Honor Update Delivers New Rewards

With the recent news that the Honor update is launching in OCE in 7.12 and globally in 7.13, Riot has put up a Honor Update minisite and FAQ covering the new system, rewards, and more.
Continue reading for more information, including potential Medieval Twitch and Grey Warwick unlocks!

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Honor Update Delivers New Rewards

For a full rundown of the Honor Update, check out the minisite, or continue reading for all the details:

Fight With Honor
Rise to the challenge in every game. A renewed Honor refreshes all the ways we recognize and reward each other for skillful teamwork.
A new voting screen takes center stage after each game, prompting everyone to shout out a teammate for new categories like staying cool or making a great call. 
Evolving Honor levels help you track (and show off) playing hard and being a good teammate over the course of a season. 
Fighting with Honor reaps rewards. We’re moving key fragments to Honor, rebooting ancient loading screen flairs and bringing back rare Refer-a-Friend skins Grey Warwick and Medieval Twitch.
There’s now an Honor vote between the Nexus cracking and the end-of-game screen. The big change is that each player can now only honor one teammate; a shift that helps make each honor feel more weighty on both the giving and receiving ends.

Oddly, there’s not a category for players who beg for honor just before the game ends.
The tilt-proof player who tanked aggro and kept their head (and their team) in the game. 
The player who kept the team focused and made smart, strategic calls. 
GG <3
The all-around team player who cracked a great joke in chat, or saved your ass with a well-timed Heal.

Once you vote, you move on to the end-of-game screen. There you’ll see what honors your teammates awarded you. If the majority of your team honors you, your summoner name gets a special treatment for allies and enemies to see.

If the majority of your team honors you, your summoner name gets a special treatment for allies and enemies to see.

At level 3 and above, honors from two premade teammates unlock loading screen flair in your next game.

At level 3 and above, an honor from a non-premade teammate unlocks loading screen flair in your next game.


Signal to your team that you’re coming off a great game with brand new loading screen flairs. Ding level 3, and then unlock flair for one game by being honored by two premade teammates or one stranger.


Everyone starts at Honor level two and can move up to level five, or down to the quite dishonorable level zero by getting slapped with penalties. A quiet, hardworking player will level up and earn rewards even if they earn a few less honors overall. And as you’d expect, a standout player who earns honor more frequently will rise a little more quickly. This means you do not need to be fake nice to earn rewards or level up.
Getting slapped with penalties temporarily locks you out of all Honor rewards until you consistently demonstrate honorable play. If you end up in the penalty box, we’ll send you a notification when you’re unlocked.
Just like Ranked, Honor grants exclusive rewards at season's end for those who put the work in. Details to come later this year. We're gunning hard to get this fundamental reboot of Honor live for you in patch 7.13. The renewed Honor will be a pillar for League of Legends long after you first get to play with it, and there are many more additions to come to the system in the months ahead. We're excited to get this into your hands, listen to what you think, and build on this foundation with you.
Your free Key fragments now exclusively drop through Honor. All you need to do to earn them is get games in and be a solid teammate. As long as you're level two (the starting level) or above, you earn exactly the number of key fragments you do today. As you'd expect, a penalized player who drops below level two will receive fewer key fragments. Key fragments now drop outside the end-of-game screen or when you login. Since there's a new voting screen and more info at end-of-game, we moved rewards to make sure you could get back on the Rift as quickly as before.
Starting at level three, Honor Capsules start to drop as well. You can expect an Honor Capsule to occasionally drop instead of a regular key fragment. Honor Capsules require no key to open and unlock a couple key fragments at a minimum. Beyond that, Honor Capsules give a moderate chance at champ shards and a rare shot at the now Honor-exclusive skins Medieval Twitch and Grey Warwick. The two skin drops are permanents, and unlock the champion if you don't already own them.
Once you hit Honor level three, you're eligible for temporary loading screen flairs. Unlock your flair by earning honor from your teammates. If you receive two honors from premade teammates, or just one from a non-premade teammate, you'll bring a loading screen flair to your next game. The flair lasts one game, but there's no cooldown. So shoot for a streak of honors to consistently keep your flair. As you move to levels four and five, your loading screen flair levels up with you.
Honor Levels and Rewards:

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's the full FAQ about honor:
  • Why do I start at Honor level 2?
    • The Honor update's a fresh start for everyone. Unless you have an active penalty you still need to ride out, it's the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and earn free loot just for playing to win. 
  • Do I need to do anything special to progress?
    • Honor levels are all about consistency. Just show up, don't be an asshole, and you'll rise over the coming weeks and months. We have different rewards and celebrations prepared for players who are highly honored in specific games or over the course of a season. 
  • If I get no Honors, do I still level up?
    • You will, just a little more slowly than those who rack them up like crazy. 
  • If I vote for my teammates does that contribute to my Honor levels?
    • Yes, but you’ll need a little help. A whole team gets a slight bonus to their honor level if every teammate votes. Just like the game, you win or lose as a team. 
  • Do I get better rewards at higher Honor levels?
    • At level 2, you get all the key fragments you normally would. At level 3, you unlock Honor Capsule drops and loading screen flairs. At levels 4 and 5, your loading screen flair and honor emblem grows in prominence. We plan to refresh and add to Honor rewards as time goes by. 
  • Can I game the system and boost to level 5 by constantly playing with a premade and honoring each other every game?
    • That’s a great idea. Luckily, we’ve broken a few systems in our day, too. So we specifically built Honor so potential exploits like this give you (and your friend) literally no benefit.

  • I'm spooked about key fragments. Can you give me all the changes?
    • Sure can. First, they drop through Honor now. The idea here is to give them a proper home, rather than just having them drop through arcane calculations at the end of your games. Get all your key fragments by doing two simple things: Playing games, and avoiding Instant Feedback penalties like chat restrictions and bans. That's it. It's an intentionally low bar, because we want you to get your stuff. You don’t need to be honored by teammates to get keys. Individual honors are connected to other rewards like loading screen flairs. Keys can drop whether you win or drop the game. Key fragments no longer drop at end of game screen. They'll hit while browsing the client or on login. 
  • Do I get more or less key fragments with this change?
    • The overall number of key fragments you unlock isn't changing, but the drops should feel more evenly spread across the month. Key gluts and droughts should be smoothed out. 
  • So, should I just relog to get my key frags?
    • No. It won't work like that, and it'll be a profoundly boring way to spend your time with League. 
  • Will I just get keys by idling with the client on?
    • Not just by idling. You need to play games to get key fragments. So for instance, If you spend your Saturday playing games and leave the client on overnight, you might wake up to a nice surprise. If you just boot up your client and don’t play games, you won’t get any key fragments. 
  • So, they'll just show up sometimes?
    • Yep. Just like a fed Twitch coming out of stealth. 
  • Are there any changes to chests with Honor?
    • Not a single change! Just like before, they’ll be locked away for a bit if you’ve been penalized.

  • How do I get a loading screen flair?
    • First, hit level 3. Then earn honor from two premade teammates or one stranger in one game. The flair will unlock for your next matchmade game. 
  • My flair disappeared after one game, why?
    • They’re meant to show off that you’re coming off a great game, so they only last one game. Once you're level 3 or better, get an Honor from two premade teammates or one stranger to unlock flair in your next game. 
  • Is there a cooldown on loading screen flairs?
    • Nope. If you keep earning honors, you'll keep your flair across each game you rock the Rift and earn honors. 
  • Will I get a different loading screen flair per category?
    • Not today, but that's a damn good idea. 
  • Do they get bigger like Champ Mastery?
    • They do! At level 4 and 5 the flairs grow.

  • What kinds of rewards are in the Honor capsules?
    • The minimum loot in an Honor Capsule is two key fragments. There's a chance to get more key fragments, and there's a high rate of champ shards, too. At the top end, there's a rare shot at the Honor-exclusive skins, Medieval Twitch and Grey Warwick. If you nab the skins, they unlock for free, and you'll get the champ if you don't already own them. 
  • How do I get Honor Capsules?
    • Once you earn level 3, they'll drop randomly. Once you get the notification, pop on over to the Loot tab to crack it open. 
  • Do Honor Capsules need keys to open?
    • Nope. They're basically key-free chests.

  • How do I drop a level in Honor?
    • Penalties. Drawing a chat restriction or outright ban will drop your level, and lock your Honor level and rewards. If you’re level 3 or higher, you’ll drop back to level 2. If you are level 2 or below, a penalty knocks you down one level. 
  • What do you mean by lock my Honor level and rewards?
    • You'll see a lock on your Honor level in your profile. This means you aren't making any progress to the next level, and you won't receive any rewards. Unlock your Honor level by putting clean games in. You’ll get a notification when you’ve unlocked your Honor level. 
  • What's the deal with level 1 and 0?
    • If you fall below level 2, you were hit with a penalty or two, and the first step is to put in clean games to unlock your Honor level. Once you do, your games help you climb back to better rewards, just like how it’s worked since Loot launched. 
  • Are rewards cut for these levels?
    • At level 1, you earn many less key fragments than normal. At level 0, also known as Dishonorable, you earn nothing at all. It’s a bummer, but you can bounce back just by getting clean games in.

  • How does Honor work if I transfer my account across servers?
    • Unfortunately, Honor won’t transfer. You’ll start on your new server at level 2. 
  • What happens to my old honor ribbons?
    • They're going away because this is a total system overhaul. Think of this like a Galio-level champ rework, just for a system instead. 
  • What about my old Honor points?
    • Gone too.
To answer a common question regarding the new system, Riot Simurgh noted they do still have plans to rewards those players who interacted with the old honor system:
"Yeah, its a completely new system. We have plans to reward people who interacted a ton with the old Honor system, but we're busy trying to ship the new system to all regions first. Sorry about that!"

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