8/1 PBE Update: Arcade Boss World Crafting, New Esports Login Theme, LZ Hecarim Splash Tweaks, & more

Posted on at 12:40 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 7.16 PBE cycle, today's update includes Arcade Boss World crafting up for testing, a new Esports login theme, various splash and summoner icon tweaks, and more tentative balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Arcade Boss World Crafting

(note: for us, crafting the icon is currently throwing up an error message. hey, it's the pbe after all.)

Arcade Boss World Crafting is now on the PBE for testing, including a virtual prize wall of rewards to craft using TICKETS. Available rewards include the Battle Boss Baron icon & event emote, and a variety of different orbs containing various loot.
  • Mega Orb - 150 tickets
    • Contains the Following: Legacy Skin Shard
    • Chance to Contain: Mega Orb, Gemstone x2, Lancer Zero Hecarim Skin Shard
  • Great Orb - 120 Tickets
    • Contains the Following: Skin Shard
    • Chance to Contain: Great Orb, Gemstone, Dreadnova Darius Skin Shard
  • Good Orb - 80 tickets
    • Contains ONE of the Following: Champion Shard, Summoner Icon, Ward Skin Shard
    • Chance to Contain: Good Orb, Gemstone, Hextech Annie Skin Shard
  • Battle Boss Baron Icon with Event Emote - 80 Ticket
  • Key Fragment - 40.Tickets
  • 10 Blue Essence - 10 Tickets
At the moment, seems that the tickets can be obtained in the shop bundled with Hextech Chests and sets. The three orbs are also available for RP purchase.

Here's the new ARCADE BARON in-game emote. This icon is attached to the previously seen Arcade Baron summoner icon from earlier this cycle.

New Login Theme

A new esports login theme is now on the PBE - filename is "Turkey Finals 2017".

LZ Hecarim Splash Tweaks

Lancer Zero Hecarim's splash has been tweaked slightly,  adding a few small details:

Summoner Icon Tweaks

The upcoming Pentakill 2 icon has also been tweaked slightly:


  • Pentakill Mordekaiser and Sona had a few small tweaks to their skins per KateyKhaos:
"We've made a few tweaks to Pentakill Mordekaiser's helmet and Pentakill Sona's bracers."

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

  • Piltover Peacemaker (Q) damage to targets beyond first lowered from 67% to 50%
  • Yordle Snap Trap (W):
    • Root time reverted from .9/1.05/1.2/1.35/1.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds at all ranks.
    • Additional damage taken from Headshot (P) lowered from 30/70/110/150/190 to 10/55/100/145/190

  • Mana per level increased from 60 to 63
  • Twin Fang (E) 
    • Mana cost reverted from 50/60/70/80/90 to 40/50/60/70/80
    • Poisoned bonus magic damage changed from 10/40/70/100/130 to 15/40/65/90/115

  • Base AD lowered from 56 to 55
    • Vs. Live: from 58 to 55
    • Vs. PBE: from 56 to 55

  • Shatter Orb (Q) damage to minions increased from 50% to 60%
    • Vs Live: from 80% to 60%
    • Vs. PBE: From 50% to 60%

  • Command: Dissonance (W) damage increased from 50/95/140/185/230 to 60/105/150/195/240
    • Vs. Live: from 70/115/160/205/250 to 60/105/150/195/240
    • Vs. PBE: from 50/95/140/185/230 to 60/105/150/195/240
  • Command: Protect (E) shield strength lowered from 80/120/160/200/240 to 60/100/140/180/220

  • Dark Sphere (Q) AP ratio lowered from 75% to 65%
  • Scatter The Weak (E) AP ratio increased from 50% to 60%
  • Unleashed Power (R) 
    • AP per sphere reverted from 17% to 20%
    • AP on total damage reverted from 51% to 60%

Context & Notes

When a problem comes along, you must WIP IT

1) Ququroon noted that today's update should include the final set of Skin Portraits:
"Tomorrow's PBE should have all Skin Portraits in (including 7.16's!). Fixing up a few bugs and a /few/ brightness issues. Almost at the end!"
2) Here's Meddler with his quick gameplay thoughts for 8/1, with thoughts on loading screen tips, Brand, Ancient coin, and more:
"Morning all, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get put delayed or even stopped. 
If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: https://twitter.com/RiotMeddler 
Loading Screen Tips 
For anyone still wondering, yeah, these are definitely lasting much longer in game than they should. We'll be shortening them in the next patch (7.16) so they're not still on screen as you're trying to jungle invade or emote spam each other. 
Ward Consistency Pass 
Also going into 7.16 will be a consistency pass on how attack modifying abilities interact with wards. Our intent is that abilities should stack on wards, but buffs shouldn't get consumed by them (in part because those abilities shouldn't be applying their bonus effects to wards). Most abilities already work as they should in that regard, there are a number though that need correcting (Jax R from memory consumes its 3rd hit damage for example). That should be on PBE already, let us know if you're seeing anything that still doesn't behave as it should. 
We're pulling the Brand changes that have been in testing for 7.16. Still looking to do a bit of work on Brand at some point, see if we can make him a better choice in mid lane, rather than being as skewed towards a support as he is. Changes we've been testing don't hit the mark in terms of intuitiveness and feeling natural on Brand (bit too mechanical). 
Ancient Coin 
We're also going to be hitting the Ancient Coin line in the next patch. The mana return especially's definitely too high, and we're seeing that come across both in a lot of general power and excessive removal of consequences from poor mana use by many supports (blowing a lot of mana for no gain should have more cost). Might or might not need some further tweaks to gold income at some point, unclear for now if that's in the right spot or not with the mana return also being out of line and clearly in need of reduction. Looking at dropping that down to 10%, also considering whether a lower % max, rather than a larger % missing, model might be more appropriate."

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