5/25 PBE Update: Taliyah Balance changes & more

[NEWS: Taliyah's price has been reduced to 6300!]

A small update has been pushed to the PBE! As we inch closer to the end of the 6.11 PBE cycle, today's update includes tentative buffs for Taliyah and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )


  • Store assets added for "chest_champion_mastery" which could be the upcoming IP/RP random champion shard option to go along with champion mastery 6 and 7. Stay tuned for more info.
  • Legend of the Poro King is back on the PBE for more RGM queue testing!

Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.

  • Base health increased to 520 from 500
  • Threaded Volley (Q) [now deals 50% extra damage to minions.]

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !
  • [Comprehensive 6.11 PBE Cycle Post]
    • Wrestling Themed skins - El Leon Gnar, El Macho Mundo, El Rayo Volibear
    • New El Poro Ward skin and summoner icons
    • New Nidalee skin splash arts
    •  /Remake feature in testing, balance changes, and more!

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