1/5 PBE Update: HS Lucian Splash Art Update, Team Icons & More

Posted on at 12:31 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated! As the 7.1 PBE cycle starts to wind down, today's update includes an updated Heartseeker Lucian splash art, additional 2017 team summoner icons, and more.
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Heartseeker Lucian Splash Update

As previewed yesterday, an updated version of the Heartseeker Lucian splash is now on the PBE.

Additional 2017 Team Icons

Even more 2017 regional  team summoner icons have been added today, pushing our total upwards of 100 esports icons in the current PBE cycle.
[NOTE: File side, these are all new assets but today's patch does include another set for many teams from LPL + RED Canids - all of which we already saw icons for earlier in the cycle.]

LPL: Royal Never Give Up, Edward Gaming, Team World Elite, Vici Gaming, Snake Esports, Game Talents, Qiao Gu Reapers, Invictus Gaming, LGD Gaming, I May

LAS: Isurus Gaming, Furious Gaming, Rebirth Esports, Hafnet Esports, Last Kings


Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.

[Doesn't look like anything today,]


  • RiotMEMEMEME confirmed on reddit 7.1 will include a fix for the visual only bug causing Nighthunter Rengar's leap range indicator to be larger then it should be.

  • KateyKhaos mentioning a few skin related bug fixes for 7.1:
    • [src] bug fix to Mecha Malphite's Brutal Strikes - animation and proper glow fixed.
    • [src] bug fix for River Spirit Nami's tail collapsing on itself and spine issues.

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !
  • 7.1 PBE Cycle
    • New Champion Skins: Dreadnova Gangplank, Warring Kingdoms Azir, Warring Kingdoms Garen, Warring Kingdoms Vi, Heartseeker Lucian, Heartseeker Quinn
    • New Firecracker Jinx Chroma
    • New Lovve Dove and Crest of the Rooster Ward skins
    • New Valentine's Day & Lunar Revel summoner icons + 2017 team esports icons.
    • Balance changes, LCU updates, assorted HC assets, and much more!