Dark Star: Singularity - coming soon to PBE!

[UPDATE: Dark Star: Singularity on PBE for testing as of 4/19 update!]

The new Dark Star: Singularity mode is heading to the PBE for RGMQ testing soon!
"Dark Star: Singularity is a 3v3 round-based game mode played on a brand new map called "Cosmic Ruins". Play as Thresh to hook and flay your enemies into the Dark Star and feed it souls, helping Thresh cause the Singularity and end the universe! "
 GET HOOKED for more info and a gameplay stream of the new mode:

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Dark Star: Singularity - coming soon to PBE!

Rabid Llama on the PBE boards to announce the details on the newest gamemode; Dark Star: Singularity!
"Hey guys! 
Now for something completely different - let's get into the details of our latest game mode, "Dark Star: Singularity". 
Dark Star: Singularity is a 3v3 round-based game mode played on a brand new map called "Cosmic Ruins". Play as Thresh to hook and flay your enemies into the Dark Star and feed it souls, helping Thresh cause the Singularity and end the universe! 
Players: 3v3
Map: Cosmic Ruins
Mode Type: No pick, ALL (Dark Star) Thresh
Win condition: Bo3 rounds. Round win is first to 100 points. 
Now, details! 
All of Thresh's abilities are changed somehow: 
Death Sentence (Q): 
  • Range increased and cooldown decreased for efficient soul harvesting. 
  • If you throw a Death Sentence through the center of the Dark Star, it lights on fire and does bonus damage 
  • Pulls enemies much farther based on their missing health 
Dark Passage (W): 
  • An ally in danger will be automatically saved by Dark Passage, without them needing to click on the lantern. 
  • (Cooldown actually increased some, and no longer gives a shield, though!) 
Flay (E): 
  • Throws enemies much farther based on their missing health, cooldown decreased. 
  • The passive part (bonus magic damage on next hit) charges much faster and hits harder. 
The Box (R): 
  • Not available on the Cosmic Ruins. Thresh doesn't need his box to end the universe.
How to earn points: 
Fling enemies into the Dark Star to sacrifice their souls and earn points!  
  • Abyss Scuttlers = 1 point 
  • Champions = 5 points  
  • Enemies CANNOT be killed by basic attacks or ability damage. 
  • Hook and flay enemies into the Dark Star for an instant-kill them 
  • The less health an enemy has when you hook/flay them, the further they will travel. 
    • Try basic attacking enemies first before flaying them to make it easier to get them into the Dark Star. 
  • Thresh will spawn in space around the edge of the map. Move around in space and step onto the Cosmic Ruins from wherever you like. 
    • You're untargetable while out there, but you also can't cast spells or attack until you enter the arena 
  • Spawn times are super short, so you can get back in the action  
Gravity Anchors: 
  • Three Gravity Anchors are positioned around the Cosmic Ruins (look for the blue orbs)  
  • Hooking one will automatically pull Thresh to it 
    • This will also break Thresh out of any disable/knockback! Use it to save yourself when there's no lanterns around.
Abyss Scuttlers: 
  • The last remaining denizens of the Cosmic Ruins. 
  • Sacrifice them to the Dark Star. 
  • Use them as cover from enemy hooks    
  • To keep the mode focused, progression elements like Gold, XP, and Items have been disabled 
  • Thresh is level 3, and has points automatically distributed to his skills 
  • You start with six items in your inventory that are totally what give you your Amazing Dark Star Powers and not just places to put tooltips about the game rules. Totally.  
Known issues: 
  • No major gameplay-impacting issues are known - please report what you find! 
  • There are some remaining tweaks for both the new and old the front-end clients. 
  • There may be some {{missing_strings}}, and Match History may not function fully. 
As we've mentioned recently, we want to be able to try more unusual experiments like this in the future. Sometimes they'll be lower scope, and sometimes they'll be like Singularity. Our goal is still to give you guys as many different fun things as possible to play when the weekend rolls around. 
Thanks as always, PBE peeps! 
-- Rabid Llama"

PBE Livestream: Dark Star - Singularity

MiniWhiteRabbit also posted an announcement for a livestream of the new mode:
"Join Rabid Llama, Riot Vitzkrieg, and NickWu as they talk about Dark Star: Singularity, the latest Rotating Game Mode, at 2 PM Pacific to 3:30 PM Pacific on April 19, 2017. Leave your questions, memes, and dreams in the comments below so we can address them during the stream!
Watch live video from leagueoflegends on www.twitch.tv
You can also watch the stream directly or check out past VODs on the League Twitch channel."'


Few Notes from Livestream:
  • Everyone is Thresh with Dark Star skin on.
  • No Champion Mastery
  • There will be icon / reward for playing.
  • Will be on PBE later today (4/19)
  • Everyone has full vision.
 Additional previews for this upcoming game mode available in our [7.9 PBE cycle coverage]!

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