The PBE has been updated! Tonight's update includes a large batch of team summoner icons, WK Vi tweaks, tentative balance changes, Ascension returning for RGMQ testing, and more.
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)
Table of Contents
New Esports Summoner Icons
Over 50 new 2017 regional team summoner icons have been added in today's update. No details on availability yet, expect them to be available around start of 2017 professional season. Not all teams are included from each region are on the PBE yet - more will be added!NA LCS: Cloud9, CLG, Echo Fox, Immortals, Team Liquid, Phoenix1, Team Envy, TSM
EU LCS: Fnatic, G2 Esports, Giants Gaming, H2K, Origen, ROCCAT, Splyce, Team Vitality, Unicorns of Love, Misfits
LCK: SK Telecom T1, ROX Tigers, Samsung Galaxy, KT Rolster, Afreeca Freecs, Jin Air Green Wings, Longzhu Gaming, ESC Ever, MVP
LPL: Royal Never Give Up, Edward Gaming, NewBee, Vici Gaming, Snake Esports, Game Talents, OMG, Invictus Gaming, I May
LJL: Rampage
OPL: The Chiefs eSports Club
[A second set of TCL icons with a gold background]
Skin Tweaks
Warring Kingdoms Vi has a few changes in today's update.Her hair color has been tweaked, now darker and less purple.
Ascension returns for PBE testing
Here's Riot Stephiroth with more on Ascension returning to the PBE for more RGMQ testing:"Hello, Summoners!
Ascension is our next mode to make it into the League Client Update, and is ready for testing!
For Ascension in-game, there have only been a few minor updates:
- Added a unique icon for the Xerath Boss (he's not a dragon anymore!)
- Added a timeline event to Replays for when Xerath Boss is killed. (Now you can find your sweet highlights around him :D)
- Minor bug fixes for various need champs ^_^
For Ascension in-client, there are a few known issues we are working out:
- Placeholder art. Currently all the art is Twisted Treeline art :P We should have some updated assets sometime later this week!
- Placeholder music and/or no music in Matchmaking or Game Select. We should have updates for this as well sometime this week!
For RGM modes in general, we also have a few fixes we are looking to ship live w/ Ascension the mode:
- It should be more obvious when banning phase has started, with an audio cue (this is not in yet)
- It should be more obvious when it's time to pick champions, with an audio cue (this is not in yet)
If you find any bugs, feel free to drop a comment here or report them via the Report A Bug Tool!
If you have any feedback, also feel free to drop it here :3
Happy Holidays, Summoners!"
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.
- Shatter Orb (Q) empowered by SoM bounce damage to minions lowered to 40% from 50%
- Lightslinger (P) second shot damage increased to [40% increasing to 60% by level 13] from [30% increasing to 60% by level 16].
- Piercing Light (Q) damage increased to 80/115/150/185/220 from 80/110/140/170/200
- Savagery (Q) damage lowered to 35/55/75/95/115 from 40/60/80/100/120
- Bola Strike (E) damage lowered to 50/95/140/185/230 from 50/100/150/200/250
[REMINDER: Taliyah has several other changes currently testing on the PBE]
- Threaded Volley (Q) Worked Ground based duration reverted to 120 from 100
- KateyKhaos tweeted out that more texture changes for Heartseeker Quinn would be on the PBE later this week - including a hair color and leggings change. Below is the before vs after comparison she shared and you can find a full cycle compare here.
- Riot LoveStrut tweeted out a couple more changes to Warring Kingdoms Vi. Several are mentioned above but the tea cup for Caitlyn taunt has not been added yet.
"Teacups, dragons, and sexy new indicators! Warring Kingdoms Vi has #PBE updates! (note 3rd W hit and R lock-on are red for gameplay clarity)"
Check out [THIS PAGE] for a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !
- 12/6 PBE Update: Dreadnova Gangplank, Warring Kingdoms Azir, Garen, & Vi skins, Heartseeker Lucian & Quinn, and more!
- 12/7 PBE Update: Skin tweaks & tentative balance changes.
- 12/8 PBE Update: WK Azir and Heartseeker Quinn Skin Tweaks
- 12/9 PBE Update: Lunar Revel Hextech Assets, WK Vi tweaks, tentative balance changes, and more!