounds like a gun shot and displays a picture of Zed with what appears to be flowers exploding out of his head.
Zed's champion icon on his page and champion list has also been updated to a gif with petals blowing past:


[Teaser put up originally on 12/28 at 2-3 PM PDT.]

When you click into Sona's champion page, a mysterious video clip will play.

This short video leads in with what sounds like a gun shot and displays a picture of Sona with her throat being pierced and some sort of smoke coming out of her mouth.
Sona's champion icon on her page and champion list has also been updated to a gif with what seems to be butterflies floating past and marks near her throat:


[Teaser put up originally on 12/30 at 2-3 PM PDT.]

When you click into Garen's champion page, a mysterious video clip will play.

This short video leads in with what sounds like a gun shot and displays a picture of Garen with his chest or arm being pierced through his armor with a sort of water or crystal effect.
Garen's champion icon on his page and champion list has also been updated to a gif with what seems to be shards of some sort floating out.
As a small note, this teaser went up a bit earlier than expected on the Chinese site!


[Teaser put up originally on 1/1 at 3:30 PM PDT ]

When you click into Vi's champion page, a mysterious video clip will play.

This short video leads in with what sounds like a gun shot and displays a picture of Vi being struck through the chest or back and her hextech fists crumbling off.
Vi's champion icon on her page and champion list has also been updated to a gif with what seems to be energy floating up from her gauntlets.
As a small note, this teaser went up a bit earlier than expected on the Chinese site!

More information

By opening up the original Zed video teaser in a text viewer, we learned very early that Garen, Sona, and Vi were slated to have similar teasers. We also were able to find references to "DeadEye" and the name "Jhin" - while not confirmed, Jhin is assumed to be the name of whatever this is teasing.
The Chinese page for Zed's teaser also mentioned the timing/order of the tease - Zed, Sona, Garen, Vi.

Speaking of "Jhin", the url for the Garena assets includes "events/20151228_jhin/Zed.gif."

Gypsylord also commented "!" in the Zed reddit thread. Suspicious!

Gypsylord also commented "!!" in the Sona reddit thread. DOUBLE Suspicious!

Gypsylord also commented "!!!" in the Garen reddit thread. TRIPLE Suspicious!

In response to the Vi teaser, Gypsylord teased : "Welp, secret is out. Vi confirmed to have hands. What a buildup!!!1"

While not relative to the teaser, Bastien Lecouffe Deharme is the artist for Sona's teaser. 

[NEW] A few interesting bits for the teasers were posted on the Riot Thailand page. Although they have been removed, several redditors translated them here.

[NEW] A few more posts were put up on the LATAM boards! See this comment for a fan translation.

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