5/31 PBE Update: Dawnbringer Riven, Nightbringer Yasuo, Honor Update, new ward skins & summoner icons, & more!

The PBE has been updated! As we kick off the 7.12 PBE cycle, tonight's update includes new Dawnbringer Riven and Nightbringer Yasuo skins, the new Honor system update, new ward skins & icons, and more! .
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

New Champion Skins - Riven & Yasuo

As previewed, new legendary Order & Chaos themed Dawnbringer Riven and Nightbringer Yasuo skins are now on the PBE!

Dawnbringer Riven

1820 RP [src]

[Gifs from KateyKhaos and RiotLoveStrut]

Here's Riot Time Wizard with a bugs & feedback thread for Dawnbringer Riven:
"Cast aside your shadows; all paths lead to the light! Let Order guide your blade when you take to the Rift as Dawnbringer Riven! (Thanq NurseFlan for help with the feature list!) 
  • New model, with a model-swap for her ult! (a golden, radiant embodiment of Order)
  • All new animations! (fluid and elegant, with turn-tech on her wings)
  • All new VFX! (prismatic and empyrean, with golden effects for Q & W in ult form)
  • All new VO and SFX! (heavenly and crystalline) 
Dawnbringer Riven is now available to play on PBE! As always, we'd love to hear any thoughts or constructive feedback, so please feel encouraged to share them with us!"

Nightbringer Yasuo

1820 RP [src]

[Gifs from RiotVe1vet 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 ]

Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs & feedback thread for Nightbringer Yasuo:
"The truest path is the darkest. Destroy this world with Chaos and pave the way for a dark, new age as Nightbringer Yasuo! 
The Darkest Details 
  • New model with an initial model-swap when your whirlwind is up and a second swap after ulting an enemy (A dark, raging embodiment of Chaos)
  • All new animations! (New monstrous spikes that pierce out on spellcast)
  • All new VFX! (Shadows, fire, and brimstone)
  • All new VO and SFX! (Sounds of hellfire and dark power plus new lines! His ult VO gets considerably fiercer. “SORYE GE TON!”) 
We always love hearing your feedback and feelings! All bug reports and thoughts help us make these skins even more awesome, so please keep 'em coming! 
Thanks, cuties! <3

New Summoner Icons

Eight new Dawnbringer Riven and Nightbringer Yasuo themed icons are in today's update:

New Ward Skins

In addition to the new skins, we also have Dawnbringer and Nightbringer themed ward skins!

Dawnbringer Ward


Nightbringer Ward


New In-Game Emotes

New in-game emotes were added - one for Nightbringer and one for Dawnbringer. Presumably these will be tied to the Order vs Chaos themed missions & loot. 

Heads up on new Order and Chaos themed content 

Here's Ponts with more on the new Order and Chaos themed content in today's PBE  - you'll be completing missions or purchasing Order or Chaos tokens to exchange for loot.
Hi everyone, 
I wanted to give you guys a heads up on some of the new content that will be showing up in the next day or two on PBE. We'll be doing some cool things with Missions and Loot and we've got two awesome new skins for Yasuo and Riven. Below I'll describe whats coming and I'll also be updating this post with any issues that come up. Remember that this content will be turning on over the next day or two and that as always with PBE, things could change before it hits LIVE. 
We’re testing out new missions themed toward Chaos and Order. Complete missions to earn exclusive rewards and to unlock new missions. 
We are introducing limited-time loot we’d like you to test. Earn Order and Chaos Tokens by completing missions (or purchase them in the Store) to unlock special Icons, Borders, Emotes and Orbs. You can also purchase passes themed toward Order or Chaos, which grant you a Hextech Chest & Key, an Orb, a unique Ward, a multiplier that doubles the amount of tokens you earn on missions, and mission lines exclusive to the passes. 
Orbs contain a guaranteed Legacy skin shard and a 50% chance to get a bonus drop. If your orb triggers a bonus drop, you’ll have a chance to get either a random amount of Tokens, two Gemstones, or a loot-exclusive skin shard. 
Completing the special mission lines rewards you with Hextech Chests, Hextech Keys, Tokens, and even Gemstones.  
In-game content: 
Dawnbringer Riven 
Cast aside your shadows; all paths lead to the light! Let Order guide your blade when you take to the Rift as Dawnbringer Riven! 
  • New model, with a model-swap for her ult (a golden, radiant embodiment of Order)
  • All new animations! (very fluid and elegant, with turn-tech on her wings)
  • All new VFX! (extra golden effects for Q & W in ult form)
  • All new VO and SFX! (heavenly and crystalline) 
Nightbringer Yasuo 
The truest path is the darkest. Destroy this world with Chaos and pave the way for a dark, new age as Nightbringer Yasuo! 
  • New model with an initial model-swap when your whirlwind is up and a second swap after ulting an enemy (A dark, raging embodiment of Chaos)
  • All new animations! (New monstrous spikes that pierce out on spellcast)
  • All new VFX! (Shadows, fire, and brimstone)
  • All new VO and SFX! (Sounds of hellfire and dark power plus new lines! His ult VO gets considerably fiercer. “SORYE GE TON!”)  
Known PBE Issues: 
  • There are several items that will be missing art assets in the Loot Crafting menu. We are aware of the ‘missing’ assets, but please let us know if you see mismatched or incorrect assets. 
As of the 5/31 PBE update, these new crafting options and missions were not yet enabled for PBE testing.

Honor Update 


The Honor system update is now on the PBE for testing!
Using a new honor ceremony after each game, players will now honor up to one team mate. The more honor you gain from allies, the more honor levels you'll gain. You'll be able to earn loading screen flairs by increasing honor level, key fragments available exclusively through remaining honorable, and, after reaching a certain honor level, Honor Capsules that can include exclusive rewards.
This new honor level displays on your profile page.
Here's DuckCurry with more information in Fight with Honor on PBE
"Hey everyone, the big update to Honor that New001 mentioned yesterday is now on PBE! Here’s some details so you know what to expect when you see the new Honor ceremony and categories, rise in Honor levels, and unlock rewards along the way. 
Honor Ceremony
  • A new voting screen appears after every matchmade, non-remake game. 
  • Honor one teammate per game, we’re planning to add a way to shout out opponents after launch. 
  • Mouse over a teammate, choose a category, then click to vote before time runs out. The new categories are:  
    • Stayed cool: That tilt-proof top laner who took a beating but didn’t give up
    • Great Shotcalling: The adc who made a slick Baron call after cleaning up a teamfight.
    • GG <3: The player who saved your butt or even just cracked a good joke. 
  • Everyone has one of those days, so there’s a vote skip button. 
  • The game client now automatically closes ~8s after nexus destruction.  
End of Game 
  • At the End of Game screen, you’ll see the honors you’ve received. 
  • If you got a majority of the team’s honors, everyone sees a celebration over your summoner name. 
  • At level 3+, a small gemstone will signal when you’ve unlocked loading screen flair in your next game (details on this below!)  
Honor Level 
  • You have an Honor level that lasts all season! Everyone starts fresh at Honor Level 2. Yay! 
    • You max out your Honor level at 5 by playing games and consistently playing to win. For testing purposes, leveling up will be faster on PBE than when Honor launches. 
    • Earning Honor game to game will level you up slightly faster, but honors are not required to level up. It’s about consistency, not one standout performance. 
    • You only lose Honor levels by getting hit with penalties. Simply not receiving Honor will not level you down.
Profile page 
  • Profile elements have been re-arranged to incorporate the Honor emblem. 
    • Mouse over your Ranked emblem to see your other Ranked stats as usual.
  • Other players’ honor levels are hidden for privacy! No peeking! >.> 
  • Getting hit with penalties level you down, and temporarily lock you out of rewards. 
  • Your Honor lock state can be seen on your profile (only visible to you ) and can be lifted by consistent sportsmanlike games. 
  • You’ll get a notification when you’ve “unlocked”, and your profile will update at the same time  
  • Key fragments now drop through Honor. 
    • Everyone who’s level 2 (starting level) or above gets all their free key fragments by just playing games without getting hit with penalties
    • Earning Honor votes is not required to get your keys
    • Winning is no longer required to earn keys.
    • Keys no longer drop at end-of-game, but periodically while outside of queue.
  • Honor level 3+ players earn loading screen flair by receiving honors. 
    • This flair lasts for one game.
    • You get flair in your next game if two premade teammates, or one non-premade teammate honors you
    • There’s no cooldown on flair, so you earn it every game you meet the honor conditions above
    • Your flair unlocks at level 3, grows at level 4, and fully blooms at level 5. 
  • There will be more rewards coming to live. We’ll be sharing more rewards details as we approach launch ;) 
We’d love to get your feedback! We’ll also be hanging around to answer questions, so drop a line!"
Here's a brief video showing off some of the Honor badge transformations:

Last we heard they are aiming for a global release in 7.13


  • Prestigious LeBlanc had a small update to her textures - [context (1)(2)]

Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.

  • Triggerseed (E) damage lowered from 60/90/120'150/180 to 50/70/90/110/130

  • Inspire (E):Shield lowered from 70/100/130/150/160/190 to 70/95/120/145/170.
  • Mantra Bonus -Defiance (R+E) % of original shield for nearby by allies lowered from 50% to 30%

  • Poison Trail (Q):
    • Total damage changed from 44-140 to 45-125
    • AP ratio increased from 60% to 80%
    • [bug fix] Singed Q trail no longer disappears when Singed leaves enemy vision.
  • Fling (E):
    • Mana cost changed from 100/110/120/130/140 to 70/85/100/115/130
    • % of Target Max Health as magic damage changed from 6/6.5/7/7.5/8 to 6% at all ranks.
    • [new] Now has a [2% per 100 AP] ratio
  • Insanity Potion (R) :
    • Mana cost lowered from 150 to 100 at all ranks. 
    • Stat bonus changed from 35/50/80 to 30//60/90
    • Stat bonus duration changed from 25 to 15/20/25
    • [new effect]  "Poison Trail's cloud duration is also doubled."

[REWORKED] Zeke's Harbinger
  • Total cost: 2300g
  • Recipe - Glacial Shroud + Aegis + 300G
  • Stats:
    • 55 armor
    • 30 MR
    • 250 Mana
    • 10% CDR
  • Unique Active - Conduit: Bind to target ally (0 second cooldown)
  • Unique Passive: Casting your ultimate near your ally summons a local frost storm for 10 seconds. As the storm rages, nearby enemies are slowed by 30% and your ally's attacks burn their targets for 60% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds (45 second cooldown)
    • Frostfire Covenant - Attacking a burning enemy ingites your frost storm for 3 seconds, searing enemies inside for 50 magic damage per second.

[Support itemization changelist from 5/30]

Ancient Coin
  • Now gives 50 mana
  • No longer gives 5% cooldown reduction

Athene's Unholy Grail
  • Ability power lowered from 40 to 30
  • % Base Mana regen increased from 75% to 100%
  • Cooldown reduction lowered from 20% to 10%
  • Blood earn rate increased from 20% to 25%
  • Passive renamed from Harmony to Dissonance
    • [Removed] No longer gives 25% Base Health Regen for every 25% Base Mana Regen
    • [New] Now gives 5 ability power for every 25% Base Mana Regen
    • Cannot coexist with Harmony

Banner of Command
  • Recipe changed from [Aegis of the Legion + Glacial Shroud + 100g] to [Aegis of the Legion + Raptor Cloak + 200g]
  • Now gives 125% base health regen
  • No longer gives 400 mana
  • [New] Unique Passive: Point Runner

Eye of the Oasis
  • Now gives 100 mana
  • % Base Health Regen lowered from 125% to 100%

Frozen Heart
  • Recipe changed from [Warden's Mail + Glacial Shroud + 700g] to [Warden's Mail + Glacial Shroud + 800g]

Glacial Shroud
  • Recipe changed from [Cloth Armor + Sapphire Crystal + 350g] to [Cloth Armor + Sapphire Crystal + 250g]
  • Cost lowered from 1000 to 900
  • Armor lowered from 25 to 20

Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Recipe changed from [Sheen + Glacial Shroud + 650g] to [Sheen + Glacial Shroud + 750g]

Knight's Vow
  • Recipe changed from [Crystalline Bracer + Chain Vest + 850g] to [Kindlegem + Chain Vest + 600g]
  • Cost lowered from 2300 to 2200
  • No longer gives 100% Base Health Regen
  • Now gives 10% cooldown reduction

Locket of the Iron Solari
  • Shield amount changed from [70 - 665] to [65 - 575 (+15% Bonus Health)]

Nomad's Medallion
  • Now gives 100 mana
  • No longer gives 10% cooldown reduction

  • Recipe changed from [Raptor's Cloak + Kindlegem + 650g] to Raptor Cloak + Kindlegem + 950g]

Raptor's Cloak
  • Recipe changed from [Rejuvenation Bead + Chain Vest + 250g] to [Rejuvenation Bead + Cloth Armor + 450g]
  • Cost lowered from 1200 to 900
  • Armor lowered from 40 to 30

  • Health lowered from 300 to 250
  • % Base Health Regen lowered from 75% to 50%
  • % Base Mana Regen increased from 125% to 150%
  • Heal amount changed from [40 + 25 per target's level] to [10 + 20 per targets level
  • [New] Redemption's heal amount is affected 3 times as much by "Heal and Shield Power" amplifiers

Righteous Glory
  • Recipe changed from [Catalyst + Crystalline Bracer + 750g] to [Glacial Shroud + Crystalline Bracer + 950g]
  • Health lowered from 500 to 400
  • Now gives 30 armor
  • Now gives 10% cooldown reduction
  • [Removed] No longer has Catalyst passive
  • [Removed] Active's slow nova can no longer be manually triggered early
  • [Changed] Active's slow nova will now automatically trigger if an enemy champion is within close proximity

Talisman of Ascension
  • Recipe changed from [Nomad's Medallion + Raptor Cloak + 350g] to [Nomad's Medallion + Glacial Shroud + 425g]
  • Cost lowered from 2400 to 2200
  • % Base Health Regen lowered from 175% to 50%
  • Now gives 400 Mana
  • Armor lowered from 45 to 40
  • [Removed] Unique Passive: Point Runner

Zz'Rot Portal
  • Recipe changed from [Raptor Cloak + Negatron Cloak + 780g] to [Raptor Cloak + Negatron Cloak + 1080g]

Context & Notes

The road dog jesse context and the bad context billy gunn, the new age wiplaws!

1) Ricklessabandon shared that he will be working on support items changes for 7.12:
"okay, so here's a preview of the changes i mentioned earlier. again, should show up in the 7.12 pbe cycle, which is coming up soon"

2) On the Prestigious LeBlanc tweaks, KateyKhaos tweeted (1)(2):
"This was meant to go out with the chromas, but an improper check in caused it to not update properly. Sorry for the delay! Thanks to -A Pale Woman on the boards for pointing out the mismatch of the champ select asset versus the in-game texture. They're the real MVP! :)"

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