4/21 PBE Update: Pulsefire Teaser, Dark Star Login, & more!

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 7.9/midseason PBE cycle, today's post includes a new Dark Star Login theme featuring Kha'Zix and Orianna, a Pulsefire audio teaser, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Pulsefire Teaser

A mysterious new voice teaser is now on the PBE. Pulsefire Ezreal requests a diagnostic ran when an accented voice interrupts the transmission by saying "Nowhere to hide".

"Nowhere to hide" is a line in Caitlyn's VO. Riot also talked late last year about potentially updating PFE.

To trigger the teaser, simply go into a game with Pulsefire Ezreal and move to play the new audio.

Dark Star Login Theme

A new login theme featuring unique art for Dark Star Kha'Zix and Dark Star Orianna is now on PBE!


"The Cosmic Ruins are a corrupted corner of a once-great world that has been harvested and ejected into the vast emptiness of space. A black hole looms in the center of the map, pulling all survivors into the infinite depths of the Dark Star.",

Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.

[ReminderSejuani has a larger update currently testing on PBE. Changes are relative to PBE, not live.] [context]
  • Fury of the North (P):
    • Cooldown lowered from 15 to 9
    • Cooldown no longer refreshes faster as Sejuani moves.
    • Now ignores Minions at level 7 and ignores non epic monsters at level 14.
  • Winter's Wrath (W):
    • "2nd hit places a brief slow on enemies it hits, Sejuani is also slightly slowed when she is attacking"
    • "W radius larger"
    • "Fixed a bug that caused Sejuani to move into the target when she right clicks them while casting W"

Banshee's Veil 
  • Build Path changed:
    • OLD: [Fiendish Codex + Negatron Cloak + Amplifying Tome + 645g]
    • NEW: [Fiendish Codex + Null Magic Mantle + Blasting Wand + 500g]

Context & Notes

[this right here this is BIG CONTEXT and it's 7 WIP tall and you can't teach that.]

1) Sejuani changes for 4/21 from Riot Solcrushed: 
CD 15 -> 9 
No longer scales down with movement 
Now ignores minions at 7 and non epic monsters at 14 (a la Garen) 
2nd hit places a brief slow on enemies it hits, Sejuani is also slightly slowed when she is attacking (mostly to add the feel of weight, feedback here would be very appreciated) 
W radius larger 
Fixed a bug that caused Sejuani to move into the target when she right clicks them while casting W"
2) SolCrushed with a changelist for Sejuani for 4/23:
"Full 4/23 Changelist
Frost Armor no longer broken by minions or small monsters
Icebreker Damage: 15/20/25% -> 10/15/20%
Icebreaker Damage vs monsters: max 400 -> always 400

No longer self slows, not worth
W1 now knocks back minions and monsters
CD: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 -> 9/8/7/6/5
1st hit Damage: 12/19/26/33/40 (+0.01HP) -> 30/35/40/45/50 (+0.02HP)
2nd hit Damage: 48/76/104/132/160 (+0.04HP) -> 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.05HP)
Bonus damage to monsters: 20% -> 0%"

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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