(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)
Table of Contents
Pug'Maw Skin Tweaks
Pug'Maw has more skin tweaks to his textures as the cycle winds down. Today's changes are mostly color and details on head and back (open new + old texture and flip between!)Summoner Icon Change
The new Blitzcrank/Brain summoner icon has been changed in today's update - the brain is now mechanical and brighter instead of fleshy. No details yet on availability.
[Comparison / Old]
LCU Champion Select Improvements

In an earlier patch this PBE cycle, the LCU's champion select Summoner's Rift map was updated, including fading half the map based on your side, several color/design changes, and more.
LIVE (left) and PBE (right)
Here are the raw assets - each with one side dimmed based on which side your team is:
Balance Changes
[None today!]
Context & Notes
1) With 7.6 PBE cycle winding down, Meddler has mentioned a few changes they are considering for the 7.7 PBE cycle (starting roughly Tuesday next week):
"We've just started our work on 7.7. We're still planning out what exactly we'll be focusing on, some likely candidates though include buffs to Lissandra (since we didn't find something we were happy with in 7.6) and Bard plus a nerf to Graves. Less certain are possible Lux and Kassadin buffs plus another look at Udyr and consideration of some other junglers. Aatrox followup's very possible, though what depends on how he performs over the next week or so of course. More details to follow."
2) Earlier in the 7.6 PBE cycle we saw client assets for upcoming BROLAF chroma. These have not been implemented in game as of today's (3/17) patch.
3) Here's Riot JxE on a new render code path now testing on PBE - should be no gameplay changes:
"Hey all,
Riot JxE from the Render Strike Team here. We're the team that's been refactoring our rendering code in order to clean up the code for our other engineers!
Last patch we tested our new render code path with Kha'Zix and Gromp. We found a bug on a few intel chipsets which has been fixed and we've now turned it on for all Champs, Turrets, Grass, etc. Basically, anything that moves that isn't a vfx.
Please take a look on PBE and let us know if you see any issues with Characters!
Check out [THIS PAGE] for a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !
- 7.6 PBE Cycle
- Galio Champion Update - New Kit, Updated Skins, & more
- New Skins - Moo Cow Alistar, Pug'Maw, Super Kennen, Renektoy
- New Chroma - Moo Cow Alistar, Meowkai, Dino Gnar, Surprise Party Amumu
- New Summoner icons, Updated Lux base VO, and more!