2/26 PBE Update: Kai'Sa Login Theme & Tentative Balance Changes

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 8.5 PBE cycle, today's patch includes a login theme featuring Kai'Sa, a set of tentative balance changes including a new passive for Locket, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Kai'Sa Login Theme

A new login theme featuring our upcoming champion Kai'Sa is now on the PBE:


  • Your Shop is up on the PBE, no details on when we may see it on live:

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.


  • Whisper (Passive) Passive AD increased from [2 - 40% based on level] to [4 - 44% based on level]
  • Dancing Grenade (Q) AD ratio increased from 40/45/50/55/60% to 40/47.5/55/62.5/70%
  • Deadly Flourish (W) 
    • "W now roots off of ALL damage Jhin deals, not just basic attacks."

  • Umbra Blades (Passive) 
    • Basic attacks against champions now reduce passive cooldown by 2 seconds (formerly 1)
    • Healing value based on level changed from 10/18/26 to 15-40
      • Full Values: 15/16/18/19/21/22/24/25/27/28/30/31/33/34/36/37/39/40

[NOTEOlaf has other tentative changes in testing on the PBE! He's being looked at for buffs.]
  • Reckless Swing (E) 
    • AD ratio increased from 40% to 50%
    • true damage reverted to 80/125/170/215/260 to 70/115/160/205/250 - same as live.
  • Ragnarok (R) 
    • Bonus Resistances reverted from 20/35/50 to 20/30/40 - same as live.
    • Attack damage increase during active increased from [40/70/100] to [15/20/25 + (30% of total AD)].
      • from "During this time, Olaf loses the passive portion of Ragnarok and gains 40/70/110 Attack Damage." to "During this time, Olaf loses the passive portion of Ragnarok and gains x Attack Damage (15/20/25 + 30% of his Total Attack Damage)."

  • Spell Flux (E)
    • Damage increased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 70/90/110/130/150
    • [New] Spell Flux now only deals 50% damage upon spreading.
  • Realm Warp (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 120 to 180

[NOTE: Swain has other changes currently testing on PBE, including W size increase.]
  • Death's Hand (Q) cooldown lowered from 7.5/6.25/5/3.75/2.5 to 5.5/4.75/4/3.25/2.5

[NOTE: Tristana has other changes in testing on the PBE, including base attack range down and passive tweaks.]
  • Rocket Jump (W) damage changed from 100/150/200/150/300 to 85/135/185/235/285
    • Vs Live: increased from 60/110/160/210/260 to 85/135/185/235/285

[NOTE: Q ap ratio bugged in 2/26 post. will be fixed soon!]
  • Attack range increased from 525 to 550
  • Paddle Star (Q) - (damage changed, now gains damage based on Zoe's level, Q first hit no longer applies passive's damage, AoE lowered to 80% for those not directly hit.)
    • Damage increased from 45/60/75/90/105 (+20% AP) to 50/75/100/125/150 (60% AP)
    • No longer also deals More Sparkles! damage to the first target hit
    • Now also gains base damage based on Zoe's level
      • 7/8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/29/32/35/38/42/46/50
    • Now deals 20% reduced damage to enemies not directly hit.
  • Spell Thief (W)
    • Bubble acquisition range increased from 525 to 550
    • Damage increased from 70/115/160/205/250  (+60% AP) to 75/120/165/210/255 (+75% AP)

Locket of the Iron Solari
  • [Active] Active changed from an aoe shield effect to to "After a brief delay, creates a protective field at your location for 8 seconds. Allied champions within the field are dealt 35% less damage (90 second cooldown)."
  • Activation places zone at caster's feet after a small delay.
  • Zone is stationary. 
    •  Using Active does not interrupt movement. 

Ancient Coin line
  • Effect changed from "Minion or non-epic monster kills temporarily disable Favor and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop." to "Killing multiple minions or monsters temporarily disables Favor and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop."

Relic Shield line
  • Effect changed from "Minion or monster kills without consuming a charge temporarily disable Spoils of War and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop." to "Killing multiple minions or monsters without charge consumption temporarily disables Spoils of War and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop."

Spellthief's Edge line
  • Effect changed from "Minion and non-epic monster kills temporarily disable Tribute and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop." to "Killing multiple minions or monsters temporarily disables Tribute and gold generation. Disable time increases based on recent minion kills and resets at the shop."

Fleet Footwork (P1)
  • Now notes healing for ranged attack on minion is 30% effective

Manaflow Band
  • Now has a cooldown indicator on buff bar.

  • First tower kill gold reverted from 200g to 300g

Context & Notes

1) ricklessabandon with context on the Locket of the Iron Solari changes in today's PBE update:
[1] "oh, right! i'm working on this in addition to ahri — targeting 8.6 so a bit of time to work out the specifics full context is a bit wordy, but basically locket's current design has too much 'collateral impact' on strategies that aren't what it's meant to counter/enable"
[2] "so, trying to find a more focused design for it that is less "always good in any situation in every game of league" that still is cool/fun to use when the appropriate situation(s) come up"
[3] "already planning on trying out a version with more than 0 cast range — wanted to get testing on both models"

2) Riot August provided a changelist for the Jhin changes in today's PBE update:
Some Jhin buffs being tested by @PhRoXzOn on PBE : 
Passive AD mult:: 2-40% >>> 4-44% 
Q AD ratio:: 40/45/50/55/60% >>> 40/47.5/55/62.5/70% 
W now roots off of ALL damage Jhin deals, not just basic attacks."
3) Riot Xenogenic is here with a changelist and context on Quinn changes coming to the PBE soon. These changes are slated for 8.6. Here are the full details:
"Hey folks! As Meddler mentioned, we’ve been looking at ways to improve Quinn in the short-term, so this post is going to outline some changes we’ve been testing and are coming to PBE next week. The changes are not currently targeted for 8.5, but we’d love to get your feedback as soon as possible. 
So, with that said, here are the goals for our changelist: 
  • Increase her overall power, particularly by late game, without increasing her ability to bully in lane
  • Improve the quality of life for Quinn players by fixing a number of bugs, especially with her ultimate
  • Reduce the number of rules and exceptions around Quinn’s ult so it’s more fun to use
  • Shift a little of her early game power into late game power 
And here are the changes we’ve been testing: 
Passive - Harrier - Quality of life improvement and power increase
  • Auto-attacks that are already in-flight will now trigger and consume the Harrier mark
Base Stats - Shift some of her early game power into late game power
  • Starting AD reduced: 62 >>> 59
  • AD per level increased : 2.4 >>> 3 (AD at 18: 103 >>> 110)
R - Behind Enemy Lines - Bug fixes, quality of life improvements, and teamfight usability improvement
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent Skystrike from firing
  • Skystrike now applies her Harrier mark to all enemy champions hit
  • Fixed a bug where Skystrike would deal double damage if fired by re-activating her R
  • Channeling no longer breaks when taking damage
  • Removed the in-combat state that would refresh R’s cooldown every time combat was entered
  • Taking damage from non-minions while channeling or while Behind Enemy Lines is active no longer breaks the channel or form. Instead, the movement speed bonus is removed for 2 seconds. Taking damage from minions no longer has any effect. 
As I said above, this is not currently slated for 8.5, so we have some time to discuss it and test it on PBE. Please let us know what you think. Thanks! 
“Sometimes I swear that bird is just showing off.” - Quinn"
4) Riot Maple noted likely nerfs to Skarner soon:
"We're likely to need to nerf Skarner at some point in the future - but I certainly don't think we're talking about a gutting. We'd already been talking about keeping a fast followup changelist of his stun scaling from 1-1.5 on his E when we shipped his buffs on 8.1, or normalizing it to 1.25 seconds or something like that"
5) Here's Riot Orphyre with a bugs & feedback thread for the Resistance Illaoi, Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath, and Bullet Angel Kai'Sa chroma:
"Hey everyone! 
We’ve got more Chromas for you! Some for old skins, and some for new skins--Come and check 'em out! 
Resistance Illaoi Chromas: 
New textures: “The Resistance needs you.”
  • Ruby
  • Pearl
  • Catseye
  • Obsidian
  • Aquamarine
  • Tanzanite
  • Rose Quartz
Battlecast Prime Cho’Gath Chromas: 
New textures: “The world of humans is ending.”
  • Ruby
  • Catseye
  • Sapphire
  • Pearl
  • Obsidian
  • Tanzanite
Bullet Angel Kai’Sa Chromas: 
New textures: “Technology doesn’t evolve, It upgrades.”
  • Ruby
  • Rose Quartz
  • Aquamarine
  • Obsidian
  • Granite
  • Amethyst
  • Pearl
  • Catseye 
The chroma sets are now available on PBE! We hope you all will enjoy the new sets, but we’re also looking forward to hearing your constructive feedback. I’ll do my best to answer and reply to your questions and feedback! 
Riot Orphyre"

6)3) Regarding the 2/26 PBE Zoe changes,  Repertoir noted the base AP ratio was bugged and will be fixed soon.
"It's bugged on the PBE. There was a conflict between the late 8.4 change and the new 8.5 change. Should be correct at 60%-150% in tomorrow's PBE build."

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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