Red Post Collection: May 19th Patch Update, Ask Riot, June Sales Schedule, URF returns Friday, & more

Tonight's red post collection includes the May 19th patch update to fix Sona & Urgot bugs,  the introduction of ASK RIOT,  the June champion & skins sale schedule,a reminder that URF mode returns on Friday in the RGM queue, a look at champion mastery 6 & 7,  Meddler on the PBE Illaoi changes, a new Q&A with Ghostcrawler (including mention of a new ultimate skin in works) and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

May 19th Patch Update

The official 6.10 patch notes have been updated to reflect hotfixes for Sona nad Urgot that went out May 19th!
  • WHO LET YOU OFF PBE - Reverted a few experimental changes to E - Song of Celeritywhich weren't intended for the patch
  • OVERLY TERRIFIED - Fixed a bug where R - Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser's terrify duration was sometimes lasting longer than intended

It’s your turn to Ask Riot 

Riot is launching a new ASK  RIOT series where they will, in addition to regular boards posts and other communications, answer and highlight player questions every week!

Here's the first installment, including questions in MMR, Minions, and the upcoming Super Galaxy skins!
"Welcome to Ask Riot. 
This is a space where we focus on your questions and give you answers. 
You’ll find three existing questions and answers below and can expect to find new questions answered each week. Please feel free to hit us up in the comments. Each of the Rioters who answered a question will do their best to engage in a conversation with you. We want this to feel like it’s offering a deeper insight into our work. 
Have a question (or two) yourself? Go to and sign into your League account. Read the Do’s and Don’ts and then ask us something. We’ll be adding a repository of the answers to the web once we’ve accumulated a few of them. 
We’re committed to reading every question but can’t guarantee we’ll answer every one. Why not? 
Some questions will be answered elsewhere or won’t be right for this space. (We won’t be launching new products here or taking away from existing conversations.) Even if your question isn’t the one being answered, we’re listening and we’ll be sharing with the Rioters who are working directly on the things you’re curious about. 
(This week’s version features questions taken from existing player conversations on the web to get the ball rolling.
If I stop playing League I get rusty. If I take a long break from League, does my matchmaking adjust to Reflect that? 
The purpose of our matchmaking system is to create fair games that feel winnable. If you haven't played for a while and return to League, there are adjustments in place to compensate for skill changes and ensure match quality. In ranked, this manifests as LP decay, which does have an MMR decay component but this feature is applied in other game modes as well. 
- Riot Socrates and Riotlobster (Meta Game Systems Team) 

Where in Runeterra do Minions come from?
The minions of Summoner's Rift are descendants of a tribe of highly-intelligent trolls who spent centuries studying the energies of a shattered boundary into another world. These giant, lumbering creatures discovered arcane secrets that promised the ability to change the very concept of reality on Runeterra. In order to ensure they could harvest the raw magical energy needed to infuse the runes that were the basis of their studies, the tribe's greatest mages combined their powers and collected them in a giant crystal, intending it to be a versatile power battery to be unleashed when needed. The crystal, to their disbelief, absorbed all magical power that surrounded it, including that of the trolls. 
One amongst their number, a troll named Lari, wailed against the injustice of the event, and declared he would destroy the crystal that had grown into the nexus of all local magical power. By doing so, he posited, he would restore his people to their former glory. Though their magics had been utterly extinguished, Lari knew his tribe had one remaining facet that could crack the nexus: their monumentally thick skulls. With this in mind, Lari ordered all remaining trolls to take a long run up and smash their heads into the crystal. 
Initial efforts proved futile, and messy, but Lari persevered. Eventually, he hit upon a plan to repeatedly smack the trolls' skulls in quick succession into the nexus crystal to gradually weaken it. He commanded the entire remaining populace to line up in single file and race towards the tough, sharp, and often blood-smeared crystal. 
Once the first pile of concussed and dead trolls was moved out of the way, Lari himself led the charge for the next wave of brave volunteers, desperate to recover their magic. Lari was unable to carry on his quest after that day (because his calendar was suddenly filled with meetings about drooling into his own lap), so he retreated to his hut, scribbling incomprehensible gibberish into a giant tome. 
Over several millennia, which seemed to go on for eternity, his tribe continued Lari's work. Thanks to the power of evolution, the trolls eventually adapted to their new way of life by becoming greatly diminished in size and developing huge, plated foreheads. To hide their diminutive ugliness, and to pay homage to their heritage as former mages, the trolls adopted the practice of wearing obviously oversized robes. 
To this very day, each morning the minions of Lari wake up, wave at the statues of their leader, and dash along the lanes plowed by centuries of small feet pitifully running head first into a glowing, apparently impenetrable crystal. Many historians have difficulty believing that billions have died of awful injuries and general heartache due to the raving madness of one giant idiot named Lari, a troll who spent his last days slopping nonsense into a book for others to read. As has been said by many witnesses to the appalling daily ritual (shouted loudly over the sound of skulls repeatedly bouncing off a large gem), there's no bigger troll than a rambling writer. 
Ok fine, here's the answer the editors made me write: 
The creeps in League of Legends were created purely for gameplay. Although there was plenty of thought put into where they could come from, it is something we don't plan to spell out specifically. It's a fun bit of flavor on the new Summoners Rift and one of those mysteries that players have been piecing together from artifacts we intentionally scattered around the map. As we reveal more about Runeterra's history, the analogous counterparts in the story world to the minions on the game map may or may not appear, but we won’t infodump it. Sorry if this isn’t the definitive answer you were looking for but hope you enjoyed the trolly answer instead. 
- Jaredan (Narrative Team) 
Why are Kindred, Fizz and Shyvana Super Galaxy skins, not Neon Strike skins?
This year we are making an effort to expand some of our thematics. That’s why we’re excited to add new skins to the Super Galaxy line for Fizz, Kindred and Shyvana (currently on PBE). Part of this deeper look is that we’ll be tying Super Galaxy and Neon Strike into the same alternate fantasy. Both are inspired by modern anime while offering a few retro touches to give them their own style. So what do we see as the difference between the two lines in the same universe? 
Neon Strike is more mischievous - they aren’t bad guys per se, but we wouldn’t call them good guys either, they are misfits, the ones living on the edge of the law. Maybe some day we’ll add the really bad guys as another expansion. Super Galaxy champs are more traditional heroes with Rumble leading the charge. Thematically, we wanted to position Fizz, Kindred and Shyvana as heroes even if they’re a different generation — or even a different heroic team— of Super Galaxy than Rumble. 
This isn’t the first time we’ve expanded an alternate fantasy experience with a skin. We took a different approach with Mecha Zero Sion, which is very much a Mecha skin but features a significantly different design from prior Mechas. Super Galaxy Fizz, Kindred and Shyvana might not be fighting alongside Rumble in this alternate fantasy, but they’re fighting for the same ideals, thus making them Super Galaxy. 
- I am Carlos (Skins Team)"
Got questions? You can submit there here:

Champion Mastery Levels 6 and 7 live now! 

With the new champion mastery levels 6 and 7 rolling out with 6.10, here's a rundown the new levels and how to get them as well as reminder random champion shards will be available for IP/RP in a future patch!
"Show off your skill with your favorite champs along with your dedication to them with new Champion Mastery Levels 6 and 7. When we launched Champion Mastery, our goal was to recognize you for playing the champs you love, and give you feedback on how well you play them. The new levels go further, requiring high-skill performances in addition to time spent playing. 
As you rank up, you’ll unlock champ mastery rewards:
  • New mastery badge emotes
  • New loading screen border flags
  • Announcement banner upgrade
But first, here’s how you hit the new levels using the Hextech Crafting system:
  • Champion Mastery Level 6
    • Reach Mastery Level 5 on a champ
    • Earn an S- or higher with that champion, unlocking a Mastery token for that champion
    • Combine 2 Mastery tokens with a champ shard of the same champ, OR the champ permanent of the same champ, OR 500 blue essence, to unlock Level 6
  • Champion Mastery Level 7
    • Reach Mastery Level 6 on a champ
    • You can no longer earn Mastery 6 tokens for that champ with S- grades, but...
    • Earn an S or higher in a champ mastery-enabled queue with that champ, unlocking a new Mastery token for that specific champ
    • Combine 3 Mastery tokens with a champ shard of the same champ, OR the champ permanent of the same champ, OR 600 blue essence, to unlock Level 7
We’re emphasizing a performance requirement alongside a dedication component (the time needed to unlock free chests or earn IP for the champ shards or permanent loot) to build on the original system’s blend of skill and participation. 
Because loot has some RNG elements to finding champ shards and permanents, we’re working on a way to pick up only champ shards for IP or RP. We’re aiming to have it up within the next patch or two. We’ll continue to tweak and update loot and Mastery, and we’re still looking for your feedback--especially about the new additions to champ mastery. Leave us your comments and questions below, and we’ll see you on the Rift!"

Here's a brief preview of mastery level 6 and 7's profile decorations, loading screens, and emote:

June sales schedule! 

June's sales schedule is up, including what will be on sale in the weekly champion & skin sales as well as the early sales at the end of the month!
"Check out all the champs and skins on sale this June! Like previous sales schedules, we’re not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they’ll all be on sale sometime next month.

Just a heads up – since we’re publishing these in advance, we won’t offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale."
If you are looking for sales through the end of May, check out the May sales schedule!

RGM Queue - URF Returns Friday & Updated Schedule

U.R.F mode returns this weekend in the rotating game more queue! Look for things to start up around Noon (12:00) local server time!

The updated rotating game mode schedule it out! Following this week's return to URF mode, we have Definitely Not Dominon coming up May 27th - 29th, Legend of the Poro King June 3rd - June 5th, and Hexakill: Twisted Treeline returning June 10th - 12th!

League client update alpha Q&A coming 5/20 

With the League Client Update Alpha launching on live yesterday, the team will be headed to the boards for a Q&A on May 20th!
"Some members of the League client update alpha team will be taking a brief field trip to the Dev Corner board. Meet them in this thread for a Q&A about our current focus area (the Summoner's Rift + ARAM play loops) tomorrow, Friday, May 20th at 1pm PDT
Join the alpha construction crew and learn more about the League client update alpha here: 

Context on Illaoi Q&W PBE Changes

The 6.11 PBE cycle currently includes tentative changes to both Illaoi's Q and her W. When asked about these changes, Meddler explained:
"We're looking to make her less feast/famine in terms of ability to get onto an ideal target, hence the testing of some damage as relatively target agnostic (max % health). As a juggernaut Illaoi will have more limited target access than most damage dealers, so should feel at least ok about getting some hits in on front line enemies. 
We'd also like to make it a bit more feasible for her to build a bit more tankiness herself so she's less dependent on tentacle healing to survive. As a result we've got a possible change on Q to a % damage amp from a bonus AD ratio."
Check out the PBE coverage for specifics.  

Thresh’s Outplay Party

Here's RiotJaws sharing community member Rayskat's Diamond 1 Thresh montage!
"(Header image by Nicola SavioriFind the full image here) 
In honor of his community-decided victory over Lucian, we wanted to share Thresh in his purest form: outplaying and locking down his victims. 
Rayskat shares some beautiful Thresh hooks, saves, and flays from his journey through the Diamond ranks. 

Who’s your favorite playmaking support and why is it Thresh? Let us know in the comments below!"

Fan Artist Feature: Kadu=Out 

Next up we have Riot Jynx with a fan artist feature on cosplayer Kadu=Out!

"After a temporary break, the Fan Artist Feature is back to highlight more talented artists from the League community! And now that the dust has settled from the Lucian vs. Thresh battle, it’s only fitting that we speak with Kadu=Out about his awesome Lucian cosplays and creative process. 
Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and World Cosplay to see more of his work!

How did you get started as a League of Legends cosplayer? 
Well, as a cosplayer, I’m always searching for new cosplays to work on. With that in mind, I thought it was a great idea to cosplay someone from my current obsession, which is League of Legends. My original plan was to cosplay Talon, but two weeks before the con I was going to attend, images of a new champion called Lucian were leaked and I was super excited. With lots of help, I got the cosplay ready asap!
Thresh by 4 itchy Tasty! Cosplay & Buddy Builds / Photography by Aly Mew and PhotosNXS. 
What's been your favorite project to work on, and why? 
My favorite project to work on has to be Project Lucian. The design was everything I wanted in a cosplay: cool guns, form-fitted armor, and a futuristic theme. It gave me a wonderful chance to sit and make something with just my own skills, and improve them. 
Photography by Dave Yang and Mineralblu Photography. 
What does your creative process look like? Any advice or tips? 
Well, simply put, the steps for me making a cosplay start with light planning. What do I want to do? What do I need to do? How much time and money am I spending at my home away from home, Home Depot? And, most important, the deadline. 
I try to do each little piece one at a time. A lot of the time working on cosplay for me is preparation. Then I start my building. The rest is all magic. ^^
Photography by Goose and Aly Mew. 
Do you have any favorite League content creators or artists that inspire you? 
Hmmm I never thought of a favorite since I tend to love and draw inspiration from them all. Though if I had to choose, for artists it would probably be Nips. She tends to draw a good amount of team-based skins for league champs. I based my Cloud 9 Lucian cosplay off of her artwork, and I couldn’t be happier with the design. Rin and Shilin for honorable mentions. ❤ 
Photography by MicroKitty
As for cosplayers it would be Danielle Beaulieu. Her work is pretty insane and she really puts in a lot of effort. I’m pretty lucky to be able to regularly see her W.I.P. for her cosplays. Everything’s above my level….for now. I’ll try my best to learn from her and set some future goal for myself. Kohalu, Missyeru, and everyone else in the game for honorable mentions.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with the community? 
I’m not sure where I got this from, but a message to those that create any kind of art: When looking to improve, try not to judge yourself based on what other people are doing. Instead try to base it off yourself. If you’re better than you were before, then be happy with that improvement and set new goals for yourself. Also to everyone else, thank you for reading and your support.
Photography by Sonic J. Kevin, and Goose.

League Design Live Stream - May Q&A With Ghostcrawler

Ghostcrawler and Scarizard are back with another Q&A session for May! Check out the VOD for a ton of discussion and commentary ranging from the recent mage update & reworks to a hint that a new ultimate skin is in the works (mentioned as this year) and a scrapped Taliyah R concept!

Several different LoL streams go on every week with an assortment of Rioters from different disciplines! Be sure to follow the LoL twitch channel for more!

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