The PBE has been updated! As we start the 8.10 PBE cycle, today's patch includes new Pulsefire Riven, Shen, and Twisted Fate skins, new summoner icons, a new ward skin, Clash assets, and more!
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)
Table of Contents
- New Champion Skins
- New Ward Skin
- Clash Summoner Banners, Flags, and Trophies Assets
- Dragon Master Swain Chroma Continued Testing
- Balance Changes
- Context & Notes
New Skins
As previewed on social media, three new Pulsefire skins are warping our way in 8.10 - Pulsefire Riven, Pulsefire Shen, and Pulsefire Twisted Fate.Pulsefire Riven
1350 RP
"KiWiKiD here taking you to the top (lane) with Pulsefire Riven. Now her plays will be twice as flashy thanks to her high-tech upgrades!!
Pulsefire Riven is now available on PBE! Pulsefire tech cards are ready to be dealt. Remember to report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. And of course: If you’ve got any questions, I’m here for them, and you.
- New model and textures - Clean outfit, lavender hair, and shiny new blade with pulsefire core.
- New Spell VFX - Featuring quintessential pulsefire blue, and heated orange while in ult.
- New SFX - SFX on all spells!! Pulsefire energy highlights her skill.
- New recall animation - Escape through a portal, avoiding capture from enemies across timelines.
- New death animation - Stare at the pretty singularity instead of typing to your team when you die level 1.
Pulsefire Riven is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)."
Pulsefire Shen
1350 RP
"Hello gamers, it’s KiWiKiD again with the long awaited Shen skin — pulsefire edition! Can’t wait for this handsome, time-traveling man to ult to my side and give me a thick shield.
Pulsefire Shen is now available on PBE! Go forth and show some players the Shenobi of the future. Report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. If you’ve got any questions, you know who to call. Me!
- New model and textures - See the Shenpai in his full glory.
- New Spell VFX - Futuristic flashiness to compliment his ninja sleekness
- New SFX - New or additional SFX on all spells! The W is my personal favorite.
- New recall animation - Recall home in satisfying, blissful style.
- New death animation - Chest problems in the future don’t look so fun. Hopefully it’s painless.
Pulsefire Shen is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)."
Pulsefire Twisted Fate
1350 RP
Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Pulsefire Twisted Fate:"Sup players, I’m back with the latest technologies showcased by Twisted Fate! His high-tech improvements may (or may not) help you lock -in that juicy 0-rotation gold card.
- New model and textures - you see the bowler hat, you be the bowler hat, you are the bowler hat.
- New Spell VFX - Featuring that iconic, mesmerizing ice blue all over.
- New SFX - Digitized and techy SFX on all spells! Let me know which one you like the most!
- New recall animation - Pick the correct portal in search of Pulsefire Riven.
- New death animation - Get the death you deserve when you ult into a turret (for those 200iq plays).
Pulsefire Twisted Fate is now dealing tech cards on PBE! Report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. If you’ve got any questions, I’ll be the support you need to carry your bugs and feedback to the team.
Pulsefire Twisted Fate is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)."
New Summoner Icons
Three new summoner icons featuring the new Pulsefire Riven, Twisted Fate, and Shen skins are now on the PBE:New Ward Skin
A new ward skin is now on the PBE!Pulsefire 2018 Ward Skin
Clash Summoner Banners, Flags and Trophy Assets
Tons of new assets for summoner banners and flags based on Runeterran regions, frames, pedestals, trophies, and more were added to the PBE. These look to be related to Clash! Here is an Imgur album of all assets.
Flag Frames
Shadow Isles
Base (Demacia)
Shadow Isles
Dragon Master Swain Chroma Continued Testing
The Dragon Master Swain chroma are back on the PBE, including changes to each, and two new colors (teal and black):Dragon Master Swain
- With CLASH and related assets continuing PBE beta testing, the Profile page has been changed to include a spot for a Clash Trophy.
Balance Changes
* NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.
** Ashe
- Armor lowered from 31 to 26
- HP increased from 527.72 to 539
- HP/Level increased from 79 to 85
- HP Regen lowered from 5.5 to 3.5
** Caitlyn
- Armor lowered from 33 to 28
- HP increased from 475 to 481
- HP/Level increased from 85 to 91
- HP Regen lowered from 5.5 to 3.5
** Corki
- HP increased from 518 to 528
- HP Regen lowered from 5.5 to 3.5
** Draven
- Armor lowered from 34 to 29
- HP increased from 557.76 to 574
- HP/Level increased from 82 to 88
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Ezreal
- Armor lowered from 31 to 25
- HP increased from 484.4 to 491
- HP/Level increased from 80 to 86
- HP Regen lowered from 6.5 to 4
** Jhin
- Armor lowered from 29 to 24
- HP increased from 540 to 556
- HP/Level increased from 85 to 91
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Jinx
- Armor lowered from 32 to 28
- HP increased from 515 to 531
- HP/Level increased from 82 to 88
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Kai’Sa
- Armor lowered from 33.04 to 28
- HP increased from 554.4 to 571
- HP/Level increased from 80 to 86
- HP Regen lowered from 5.5 to 3.5
** Kalista
- Armor lowered from 28 to 23
- HP increased from 517.76 to 534
- HP/Level increased from 83 to 89
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Kog’Maw
- Armor lowered from 29 to 24
- HP increased from 517.76 to 534
- HP/Level increased from 82 to 88
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Lucian
- Armor lowered from 33 to 28
- HP increased from 554.4 to 571
- HP/Level increased from 80 to 86
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Miss Fortune
- Armor lowered from 33 to 28
- HP increased from 530 to 541
- HP/Level increased from 85 to 91
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Sivir
- Armor lowered from 31 to 26
- HP increased from 515.76 to 532
- HP/Level increased from 82 to 88
- HP Regen lowered from 5 to 3.25
** Tristana
- Armor lowered from 31 to 26
- HP increased from 542.76 to 559
- HP/Level increased from 82 to 88
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Twitch
- Armor lowered from 32 to 27
- HP increased from 525.08 to 542
- HP/Level increased from 81 to 87
- HP Regen lowered from 6 to 3.75
** Varus
- Armor lowered from 32 to 27
- HP increased from 537.76 to 549
- HP/Level increased from 82 to 86
- HP Regen lowered from 5.5 to 3.5
** Vayne
- Armor lowered from 28 to 23
- HP increased from 498.44 to 515
- HP/Level increased from 83 to 89
- HP Regen lowered from 5.5 to 3.5
** Xayah
- Armor lowered from 33 to 28
- HP increased from 545 to 561
- HP/Level increased from 80 to 86
- HP Regen lowered from 5 to 3
- Unique Active - Metallicize cooldown lowered from 92 seconds to 90 seconds
Hunter's Machete
- Bonus damage vs. monsters increased from 25 to 35
- [Removed] No longer grants bonus attack speed
Hunter's Talisman
- [Removed] No longer gives 150% base mana regen
- health steal increased from 25 to 30
- [New Effect] "While in the jungle or river, regenerate 8 mana per second based on your missing mana."
Warding Totem (Trinket)
- Ward duration increased from [60-120 seconds] to [90-180 seconds]
- Charge cooldown increased from [180-90 seconds] to to [240-120 seconds]
Jungle & Support Items
- [Context] "First, made Support and Jungle items exclusive. Support items exist to shore up the needs of that position, and it just causes problems when players of other positions take those items."
- [Context] "Oh, by the way, with the Support/Jungle item change... Machete and Talisman should have special rules that allow you to have both. Please let me know if you run into any issues with this!"
[** = Marksman Changes, including items, runes, and champions - Context Post / Changelist]
** [NEW ITEM] Stormrazor
- Recipe: [B.F. Sword + Pickaxe + Dagger + 925 gold]
- Total Cost: 3400g
- +65 Attack Damage
- +25% Attack Speed
- UNIQUE Passive: If you haven't attacked in the last 2.5 seconds, your next basic attack will critically strike.
- UNIQUE Passive: When you critically strike, gain 25% attack speed and 8% movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
** Last Whisper
- Armor Penetration changed from [35% bonus] to [10% total]
** Lord Dominik’s Regards
- New Recipe: [Last Whisper + Pickaxe + 625 gold]
- Total cost increased from 2600 to 2800
- Attack Damage lowered from 50 to 40
- Armor Penetration changed from [35% bonus armor penetration] to [35% total armor penetration]
- Giant Slayer passive removed.
** Giant Slayer
- Removed from the shop
** Mortal Reminder
- Gold cost increased from 2600 to 2800
- Attack Damage lowered from 50 to 40
- Armor Penetration changed from [35% bonus armor penetration] to [25% total armor penetration]
** Zeal
- Total gold cost increased from 1200 to 1300
** Rapid Firecannon
- Total gold cost increased from 2600 to 2800
** Statikk Shiv
- Total gold cost increased from 2600 to 2800
** Runaan’s Hurricane
- Total gold cost increased from 2600 to 2800
** Phantom Dancer
- Total gold cost increased from 2600 to 2800
** Infinity Edge
- New Recipe: [B.F. Sword + B.F. Sword + 1100 gold]
- Total Cost: 3700g
- Attack Damage increased from 70 to 80
- [Removed] No longer increases critical strike damage.
- [New Effect] UNIQUE Passive: Doubles your critical strike chance.
- [New Effect] UNIQUE Passive: 20% of critical strike damage is converted to true damage.
** Molten Edge (Ornn’s Infinity Edge upgrade)
- "Temporarily removed from the shop. It’ll be back before we ship."
** Essence Reaver
- New Recipe: [B.F. Sword + Caulfield’s Warhammer + 800 gold]
- Total Cost: 3200g
- Cooldown Reduction increased from 10% to 20%
- [Removed] No longer grants critical strike chance
- [Removed] No longer grants additional CDR based on critical strike chance.
- [Changed Effect] Mana refund reworked: Now grants 1% of missing mana on hit.
- [New Effect] UNIQUE Passive: For 8 seconds after your ultimate, gain 30% attack speed, and basic attacks refund 20% of your remaining non-ultimate cooldowns (30 second cooldown).
** Cloak of Agility
- Removed from shop
** Blade of the Ruined King
- Gold Cost lowered from 3400 to 3200
** The Bloodthirster
- Gold cost lowered from 3700 to 3500
** Maw of Malmortius
- AD increased from 50 to 60
- MR increased from 45 to 50
- Shield value changed from [300 + 100% of bonus magic resistance] to [350]
** Guardian Angel
- New Recipe: [B.F. Sword + Chain Vest + Stopwatch + 100 gold]
- Total Cost: 2800g
- AD increased from 40 to 45
- Armor increased from 30 to 40
Minion Dematerializer (I3)
- [Changed Effect]
"Start the game with 5 Minion Dematerializers that damage lane minions, and give you a permanent bonus based on minion type. Minion Dematerializers are on cooldown for the first 155s of the game.
Melee minions give 1 armor and 1 movement speed.
Caster minions give 1 magic resist and an adaptive 0.6 attack damage or 1 ability power.
Siege minions give 10 health and 1% bonus damage to structures and epic monsters."
Rift Scuttler
[Context / Changelist from Riot Sotere]
- Rift Scuttler spawn logic changed from [Randomly determined location at all points] to [Now at game start, there are crabs on both sides of the river. When both are killed, only one will respawn, in a randomly determined location]
- Rift Scuttler experience changed from [170] to [115-230 (scales from levels 1-9)]
- Rift Scuttler gold changed from [100] to [70-140 (scales as above)]
- Camp Respawn timers changed from 2:30 to 2:15]
Context & Notes
1) Lowbo tweeted some changes that should be on the PBE today:[1] Hello! So I've been pretty bad about tweeting when I have changes coming to PBE, trying to be better about that! Happy to discuss goals and context with any of these changes.
[2] First, made Support and Jungle items exclusive. Support items exist to shore up the needs of that position, and it just causes problems when players of other positions take those items.
[3] Second, some changes to Warding Totem: Ward Duration to 90-180 seconds, based on level, up from 60-120. Charge cooldown up as well, to 240-120 based on level, up from 180-90.
[4] Third, the Rammus + Shurelya's interaction should be fixed so let me know if there are any problems with that.
[5] Oh, by the way, with the Support/Jungle item change... Machete and Talisman should have special rules that allow you to have both. Please let me know if you run into any issues with this!2) Here's Riot Axes with a context post on Marksman changes coming to the PBE in the 8.10 PBE cycle, posted 4/30. He also provided a full changelist in a new thread:
"Hi folks,
ADC item and champion changes should be coming to the PBE shortly, as discussed here:
It’ll be a bit longer before you see Runes changes on PBE - sorry for the delay there.
Last Whisper Context
One thing that’s already coming up a lot is the impact of the Last Whisper changes on non-ADCs and we wanted to share our intentions here.
Those changes are a meaningful buff to quite a few Fighters and AD Assassins, though it’s difficult to predict how much of a buff. We’ll be looking to quickly follow up if any champions become overpowered, though we haven’t ruled out some preliminary work case-by-case.
The AD item space has been missing a crucial multiplier for ability-based damage (ie. not crit or attack speed) for quite some time now, and it’s important that champions can scale their damage properly over the course of a successful game even if that means we have to commit to some immediate monitoring and followup. Without that multiplier, champions in the space have to be tuned around exceptional - and highly reliable - early games, since they have to get extremely far ahead of their opponents in order to impact the rest of the game. Success for those champions tends to have to be measured more in how far behind they can put their victim opponent rather than in whether they got ahead or not.
These armor penetration changes provide that scaling to many non-critical strike AD builds across several classes, allowing us to more appropriately reward success in game going forward.
Now for the full list of item changes:
[NEW] Stormrazor
Last Whisper
- B.F. Sword + Pickaxe + Dagger + 925 gold (3400 total)
- +65 Attack Damage
- +25% Attack Speed
- UNIQUE Passive: If you haven't attacked in the last 2.5 seconds, your next basic attack will critically strike.
- UNIQUE Passive: When you critically strike, gain 25% attack speed and 8% movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
Lord Dominik’s Regards
- Armor Penetration :: 35% bonus >>> 10% total
Giant Slayer
- New build path :: Last Whisper + Pickaxe + 625 gold
- Gold cost :: 2600 >>> 2800
- Attack Damage :: 50 >>> 40
- Armor Penetration :: 35% bonus armor penetration >>> 35% total armor penetration
- Giant Slayer passive removed.
Mortal Reminder
- Removed from the shop
- Gold cost :: 2600 >>> 2800
- Attack Damage :: +50 >>> +40
- Armor Penetration :: 35% bonus armor penetration >>> 25% total armor penetration
Rapid Firecannon
- Total gold cost :: 1200 >>> 1300
Statikk Shiv
- Total gold cost :: 2600 >>> 2800
Runaan’s Hurricane
- Total gold cost :: 2600 >>> 2800
Phantom Dancer
- Total gold cost :: 2600 >>> 2800
Infinity Edge
- Total gold cost :: 2600 >>> 2800
Molten Edge (Ornn’s Infinity Edge upgrade)
- New build path: B.F. Sword + B.F. Sword + 1100 gold (3700 total)
- Attack Damage :: +70 >>> +80
- [REM] No longer increases critical strike damage.
- [NEW] UNIQUE Passive: Doubles your critical strike chance.
- [NEW] UNIQUE Passive: 20% of critical strike damage is converted to true damage.
Essence Reaver
- Temporarily removed from the shop. It’ll be back before we ship.
Cloak of Agility
- New build path: B.F. Sword + Caulfield’s Warhammer + 800 gold (3200 total)
- Cooldown Reduction :: 10% >>> 20%
- [REM] No longer grants critical strike chance
- [REM] No longer grants additional crit chance based on critical strike chance.
- Mana refund reworked: Now grants 1% of missing mana on hit.
- [NEW] UNIQUE Passive: For 8 seconds after your ultimate, gain 30% attack speed, and basic attacks refund 20% of your remaining non-ultimate cooldowns (30 second cooldown).
Blade of the Ruined King
- Removed from shop
The Bloodthirster
- Gold Cost :: 3400 >>> 3200
Maw of Malmortius
- Gold cost :: 3700 >>> 3500
Guardian Angel
- AD :: 50 >>> 60
- MR :: 45 >>> 50
- Shield value :: 300 + 100% of bonus magic resistance >>> 350
- Build Path :: B.F. Sword + Cloth Armor + Stopwatch + 200 gold (2400 total gold) >>> B.F. Sword + Chain Vest + Stopwatch + 100 gold (2800 total gold)
- AD :: 40 >>> 45
- Armor :: 30 >>> 40
Champion-specific changes:
Marksmen are receiving three different base stats passes, which are overlapping here.3) Here's Riot Sotere's first thread with details on Jungle changes coming in the 8.10 PBE cycle, posted 4/27. He also provided an updated thread after going through feedback from the community:
- They’ve had their base stat packages from Runes Reforged changed to match Corki. In practice this means about -5 Armor, +6 health, and +6 health per level, meaning their overall defenses are slightly more general (less good against each other, better against Zyra/Nami.)
- Base attack damage has been retuned. They lose 4 base AD at level 1, gaining 0.7 per level, breaking even at about level 9 (you get less of your per level stats at low levels, more at higher levels).
- Health regen has been reduced by about 2 health per 5 seconds, with small amounts of additional level 1 health added in for less poke-oriented Marksmen on top of whatever they got for the base stat package above (generally 10 or less health).
- Armor :: 31 >>> 26
- HP :: 527.72 >>> 539
- HP/Level :: 79 >>> 85
- HP Regen :: 5.5 >>> 3.5
- Armor :: 33 >>> 28
- HP :: 475 >>> 481
- HP/Level :: 85 >>> 91
- HP Regen :: 5.5 >>> 3.5
- HP :: 518 >>> 528
- HP Regen :: 5.5 >>> 3.5
- Note: He didn't receive all the changes because he received a different base stat package at Runes Reforged
- Armor :: 34 >>> 29
- HP :: 557.76 >>> 574
- HP/Level :: 82 >>> 88
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
- Armor :: 31 >>> 25
- HP :: 484.4 >>> 491
- HP/Level :: 80 >>> 86
- HP Regen :: 6.5 >>> 4
- Armor :: 29 >>> 24
- HP :: 540 >>> 556
- HP/Level :: 85 >>> 91
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
- Armor :: 32 >>> 28
- HP :: 515 >>> 531
- HP/Level :: 82 >>> 88
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
- Armor :: 33.04 >>> 28
- HP :: 554.4 >>> 571
- HP/Level :: 80 >>> 86
- HP Regen :: 5.5 >>> 3.5
- Armor :: 28 >>> 23
- HP :: 517.76 >>> 534
- HP/Level :: 83 >>> 89
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
- Armor :: 29 >>> 24
- HP :: 517.76 >>> 534
- HP/Level :: 82 >>> 88
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
Miss Fortune
- Armor :: 33 >>> 28
- HP :: 554.4 >>> 571
- HP/Level :: 80 >>> 86
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
- Armor :: 33 >>> 28
- HP :: 530 >>> 541
- HP/Level :: 85 >>> 91
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
- Armor :: 31 >>> 26
- HP :: 515.76 >>> 532
- HP/Level :: 82 >>> 88
- HP Regen :: 5 >>> 3.25
- Armor :: 31 >>> 26
- HP :: 542.76 >>> 559
- HP/Level :: 82 >>> 88
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
- Armor :: 32 >>> 27
- HP :: 525.08 >>> 542
- HP/Level :: 81 >>> 87
- HP Regen :: 6 >>> 3.75
- Armor :: 32 >>> 27
- HP :: 537.76 >>> 549
- HP/Level :: 82 >>> 86
- HP Regen :: 5.5 >>> 3.5
- Armor :: 28 >>> 23
- HP :: 498.44 >>> 515
- HP/Level :: 83 >>> 89
- HP Regen :: 5.5 >>> 3.5
- Armor :: 33 >>> 28
- HP :: 545 >>> 561
- HP/Level :: 80 >>> 86
- HP Regen :: 5 >>> 3"
Heyas there,
Thanks everyone for your feedback last week. We have a new iteration on our jungle changes for 8.10, and we've reevaluated some of our goals and tactics and we are testing some new changes as a result.
For reference our goals for the 8.10 changes were included in our first context post here:
Goals we are still targeting for 8.10:
Additional context on reducing early lane pressure: The lane phase is one of the most important points in the game for creating and building a lead against your opponent. Currently, we’re seeing junglers being the deciding factor in who wins or loses a lane more often than feels appropriate. We've had a steady creep of jungler pressure towards early lane influence that we want to combat. Laners should more often have the opportunity to outplay their opponents and showcase their skills without being thwarted by jungle presence. To be clear, we still want junglers to primarily influence the game through ganks, but we want to push back the earliest of these ganks, and generally increase the cost a jungler pays for them.
- Reduce early lane pressure from junglers
- Reduce mana restraints as a hard blocker for champions that want to jungle
Goals we are de-emphasizing for 8.10:
- Increased early Jungle vs Jungle interaction
- Encourage variation in optimal pathing
We're going to put substantially less emphasis on the goal of encouraging variation in optimal pathing. In particular, we're attempting to iterate away from pathing changes that feel mandated in the early game, or overly-influenced by random elements.
Next, we recognize that our tactics to encourage early jungle vs. jungle interactions were received as too heavy-handed and that there'd be too much of an emphasis on powerful early junglers and laners who can establish early dominance/wave pressure. We think this is still a promising space to open up at some point, but likely not using the tactics you saw in the last set of changes.
High level changes and context from the previously stated iteration:
As usual, changes on PBE are subject to change and planned for pretty significant iteration. These changes potentially more so than most, as we recognize we're working with a delicate system that currently supports a good number of playstyles and skill tests. Thanks as always for your passionate feedback and please do let us know how these changes feel on PBE.
- Rift Scuttler spawn logic :: Randomly determined location at all points >>> Now at game start, there are crabs on both sides of the river. When both are killed, only one will respawn, in a randomly determined location
- Context: We want to lower the pressure that RNG has on the early game decision making of the jungler and their laners. We like the dynamic the randomness and scarcity creates as the game progresses, but forcing it so early turned out to be too dramatic.
- Rift Scuttler experience :: 170 >>> 115-230 (scales from levels 1-9)
- Context: This makes the early Rift Scuttler not as pivotal in terms of early fights and there is no more forced incentive to take it as it won't grant a quicker path to level 3 than other routes. As the game progresses, Scuttler importance will climb such that it's still a point of conflict.
- Rift Scuttler gold :: 100 >>> 70-140 (scales as above)
- Context: Same as previous section. Pushing the reward into later in the game.
- Camp Respawn timers :: 2:30 >>> 2:15
- Context: Very tentatively testing lower respawn timers. Your camps having downtime is great for encouraging PvP through ganks, but we can also see a world where camps being available more leads to wider decision making, not fewer. Our hypothesis is this will bring back some gains encouraging more counter-jungling as a response to ganks, and thus higher cost and probably less ganks early on. Moreover, efficient pathing becomes a more important skill test. As mentioned, these are tentative because the changes have downsides: this encourages a heavier PvE playstyle and makes the fastest junglers have an easy and noninteractive path to a lead. Gold value of camps is also down 10% so economy is not flat-out increased, though further tuning will be required here.
Also small extra note: we have version of Runic Echoes on PBE that we'll be pulling in favor of a different iteration that was receiving more positive internal feedback. The shape of that item looks more like the following:
Off-Screen Health Bar Correction on PBE
As mentioned by Meddler in a previous QGT post, Riot Meyea is here with a feedback thread for off-screen healthbar changes:"Left image is PBE, the right image is Live
It's pretty simple. If your health bar is off your screen but a part of a turret, inhib, rift herald, dragon, or baron is on your screen the health bar now pushes itself down so that you can see it.
If you have any feedback on this feature or any issues, please post here."