1/8 PBE Update: Sylas, the Unshackled, Lunar Revel & Valentines Skins, and more!

The PBE has been updated! As we start the 9.2 PBE cycle, today's patch includes our newest champion, Sylas the Unshackled, new skins, chroma, icons, and much more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Champion: Sylas

Our newest champion, Sylas, the Unshackled, is now chaining up the PBE! Before we get all caught up in the details, here's Riot Syzmba with a bugs thread:
"Hello everyone! 
With today's deploy, we will be enabling Sylas and his skin on the PBE for testing! As always, we are still heads down working on finishing him up and we do know there are still some issues we need to solve. With that said, we would love to hear about any bugs you encounter during your time as, with, or against him on the PBE. If you encounter an issue, feel free to hop over to the Report a Bug Tool and let us know what you experienced, along with any other information you think might be useful. 
We'll be keeping tabs here and on the reports from the tool throughout our time on the PBE, and we all hope you have a great time with him! 

Sylas, The Unshackled

Stats & Abilities

  • Base MR: 32.1
  • MR Per Level: 0.5
  • Base Mana: 280
  • Mana Per Level: 50
  • Base AD: 55.04
  • AD Per Level: 3
  • Base Armor: 32
  • Armor Per Level: 3
  • Base HP: 585
  • HP Per Level: 85
  • Base HP Regen: 1.9
  • HP Regen Per Level: 0.2
  • Base Move Speed: 340
  • Attack Speed Per Level: 3.5
  • Auto Attack Range: 175


Petricite Burst (Passive)
16/15/14/13/12 second Cooldown
"After casting a spell, Sylas's next basic attack whirls his energized chains around him, dealing [100% Total AD] (+5/8/10/13/15/18/20/23/25/28/30/33/35/38/40/43/45/48) (+20% AP) magic damage to enemies hit."

Chain Lash (Q)
50/55/60/65/70 Mana
9/8/7/6/5 second Cooldown  
"Sylas lashes his chains out in an X-shaped area, intersecting at his targeted location dealing 45/70/95/120/145 (+60% AP) magic damage to and slowing enemies by 15/20/25/30/35% for 2 seconds. 
After .5 seconds, magical energy explodes from the intersection point dealing 45/70/95/120/145 (+60% AP) and increasing the slow by 50%. 
The explosion deals 60% damage to minions."

Kingslayer (W)
50/55/60/65/70 Mana
14/13.5/13/12.5/12 second Cooldown 
"Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+55% AP) magic damage, increased to 90/135/180/225/270 (+83% AP) if the enemy is below 40% health. 
Damaging enemy champions heals Sylas for 50/100/150/200/250 (+40% AP), increased to 100/200/300/400/500 (+80% AP) if Sylas is below 40% health."

Abscond / Abduct (E)
55/60/65/70/75 Mana
10 second Cooldown
"Sylas dashes to a location, Shielding himself for 60/90/120/150/180 (+90% AP) for 2 seconds. 
Recast: Sylas throws out his chain in a direction, pulling himself to the first enemy hit dealing 50/65/80/95/110 (+20% AP) magic damage and knocking them up for .5 seconds."

Hijack (R)
75 Mana
85/50/15 second Cooldown 
"Sylas hijacks a targeted enemy, allowing him to cast their ultimate ability as they would cast it, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats. 
Hijacking an enemy places a cooldown on them for 200% (modified by Sylas' Cooldown Reduction, minimum 20 seconds) of the enemy's ultimate's cooldown, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again. 
Sylas converts non-hybrid AD ratios into AP ratios, granting him .5 AP: 1 Bonus AD and .4 AP: 1 Total AD respectively."


Full Voiceover:

Choose VO: "No more cages!"

Ban VO: "You can't cage me for long."

Sylas special interactions:

Non English VO:


In Client Bio:
"Raised in one of Demacia's lesser quarters, Sylas of Dregbourne has come to symbolize the darker side of the Great City. As a boy, his ability to root out hidden sorcery caught the attention of the notorious mageseekers, who eventually imprisoned him for turning those same powers against them. Having now broken free, Sylas lives as a hardened revolutionary, using the magic of those around him to destroy the kingdom he once served… and his band of outcast mage followers seems to grow by the day."
Sylas's full biography can be found on the Universe!

Release Skin - Lunar Wraith Sylas

Sylas's release skin is Lunar Wraith Sylas!

Lunar Wraith Sylas
1350 RP

Champion Skins

Six new skins have been added to the PBE this cycle:

Coin Emperor Kench

1350 RP

Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Coin Emperor Tahm Kench: 
"Let us peruse this establishment's fare. 
Coin Emperor Tahm Kench includes:
  • New model and textures: He’s gilded in gold!
  • All-new VFX: Coins, smoke and pigs, oh my!
  • All-new SFX Festive tones and coin jingling!
  • All-new recall animation: A very, very large meal for one!
Coin Emperor Tahm Kench is set to be 1350 RP.
Prices are subject to change. 
Coin Emperor Tahm Kench will be available to play on PBE shortly! As always, we’d love to hear your feedback, so drop it in the thread below! If you have questions, feel free to ask ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them! GLHF! :)"

Firecracker Sejuani

1350 RP

Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Firecracker Sejuani:
"Fight or make room for those who will. 
Firecracker Sejuani includes:
  • New model and textures: A new Lunar Revel inspired look for Sejuani, accompanied by a pink pig Bristle!
  • All-new VFX: Complete with sparklers alongside jades and golds!
  • All-new SFX: Tonal metals and magic!
  • All-new recall animation: It’s a piggy dance party!
Firecracker Sejuani is set to be 1350 RP.
Prices are subject to change. 
Firecracker Sejuani will available on PBE soon! As always, we’d love to hear your feedback, so drop it in the thread below! If you have questions, feel free to ask ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them! GLHF! :)

Firecracker Vayne

1350 RP

Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs & feedback thread for Firecracker Vayne:
"Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness. 
Firecracker Vayne includes:
  • New model and textures: A new look to celebrate the Year of the Pig - complete with a piggy crossbow!
  • All-new VFX: Beautiful golds and fireworks explosions!
  • All-new SFX Tonal magic and metallics, and of course, the sounds of fireworks being shot off!
  • All-new recall animation: Vayne strikes a few poses as her crossbow shoots off fireworks!
Firecracker Vayne is set to be 1350 RP.
Prices are subject to change. 
Firecracker Vayne is available to play now on PBE! As always, we’d love to hear your feedback, so drop it in the thread below! If you have questions, feel free to ask ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them! GLHF! :)"

Firecracker Vayne Prestige Edition

[Availability TBD]
Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs & feedback thread for Firecracker Vayne Prestige Edition:
"Evil lurks around every corner. 
Firecracker Vayne Prestige Edition includes:
  • New model and textures: A new (white and gold!) look to celebrate the Year of the Pig - complete with a piggy crossbow!
  • All-new VFX: Beautiful golds and fireworks explosions, as well as different decals for her Q and R!
  • All-new SFX Tonal magic and metallics, and of course, the sounds of fireworks being shot off!
  • All-new recall animation: Vayne strikes a few poses as her crossbow shoots off fireworks!
Firecracker Vayne Prestige Edition availability is TBD and will be announced shortly. 
Firecracker Vayne Prestige Edition is available to play now on PBE! As always, we’d love to hear your feedback, so drop it in the thread below! If you have questions, feel free to ask ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them! GLHF! :)"

Heartbreaker Vi

1350 RP

Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Heartbreaker Vi:
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
If I want your opinion,
I’ll beat it out of you. 
Heartbreaker Vi includes:
  • New model and textures: A new Valentine’s Day look for the Piltover Enforcer!
  • All-new VFX: Lots of pinks, golds, and hearts!
  • All-new SFX: Soft, metallic and glittery!
  • All-new recall animation: She’s practicing her heart breaking techniques. ;) 
Heartbreaker Vi is set to be 1350 RP.
Prices are subject to change. 
Heartbreaker Vi is available to play now on PBE! As always, we’d love to hear your feedback, so drop it in the thread below! If you have questions, feel free to ask ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them! GLHF! :)"

Heartpiercer Fiora

1350 RP

Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Heartpiercer Fiora:
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I long for a worthy opponent,
How sad, it’s not you. 
Heart Piercer Fiora includes:
  • New model and textures: A new Valentine’s Day look for the Grand Duelist!
  • All-new VFX: Lots of pink, rose petals and hearts!
  • All-new SFX: Glittery and musical!
  • All-new recall animation: Fiora shows off her fencing skills before dolling herself up for a night out on the Rift!
Heartpiercer Fiora is set to be 1350 RP.
Prices are subject to change. 
Heartpiercer Fiora will be available to play on PBE soon! As always, we’d love to hear your feedback, so drop it in the thread below! If you have questions, feel free to ask ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them! GLHF! :)"


Tons of new chroma were added for new skins this cycle, including 6 each for Firecracker Sejuani and Coin Emperor Tahm Kench, 7 each for Heartpiercer Fiora and Heartbreaker Vi, 6 for Lunar Wraith Sylas, and a Golden chroma each for Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IVLunar Guardian Warick, and Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao!

Firecracker Sejuani (6)

Coin Emperor Tahm Kench (6)

Heartpiercer Fiora (7)

Heartseeker Vi (7)

Lunar Wraith Sylas (6)

Golden chroma for Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV, Lunar Guardian Warick, and Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao:


Here's Riot Orphyre with a bugs & feedback thread for the chroma this cycle:
"Hey everyone! 
We’ve got some new Chromas coming up for Coin Emperor Tahm Kench, Firecracker Sejuani, Lunar Wraith Sylas, and a couple of Golden Chromas for Lunar Guardian Warwick, Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao, and Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV! We also have some coming out a bit later for Heartpiercer Fiora and Heartbreaker Vi!
Coin Emperor Tahm Kench:
  • New textures:
    • Coin Emperor Tahm Kench (Obsidian)
    • Coin Emperor Tahm Kench (Aquamarine)
    • Coin Emperor Tahm Kench (Amethyst)
    • Coin Emperor Tahm Kench (Rose Quartz)
    • Coin Emperor Tahm Kench (Pearl)
    • Coin Emperor Tahm Kench (Ruby)
Firecracker Sejuani:
  • New textures:
    • Firecracker Sejuani (Ruby)
    • Firecracker Sejuani (Citrine)
    • Firecracker Sejuani (Sapphire)
    • Firecracker Sejuani (Rose Quartz)
    • Firecracker Sejuani (Obsidian)
    • Firecracker Sejuani (Turquoise)
Lunar Wraith Sylas:
  • New textures:
    • Lunar Wraith Sylas (Obsidian)
    • Lunar Wraith Sylas (Ruby)
    • Lunar Wraith Sylas (Catseye)
    • Lunar Wraith Sylas (Aquamarine)
    • Lunar Wraith Sylas (Amethyst)
    • Lunar Wraith Sylas (Pearl)
2019 Lunar Revel Goldens:
  • New textures:
    • Lunar Guardian Warwick (Golden)
    • Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao (Golden)
    • Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV (Golden)
Heartpiercer Fiora:
  • New textures:
    • Heartpiercer Fiora (Ruby)
    • Heartpiercer Fiora (Citrine)
    • Heartpiercer Fiora (Amethyst)
    • Heartpiercer Fiora (Rose Quartz)
    • Heartpiercer Fiora (Aquamarine)
    • Heartpiercer Fiora (Obsidian)
    • Heartpiercer Fiora (Pearl)
Heartbreaker Vi:
  • New textures:
    • Heartbreaker Vi (Ruby)
    • Heartbreaker Vi (Rose Quartz)
    • Heartbreaker Vi (Catseye)
    • Heartbreaker Vi (Turquoise)
    • Heartbreaker Vi (Amethyst)
    • Heartbreaker Vi (Obsidian)
    • Heartbreaker Vi (Pearl) 
The Chroma sets are now available on PBE! We hope you all will enjoy the new sets; as usual, we’re looking forward to hearing your constructive feedback. I’ll do my best to answer and reply to your questions and feedback! 
Riot Orphyre"

Summoner Icons

Seventeen new summoner icons were added this cycle:

Firecracker Sejuani Icon, Firecracker Vayne Icon, Coin Emperor Tahm Kench Icon

Year of the Pig Icon, Golden Pig Icon, Lunar Revel Pass Icon

Golden Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao Icon, Golden Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Icon, Golden Lunar Guardian Warwick Icon

Golden Spatula Club Icon

Lunar Wraith Sylas Icon

Heartpiercer Fiora Icon, Heartbreaker Vi Icon, Queen Poro Icon

Season 2019 Commemorative Icon, Season 2019 Commemorative Icon Prestige Edition

Master's Challenge Season 3 Icon [CN Server]


Nine new emotes were added this cycle:

All According To Plan, Are You Kidding?, Unworthy

How Delicious, Oink, Squeal!


Blep Kench, Happy Landings

Master's Challenge Season 3 [CN server]

Ward Skins

Three new ward skins were added this cycle:

Year of the Pig Ward

Golden Year of the Pig Ward

[plus a 3rd unnamed and unavailable Ward!] 

Get ready for ARURF+: coming to patch 9.2 

Here's Riot Wrekz with details on ARURF+ now on the PBE this cycle for testing:
"Hello my friends, this is Riot Wrekz from the Modes team. 
In 2018, you blitzed Nexuses, stood resolute through the tribulations of Ranked, and ventured among the stars with Odyssey: Extraction. But that isn’t all we have for you. Now, new ARURF+ is here! Soon the familiar shine of golden spatulas, thundering of miniguns, and inherent oddness of manatees on land will return as part of the Lunar Revel celebration. This time your favorite ultra rapid chaos-fest will have a collection of art and gameplay updates to take your experience to new heights. You’ll see new ornate marble and gold URF towers, a part-Elder Dragon part-spatula hybrid monster, and a shiny new Champion Cannon by each fountain, just to name a few of the changes. Continue reading for the full set of gameplay changes below! 
Marquee Gameplay Changes: 
Reroll Bench - We’ve brought ARAM’s reroll bench to ARURF+. When you use a reroll, the champion you previously had will be sent to the bench and be selectable by any of your teammates, giving everyone more flexibility in what champion they choose to play. 
Champion Cannon - Just outside each fountain is a champion cannon that you can jump in and use to launch yourself great distances across the map. The cannon can help you get to the action in an instant, but aim carefully—enemies will get a warning that you’re dropping in! 
Epic Monsters - Baron now spawns at 10 minutes and grants both Baron buff AND Rift Herald when slain. Elemental Dragons have been replaced with a special URF’d Elder Dragon (who spawns at 6 minutes), and grants Elder buff as well as a stack of every single elemental dragon’s buff when defeated. 
Better Cooperative Laning - When minions die you get a chunk of gold whether you last hit them or not. Now you’ll be able to buy items and have fun even when your lane partner has much more waveclear, or when you both go for that minion kill and no one gets it. 
Golden Spatula Club (1250 RP) - This is a new club membership that lasts for the duration of the event. Joining grants you:
1 random individual skin boost every game
1 additional reroll each game (max allowed is still 2)
3 new randomized champion finishers (The more people on your team that are members, the fancier your finishers will be!)
Special minion taunts 
Other Improvements: 
Outlier Champion Balance - We’ve made balance changes to the top 10 most powerful and least powerful champions from the last run of ARURF to try to rein in the outliers a bit. 
  • Sona - HP 480 -> 460, HP Lvl 77 -> 50, Armor 3.3 -> 3, Damage - 10%
  • Karthus - HP 528 -> 450, HP Lvl 87 -> 65, Damage -15%
  • Wukong - AD Lvl 4 -> 3, Base AD 68 -> 63, HP Lvl 85 -> 70, Damage - 10%
  • Rumble - HP Lvl 85 -> 65, HP 589 -> 550, Damage - 10%
  • Ryze - Damage - 10%
  • Jax - HP 592 -> 550, HP Lvl 85 -> 60
  • Fiora - HP Lvl 85 -> 60, AS Lvl 3.2 -> 2.5
  • Zed - HP 582 -> 550, HP Lvl 85 -> 60, Damage - 10% 
  • Tahm Kench - MS 335 -> 340, HP 538 -> 600, HP/Lvl 102 -> 120, Damage +20%
  • Kalista - AD/lvl 3.6 -> 7, Damage +20%
  • Rek'Sai - Health 570->600, HPLvl 85->100, ADLvl 3.35->4.5, Arm 33->38, ASLvl 2->3
  • Katarina - HPlvl 92->105, MS 340->345
  • Ornn - Health 565->600, HPLvl 95-105, MS 335->340
  • Evelynn - MS 335->345, Damage +10%
  • Zac - HP/lvl 95->105, Arm 33->38, Arm/lvl 3.5->4.5. MRlvl 1.25->1.75 
No Champions Disabled - Sona, Ryze, Karthus, and Teemo are all playable! (We’ll be keeping an eye on them as well while ARURF+ is enabled). 
Early Surrender - When you end up in those truly hopeless games, you can now unanimously surrender at 8 minutes, or normal surrender at 10 minutes. 
Early Homeguard - Homeguard is enabled from the start of the match. 
Bonus Tower Damage - Rip down enemy structures a bit faster with our newest tweak to URF’s Awesome Buff of Awesomeness. 
Removed Teleport - Since other things like homeguard and the cannon make map movement much easier, we’ve disabled teleport to help everyone focus on combat-oriented Summoner Spells. 
Come play with us on PBE and let us know what you think of the changes! We look forward to enjoying it with you. Happy Lunar Revel!"

He added:
"So the number one question we know we’re going to get asked is “Why ARURF+? I want URF+”. The real answer is no matter how we look at the problem of URF, we keep coming back to the same problems that we talked about last time here: 
In addition to those issues, we find that the URF game mode is at it’s best when you have exciting highs and cool moments that you weren’t expecting to happen. With all random champions, the possible combos and interesting interactions are so much higher, that we think there’s a lot to look forward to. 
However when the champ selection isn’t random, we’ve seen it with pretty much every game mode that eventually a meta evolves and the champ diversity drops dramatically. We don’t want to heavily control/balance URF, since we think having those extreme moments is what makes it fun and exciting to come back to over and over. 
There’s a world where we could get the mode balanced, but some of the changes we’d have to make would ruin a lot of the fun fantasy of those particular champions. (Imagine WuKong in URF but we have to remove the CDR from his W so that he can’t be repeatedly sneaky. It might be balanced at that point, but we believe that takes out a lot of what would make WuKong fun in URF.) We’d rather keep it exciting and fun when you get some of those champions! 
We think a lot of the changes we’ve made to ARURF+ should make it a much more fun experience. Some of the best/worst champs aren’t as extreme, but still have cool moments. And with the shorter game length, if you get a bad champ or match up, the game is over quick so you can move on to the next one. Also the Catapult and objectives change the power dynamics a bit, so hopefully we’ll see some creative new ways to play the mode. 
We’re committed to keep bringing the best possible URF to all of you, and we understand the desire for non-random from many players. But given all the considerations, we still believe that ARURF is the best possible URF. We hope you have fun with the new ARURF+!"


  • New loot items added for future Lunar Revel event:
  • More info on Prestige Points added:
    • "Gained from purchasing Masterwork Chest bundles or special event content. Craft into exclusive 2019 Prestige Edition skins. Expires January 31st, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. PT."
    • "Forge your Prestige Points into exclusive 2019 Prestige Edition skins released throughout the year. Prestige Points expire from inventory on January 31st, 2020 11:59 p.m. PT."

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

Aurelion Sol
  • Starsurge (Q) 
    • recast minimum time lowered from .65s to .25s
    • Q now obeys minimap targeting
    • [New Effect] Stun duration now scales on disk size
      • Minimum stun duration .55/.6/.65/7/.75
      • Maximum stun duration: 1.65/1.8/1.95/2.1/2.25

  • Winds of War (Q)
    • Gust damage lowered from 70/110/150/190/230 to 70/105/140/175/210
    • Mana cost increased from 70/75/80/85/90 to 70/80/90/100/110

  • Tangle-Barbs (E)
    • Cooldown increased from 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 to 14/13/12/11/10
    • Damage increased from 80/115/150/185/220 to 80/125/170/215/260
    • AP increased from 40% to 60%
    • Empowered root duration increased from .7/.9/1.1/1.3/1.5 seconds to .75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds
  • Pop Blossom (R)
    • Cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 120/100/80 seconds
    • [Removed] Nearby enemies are no longer slowed when Neeko leaps.
[In game tooltip doesn't match at this time!]

  • Bellows Breath (W) cooldown increased from 12 to 14

  • Shepherd of Souls (Passive)
    • Yorick's ghouls no longer deal reduced damage when they are far from Yorick.
    • [Ghoul health bugged per Riot Maple Nectar!]
    • Deaths required for a grave lowered from 12/8/4 to 10/6/2
      • [ARAM: lowered from 4 to 2]
    • Gold given by Mist Walkers lowered from 5 to 2
  • Mourning Mist (E) slow potency increased from 30% to 30/35/40/45/50%
  • Eulogy of the Isles (R) 
    • cooldown changed from 160/130/100 to 120 at all ranks
    • Maiden health changed from [700/1500/4000 (+30% Yorick's health)] to [300/1000/3000 (+70% Yorick's health)]
    • [New Effect] "After 60 seconds, the Maiden will break free from Yorick and proceed down the closest lane. Yorick can set her loos prematurely by reactivating the ability."
      • While following Yorick, The Maiden will leash back to Yorick if he moves 900 unites away from her.
    • Max health damage on Yorick attacking Maiden's target lowered from 5/7.5/10% to 4/7/10%
      • No longer has a 2 second cooldown

Fleet Footwork (Precision Keystone)
  • [No change. Bugged per Captain Gameplay]

Overheal (P2)
  • Effect changed from
"Shield is built up from 40% of excess self-healing, or 300% of excess healing from allies" 
"Shield is built up from 40 to 100% of excess healing from yourself or any ally"

Legend: Bloodline (P3)
  • Lifesteal lowered from 0.8% to 0.7%
  • Max stacks increased from 10 to 20

Cut Down (P4)
  • Effect changed:
"Deal 4% to 10% more damage to champions, based on how much more max health they have than you. 
Bonus damage scales up linearly against enemies with 10% to 100% more max health than you."

Context & Notes


1) Riot Maple Nectar noted a bug with Yorick this cycle:
"Yorick mains - the PBE ghoul damage is bugged. We haven't touched his scaling, and it's likely a result of some Sylas rescripting that hasn't been fixed yet. It should still be 99 at lvl 18, not 19"

2) Captain Gameplay noted Fleet Footwork should not have changes so far this cycle:
"yeah there shouldn't be any changes. think that a tooltip string got stomped weirdly at some point."
He also noted a changelist for Aurelion Sol:
"Yo, wanna clarify. the full change is
  • Recast Min Time :: 0.65s >>> 0.25s
  • Q CC duration :: 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 >>> .55 - 1.65 / .6 - 1.8 / .65 - 1.95 / .7 - 2.1 / .75 - 2.25
  • Q now obeys minimap targetting (E already did) 
With X as the old stun duration, the stun duration scales linearly from (0.5x to 1x) at outer ring if you stand still, then linearly from (1x to 1.5x) over 5s total. Turns out snap cast Q with old stun values was nuts powerful. I do wonder how far we can push the extra stun duration on larger stars, but I'm gonna settle for putting in a tuning lever for future iteration for now."

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