Patch 9.6 Notes

Patch 9.6 is on the way and the official patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for more information!
Check out the Patch 9.6 notes (be sure to check regional editions for slight variations!):
Hey beauties. We've got a whole bunch of stuff in this patch, including some small updates to features like LeaverBuster, frame-rate cap, and the Missions Tracker.There’s some tuning to champions we've been seeing regularly, including Neeko (who was nerfed midway through 9.5), Sylas, and Rek'Sai. Kayle is getting minor adjustments based on her first patch performance after being updated. We're bringing ol' Urgod back into relevance with a shield shuffle (it's on his E now!), general buffs, and walking turret mode.

Last thing: We broke double Tear Ezreal.
 Paul "Aether" Perscheid Hanna “shio shoujo” Woo

Patch Highlights



Attack damage growth and attack speed growth decreased. W movement speed ratio decreased. Default adaptive swapped. E and W responsiveness increased.
Kayle is looking quite strong, especially as players learn how to play her, but her W and E can feel awkward since she typically builds a lot of attack speed. We're fixing that as well as buffing up her W to be a better reactive defense in lane (instant haste = easier dodging). To compensate, we're hitting her late game power in ways that make her a bit more item dependent.

Base Stats

DEFAULT ADAPTIVEAbility power  Attack damage
RECOMMENDED ITEMSUpdated to include Guinsoo's Rageblade and Blade of the Ruined King

W - Celestial Blessing

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED RATIO+10% per 100 ability power  +8% per 100 ability power
DELAYCelestial Blessing applies its effects after a 0.25 second delay  on cast
REMOVEDPAUSE FOR DRAMATIC EFFECTKayle no longer disarms herself for ~1 second upon casting Celestial Blessing (could previously be canceled by spamming right-click)

E - Starfire Spellblade

CAST TIME0.25 seconds  Identical to Kayle's basic attack windup
BUGFIXThe basic attack portion of Starfire Spellblade's attack can now properly crit

Skin Updates

RIOT KAYLEUpdated VFX to be more wee-woo
SILVER KAYLEUpdated VFX to be more blue da ba dee da ba dye
BATTLEBORN KAYLEUpdated VFX to be less yellow
JUDGMENT KAYLEUpdated VFX to be more spooOOO000OOOooky
AETHER WING KAYLEAdded new death animation and removed robotic VO processing


Attack speed growth increased. W no longer procs twice in a row at very high attack speeds.
We’re pulling back a bit on Neeko's mid-patch nerfs, specifically making sure her basic attacks feel good later in the game, regardless of if she’s building attack speed.

Base Stats


W - Shapesplitter

BUGFIXNo longer procs twice in a row at very high attack speeds


W cooldown decreased. Recommended items updated. Ornn can no longer accidentally cancel E and R dashes by upgrading ally items. Q no longer expires if Ornn is mid-dash.
Before his update at the beginning of the year, Ornn was mostly just a lane bully. Now, he's somewhat the opposite: weaker early but powerful late. Given the current level of importance early game strength has relative to late, the surly sheep has room for a buff and some quality of life changes that'll make him feel more satisfying throughout his matches.

Recommended Items

LOOK AT MY WARESNow lists all Living Forge upgrades
BUILD THISRecommended items updated to be better

Passive - Living Forge

BUGFIXOrnn players can no longer upgrade ally items mid-dash during E - Searing Charge and R - Call of the Forge God, canceling the dash

Q - Volcanic Rupture

JUST A LITTLE LONGERIf a pillar is about to expire when Ornn casts E - Searing Charge, it now lasts until Ornn's dash completes. For real this time.

W - Bellows Breath

COOLDOWN12 seconds at all ranks  12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds


Mana, mana regen growth increased. Passive no longer deals reduced damage to the same target. W shield removed; cost, cooldown, damage reduction decreased; now a permanent toggle at max rank. E now shields; damage and cost increased; cooldown decreased. R range, damage, cast time increased.
We cut Urgie's legs out from under him a couple of patches ago. Thankfully he's got lots of them, so we're confident we can get him back on his feet. We're moving his shield from W to E so we can turn Purge into a permanent toggle late game, letting Urgot become a walking turret that also grinds people up and leaves them to disdainfully bleed to death.

Base Stats

MANA300  340

Passive - Echoing Flames

REMOVEDNOT EVEN MY FINAL FORMNo longer deals 10% reduced damage to enemies hit in the last 5 seconds, stacking 3 times

W - Purge

REMOVEDSHIELDNo longer grants 30/60/90/120/150 (+15% bonus health) shield
COST65 mana  40/30/20/10/0 mana
COOLDOWN17/15/13/11/9  12/9/6/3/0 (becomes a toggle at max rank)

E - Disdain

NEWSHIELDGrants a 60/80/100/120/140 (+1.5 bonus attack damage) (+15% bonus health) shield for 4 seconds
DAMAGE60/100/140/180/220 (+0.5 total attack damage) 90/120/150/180/210 (+1.0 bonus attack damage)
COOLDOWN16/15/14/13/12 seconds  14 seconds
COST50 mana  50/60/70/80/90 mana

R - Fear Beyond Death

DEATH BEYOND SIGHT1600 range  2500 range
CAST TIME0.4 seconds  0.5 seconds
DAMAGE50/175/300 (+0.5 total attack damage)  125/250/375 (+0.5 bonus attack damage)

Simple Changes


Aatrox now pulls targets even when they're untargetable. Passive no longer cancels when reviving.


BUGFIXBuff icons on the buff/debuff bar no longer show up as blank boxes

W - Infernal Chains

BUGFIXAatrox now properly pulls targets even if they're untargetable

R - World Ender

BUGFIXAatrox's passive is no longer removed when he's reviving


R damage increased.
We want to encourage more marksman picks at higher skill level so we're buffing a few options toward viability.

R - Ace in the Hole

DAMAGE250/475/700  300/525/750


W cooldown decreased.
We're working on striking a balance between Gnar and Mega Gnar that doesn't overwhelmingly favor one form. Right now, players are sticking to poking and kiting in his smol form, so we're making his Mega evolution a little more attractive for players to use.

W - Wallop

COOLDOWN15/13/11/9/7 seconds  7 seconds at all ranks


Q stacks correctly and increases damage.
We're givin' the pony an extended-combat buff to help out his more bruiser-y builds (not the ones where he rushes out of Fog of War to one-shot you).

Q - Rampage

NEWANGRYDeals 10% additional damage per stack of Rampage


W more quickly empowers Ivern's attacks when he enters brush.
This small change should greatly improve Ivern players' experience with entering a brush.

W - Brushmaker

QUICKLY NOWMore quickly empowers Ivern's attacks when he enters brush


Health-related base stats decreased.
Jayce is a little too oppressive in lane, especially in pro play. Players, understandably, love a guy who rocks melee-like base stats along with ranged functionality. We're changing his base stats to be more similar to those of ranged champions, making him more vulnerable early.

Base Stats

HEALTH576  560


Q ratio decreased.
We're removing some raw burst from LeBlanc’s Q so her successes come more from mobility and skillshots rather than a point-and-click button.

Q - Sigil of Malice

RATIO0.4 ability power  0.3 ability power


Armor increased. Passive cooldown decreased.
We’re helping Naut out with some added bulk and early game CC. His jungle clear should also benefit from these changes.

Base Stats

ARMOR35.5  39

Passive - Staggering Blow

PER-TARGET COOLDOWN9/8/7/6 seconds (levels 1/6/11/16)  6 seconds at all levels


R cooldown increased late; ratio decreased.
We added a lot of reliability to Rek’Sai’s ultimate in 9.4, which has been especially impactful in higher-tier games. We're following up by slightly nerfing its raw strength to make her less of a "must-pick" for junglers across the board.

R - Void Rush

COOLDOWN100/80/60 seconds  100/90/80 seconds
RATIO+2.0 bonus attack damage  +1.75 bonus attack damage


Q damage increased.
Giving Shen some power to better battle it out in top lane.

Q - Twilight Assault

ON-HIT DAMAGE5/10/15/20/25/30 (levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) 10/16/22/28/34/40 (levels 1/4/7/10/13/16)


W base heal and heal ratio decreased.
We're continuing tuning on Sylas since if we left him alone, he'd probably stay omni-present in pro play and high tiers. We're hoping to alleviate some of the frustration players are feeling when going up against him by specifically targeting his heal.

W - Kingslayer

HEAL RATIO0.45 ability power  0.4 ability power
EMPOWERED HEAL200% when Sylas is below 40% health  175% when Sylas is below 40% health


W attack speed increased.
Helping out Trundle's early game laning and jungling.

W - Frozen Domain

BONUS ATTACK SPEED20/40/60/80/100%  30/47.5/65/82.5/100%


W attack speed increased.
We want to encourage more marksman picks at higher skill level so we're buffing a few options toward viability.

W - Deadly Plumage

BONUS ATTACK SPEED30/35/40/45/50%  40/50/60/70/80%


E cooldown increased; slow decreased late.
Playing against Zoe can feel overwhelming because of the spamminess of her E and how hard it is to get to safety once you're affected by its slow. We're nerfing Sleepy Trouble Bubble so Zoe's opponents have more room to breathe...

E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble

COOLDOWN16/15/14/13/12 seconds  20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds
SLOW10/20/30/40/50%  10/15/20/25/30%


Tear of the Goddess Line

All Tear items now belong to a Tear item group, with a maximum of 1 allowed.
We told you that we were potentially nerfing Ezreal last patch, and we decided that targeting his Double Tear build was a better solution than directly changing him. We're putting all Tear items into one group so players can't buy more than one Tear of the Goddess (and subsequently, its upgrades). After these changes go into effect, we don't expect Ezreal to stay as super dominant as he has been, but we’ll be keeping an eye on him.
NEWWE ARE FAMILYIf you own Manamune(/Muramana) or Archangel's Staff(/Seraph's Embrace), you're unable to purchase the other (or another Tear of the Goddess)

Brawler's Gloves

STACK AWAYCritical strike is no longer unique


Minion Dematerializer

Charges and initial cooldown decreased; damage bonuses increased.
This rune has become a pro staple for its ability to clear cannon minions easily and maintain push/wave control. To help other runes compete, we're decreasing the charges on Dematerializer, but we’re also giving it some buffs so it can still be considered useful in other situations.
STARTING COOLDOWN240 seconds  180 seconds


Shield conversion decreased early.
Overheal is currently a must-pick with pros on ADCs. We want players to have more flexibility with rune paths, so we're nerfing it so other runes can keep up.
PASSIVEConverts 40-100% (levels 1-18) of excess healing into shielding Converts 20-100% (levels 1-18) of excess healing into shielding


Minion and monster gold bounties accrue more slowly and decrease if you lose your advantage. Scoreboard numbers no longer include base kill or first blood gold.
We originally tuned minion and monster gold bounties to match the ratio between gold earned from a champion kill and gold added to your bounty: 50 bounty per 150 farm gold advantage matches 100 bounty per kill since 300 is the base kill gold amount. Gold (and experience) aside, however, kills offer more benefits than farming. As a result, minion and monster gold bounties feel too aggressively tuned. We're adjusting their growth rate and mechanics to bring them to a better spot.

(The support item and accompanying team average lines won't significantly change bounty numbers outside of cases where a team is using multiple support items. They just make the system a little more comprehensive.)

Minion and Monster Gold Bounties

BOUNTY VALUES50 gold for every 150  200 more minion and monster gold you have over the enemy team's average
NEWLOST ADVANTAGEMinion and monster gold bounties now decrease if you lose your advantage
NEWVALUABLE SUPPORTSupport item gold now contributes to minion and monster gold bounties to accurately reflect when someone is farming and also using a support item. Maybe we should start calling them income bounties?
ENEMY TEAM AVERAGEEnemy team's total gold from minion and monster kills divided by 4  Enemy team's total gold from support items and minion and monster kills divided by 4.3
Many players interpret the gold numbers on the scoreboard as how much additionalgold a kill is worth relative to other members of that team—in other words, just the bounty value. Since we added this visualization at the same time as minion and monster gold bounties, it's also created a misconception that farming well immediately makes you worth hundreds more gold to the enemy team. We're adjusting these display numbers to match the way players interpret them.

Bounty Visualization

VISUALSScoreboard and chat bounty numbers now only reflect the gold value from bounties. The 300 base kill gold and 150 first blood gold values have been removed from these displays. Actual gold payout on kill unchanged.

Ability Proc Consistency

We've gone through the types of ability procs in the game and fixed a few inconsistencies. Now, the ability procs split into roughly three main categories: on-ability-hit, DoT & AoE, and pet damage. This work is pretty under-the-hood for the most part, but there are three major changes that'll ensure our proc systems feel more consistent moving forward.

First, we've unified all on-ability-hit procs. Now, if something activates an on-ability-hit proc for one thing, it should proc all the other items and runes that do the same thing. This expands the number of abilities that can proc any of these items/runes. 

For DoT and AoE effects, many abilities which fall into both camps were previously labeled as either one or the other. We went through and made sure those abilities are now properly marked as both.

Lastly, we're making pets consistent. Moving forward, all pet attacks will share the same proc behavior. Currently, that means that all effects which proc on-ability-hit (ex. Liandry's, Rylai's, Luden's) now proc off all pet attacks too. This opens the door for effects that'll proc on-ability-hit but not on pet attacks (or the other way around), but if we cross that bridge, we'll do so consistently for all pets.

Below is the list of abilities we directly changed to fit into one of these categories:

Combination DoT & AoE Abilities

Effects that treat DoT and AoE effects differently will go with the more restrictive classification.
  • Alistar's E - Trample
  • Anivia's R - Glacial Storm
  • Fiddlesticks' R - Crowstorm
  • Jayce's W - Lightning Field
  • Katarina's R - Death Lotus
  • Kennen's R - Slicing Maelstrom
  • Lucian's R - The Culling
  • Miss Fortune's R - Bullet Time
  • Mordekaiser's W - Harvester of Sorrow
  • Morgana's W - Tormented Shadow
  • Nasus's R - Fury of the Sands
  • Rammus' R - Tremors
  • Renekton's R - Dominus
  • Rumble's R - The Equalizer
  • Shyvana's W - Burnout
  • Vel'Koz's R - Life Form Disintegration Ray
  • Wukong's R - Cyclone


The pets listed below have been changed to all proc the same effects. (Again, that currently means all on-ability-hit effects.) Quick sidenote: Champion clones aren't pets.
  • Elise's Spiderlings
  • Shaco's Jack in the Boxes
  • Zyra's Plants
  • Mordekaiser's Dragon Ghost (also classified as an AoE effect)
  • Heimerdinger's Turrets (turret lasers, ult turret shots, and ult turret lasers are classified as AoE effects, too)
  • Malzahar's Voidlings (also classified as basic attacks for dodge purposes)
  • Yorick's Ghouls (also classified as basic attacks for dodge purposes)
  • Annie's Tibbers swipes (also classified as basic attacks for dodge purposes). The fire aura is classified as an ability hit and an AoE effect.
  • Ivern's Daisy (also classified as basic attacks for dodge purposes). The big slam is classified as an ability hit and an AoE effect.

Miscellaneous Changes

VIKTOR'S Q - SIPHON POWEREmpowered attack portion now activates on-ability-hit procs
GUARDIAN'S HORN (ARAM ITEM)Damage reduction now behaves consistently against all DoT abilities
SUMMON: AERYShould now proc consistently off everything except non-ability DoTs such as Corrupting Potion, Scorch, and other items, runes, and buffs
YASUO'S Q - STEEL TEMPESTSecondary targets hit are now accounted for by runes
YASUO'S E - SWEEPING BLADE TO Q - STEEL TEMPESTSecondary targets hit are now accounted for by runes


We turned off Position Ranks in North America and Korea partway through last patch and won't be rolling them out in other regions. We want to thank all the players who tried out the Position Ranks during this time and for submitting feedback to the team. 

Looking forward, we'll be partially resetting the top of the ranked ladder when 9.6 releases. As a reminder, here's what this entails:
MASTER+Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger players become Master 0 LP
DIAMOND I-IIIDiamond III, II, and I players are demoted by one division, preserving promotion series progress and LP
DIAMOND IVDiamond IV players become Diamond IV 0 LP no matter what
DIAMOND I PROMOSFor Diamond I players in series, 2 wins or losses become 1 win or loss—for example, 2–2 becomes 1–1
REWARDSYou keep rewards, but they’ll match your new rank
GRANDMASTER AND CHALLENGERGrandmaster and Challenger lock until March 27 and April 3, respectively
Here are a few other changes too!
BUGFIXFixed a bug that caused players in Platinum to be subject to LP decay
TUNINGPlayers who choose mid as their primary position will get it more often

High-End Framerate Cap

We've seen reports of spikey FPS and a few visual bugs from players who use the Uncapped framerate setting. Since Uncapped is currently the default setting, tons of players are (often unknowingly) using it without coming anywhere close to 240 FPS, the next cap down. We're changing the default FPS and doing a one-time switch for everyone currently using Uncapped to address the majority of these issues.
DEFAULTThe default framerate cap is changing from "Uncapped" to 240 FPS
RESETPlayers who currently have their framerate cap set to "Uncapped" will have their setting changed to 240 FPS when patch 9.6 launches. You can choose to switch back to "Uncapped" if you'd like.

Missions Tracker

The missions tracker now groups missions into tabs based on event and mission type. You can navigate through tabs via a new sidebar in the tracker. If you're a big picture sort of person, there's an option to show all of your missions at once.


We took a pass at updating LeaverBuster to improve its accuracy and effectiveness. Overall, it'll be more forgiving for those who are unintentionally leaving games for reasons outside of their control.
BUGFIXFixed a bug where the game would sometimes fail to detect a leaver
COMEBACK INCENTIVELeaver detection is slightly more lenient if your team wins the game
FORGIVE AND FORGETLeaverBuster now takes regional connectivity into account
THEY WON'T MINDLeaverBuster penalties are reduced in most Co-op vs. AI and Premade 5's games


  • Arclight Brand now appropriately opens his mouth when laughing or taunting
  • Fixed Lucian's W - Ardent Blaze tooltip to mention that marked targets are briefly revealed
  • Elderwood Hecarim's recall no longer uses the base skin's recall audio
  • Traditional Karma's E - Inspire voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio
  • Fixed a bug where PROJECT: Ashe's R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow was missing its VFX
  • Fixed a bug where Shen was not saying his signature wind-up voiceover when casting R - Stand United
  • Fixed a bug where players could cast abilities while inside the Catapult of Champions in ARURF
  • Heartbreaker Vi's W - Denting Blows' proc glow no longer lingers on Epic Monsters
  • Zed's R - Death Mark "Unit will die to Death Mark" indicator is no longer miscalculated
  • Diana's Passive - Moonsilver Blade cleave effect no longer misses its target after dashes
  • Diana's E - Moonfall no longer draws nearby enemies in the wrong direction (away from her)
  • Renekton's W - animation no longer breaks when Renekton casts it while not on full Conqueror stacks

Upcoming Skins & Chromas

The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
The following chromas will be released this patch:

Points of Interest from the 9.6 PBE Cycle

Here's a brief look at many of the new things included in patch 9.6. This coverage includes preview screen shots and video taken during the 9.6 PBE cycle and may vary slightly from what is pushed to live.

Champion Skins

Five new skins are on show this cycle - Corgi Corki, Fuzz Fizz and his Prestige Edition, Meowrick, and Pretty Kitty Rengar!

Corgi Corki

1350 RP
"A dog trainer with some impractical ideas about canine aerodynamics, Corki has entered the world's foremost pet show with a flight-enabled Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Why has he done this? What does he hope to gain? Is he really a Yordle, or just a very small man? These are all important questions."

Fuzz Fizz

1350 RP
"Well, that's horrifying."

Fuzz Fizz Prestige Edition

100 Prestige Points
"There's something deeply unnerving about a bipedal Cocker Spaniel mix running around society unchecked, stabbing pedestrians with a tennis ball grabber, and summoning other, bigger dogs out of the ground. And yet, here we all are. Together."


1350 RP
"A cat fancier hailing from the Forsaken Aisles of a Pets Supreme Superstore, Yorick does not have any unresolved issues involving or related to cats. Yorick is a perfectly normal gentleman dressed as a cat, surrounded by cats, who can call upon the esoteric powers of a giant, floating cat. You know, normal gentleman stuff."

Pretty Kitty Rengar

1350 RP
"Once again, the prettiest kitty... is the deadliest."


Sets of chroma for Pretty Kitty Rengar (7)Corgi Corki (7) and Meowrick (7) will also be available:

Pretty Kitty Rengar
(7 total)

Corgi Corki
(7 Total)

(7 Total)

Ward Skins

Two new ward skins will be available sometime this cycle:

Cat Lover Ward

Dog Lover Ward

Summoner Icons

Twenty-three icons are new this cycle:

Yorick Cat Icon, Rengar Cat Icon, Royal Kitty Icon

Pretty Kitty Rengar Icon, Meowrick Icon, Corki Corgi Icon

Fizz Spaniel Icon, Royal Doggo Icon, Fuzz Fizz Icon

Corgi Corki Icon, Kisses Icon, Golden Dogs Vs Cats Icon

Best In Show Icon, Golden Cat Icon, Golden Dog Icon

Platinum Dogs Vs. Cats Icon

Esports icons:


Three new emotes are new this cycle:

Dogs Vs Cats, BORF, and Mine!

Skin Tweaks

Kayle skin VFX and model color tweaks are headed to live this cycle! Aether Wing Kayle's voice filtering should also be removed.

Silver Kayle

Battleborn Kayle

Judgment Kayle

Riot Kayle

April Fools 2019 Login Theme

A new April Fools themed login will be featured sometime this cycle:


  • Skin bios added this cycle:
    • Meowkai: Maokai has, at long last, embraced his role as a giant, haunted scratching post.
    • Lumberjack Sion: He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.
    • Darkrider Sejuani: Every army of the dead needs its cavalry. From atop the reanimated hulk of a savage dr'cvask, Sejuani leads hosts of cruel, lost souls, hellbent on shaping the world in Death's image.
    • Fisherman Fizz: Call me Fishmael.
    • Fuzz Fizz: Well, that's horrifying.
    • Fuzz Fizz Prestige Edition: There's something deeply unnerving about a bipedal Cocker Spaniel mix running around society unchecked, stabbing pedestrians with a tennis ball grabber, and summoning other, bigger dogs out of the ground. And yet, here we all are. Together.
    • Masked Shaco: A practitioner of masked dance drama, many of Shaco's performances begin as social commentary on the plight of the working class, and end with a random audience member being stabbed in the spine. It's a show worth seeing if you don't think about that last part.
    • Pretty Kitty Rengar: Once again, the prettiest kitty... is the deadliest.
    • Definitely Not Vel'Koz: I'm not a laser squid, I'm a man!
    • Oktoberfest Gragas: Gragas is the world's premier authority on beverages. Here, at the international beverage festival and funfair, he's drinking a lot of them.
    • Boneclaw Shyvana: Many hunters claim Shyvana holds an unfair advantage when it comes to slaying the giant beasts that roam the land. Shyvana herself cares little about their opinions, preferring instead to channel her rage into her true form-- a massive, fire-breathing dragon-- that proves the hunters' point.
    • Archduke Nasus: In primary school, Nasus was told an old dog couldn't learn new tricks. Now, in his older years as an accomplished statesman, painter, and composer, he wonders if there is truth in those words. After all, he simply cannot seem to get his chamber orchestra to listen to his directions.
    • Groovy Zilean: Consistently in a near-comatose state from peering across the space-time continuum, Zilean's more recent hobbies include being terrible at hacky-sack, paying way too much for a ticket for awful music festivals, and ordering too many pizzas. He also owns New Age bookstore, which is closed most days.
    • Myrmidon Pantheon: Legend says the Myrmidons were created out of an ant colony by the gods, giving them unmatched strength and ability in combat. Pantheon also craves fruit slices and sugar water. It's an ant thing.
    • Black Belt Udyr: The best way to tell people you're good at punching is to have a giant screen-printed fist on your clothes. That's a karate fact.
    • Definitely Not Udyr: Wear the onesie. Become the beast.
    • Prestigious LeBlanc: LeBlanc is currently evading an international manhunt after making a jet liner filled with passengers disappear, then realizing she had no idea where they went or how to bring them back.
    • Gravelord Azir: In the service of Death rises Gravelord Azir! He who knows neither victory nor defeat, for even the bloodiest of battles strengthen his undying legions.
    • Muay Thai Lee Sin: Known as the art of eight limbs, Muay Thai is a multidisciplinary fighting style practiced by boxers for centuries. Lee Sin, who has mastered many forms of hand-to-hand combat, is among its greatest champions.
    • Aristocrat Vayne: Vayne never imagined slaying monsters would bring her fame and fortune. Now that she has them, she finds it terribly difficult to return to a life when her crossbow and arrows weren't made from pure gold.
    • Meowrick: A cat fancier hailing from the Forsaken Aisles of a Pets Supreme Superstore, Yorick does not have any unresolved issues involving or related to cats. Yorick is a perfectly normal gentleman dressed as a cat, surrounded by cats, who can call upon the esoteric powers of a giant, floating cat. You know, normal gentleman stuff.
    • Panda Teemo: Pandas aren't naturally aggressive towards humans, but this isn't a panda. It's Teemo dressed as a panda. Stay alert.
    • Sailor Gangplank: "O, Bilgewater has been my home, Since last time I was sailing! But I'll not stay another day, I'd sooner be out whaling."
    • Sultan Gangplank: Gangplank is a ruler from a distant land, and tales of his battle prowess and flowing red beard have reached even the farthest-flung city-states. As all rulers from distant lands, he also sports a snappy hat.
    • Marquis Vladimir: At the last ball he attended, Vladimir stole everyone's heart. Strangely enough, no one has heard or seen those attendees since...
    • Dynasty Ahri: Ahri's dynasty is one of stylish traditional fashion, and wrecking opponents with deadly spirit magic. Why have one when you can have both?
    • Primetime Draven: Down in the bot lane, we're seeing a seminal performance from Draven, already bullying both opposing laners into turret. There's the dive! Draven picks up the support kill-- turret refuses to aggro him out of respect-- there's the double kill, and, yes, the turret has self-destructed in terror! Masterful play by Draven, let's see it again.
    • Draven Draven: Not Draven, Draaaaaaven.
    • Matador Alistar: Man's greatest battle is the one he must fight within himself, unless he's a matador who is also a giant bull. Then the battle is more literal.
    • Gentleman Gnar: Some believe Gnar's wealth came from his groundbreaking research into economics and linguistics. Others question whether his investors favor him purely for his undeniable charm. Either way, he now finds himself receiving award after award-- the latest being a sculpture of him in ice, rumored to never melt.
    • Firefighter Tristana: Recently featured on this year's most Yordle-y firefighters calendar, Tristana will gladly leap into the flames regardless of whether anyone is supporting her. Often she'll go despite her support. Firefighter support. She fights fires.
    • Viking Tryndamere: Vikings believed that death in battle was a ticket to the eternal realm of Valhalla. Tryndamere's signature ability is being unable to die. You... you're seeing the issue here, right?
    • Sultan Tryndamere: Tryndamere is a ruler from a distant land, and tales of his impossible strength and distinctive mustache have reached even the farthest-flung city-states. As is the rule rather than the exception with rulers from distant lands, his hat is exceptional.
    • Angler Jax: Nothing quite like the peace of the great outdoors, waiting for that perfect bite-- and then violently ripping a fish out of the water before hitting it with his fishing rod.
    • Gentleman Cho'Gath: Prior to indulging in the delectable taste of his victims, Cho'Gath prefers to invite them to his humble 40-acre mansion. There, he offers scones and jam, with a spot of tea... so his guests may savor their last meal before becoming one themselves.
    • Corporate Mundo: Mundo's actually planning a large layoff for the company he just acquired, but it doesn't matter. He literally beat someone to death in the lobby this morning and no one did anything. People watched.
    • Forecast Janna: Janna has survived the market downswing in televised news for at least the last decade, but even in her relatively cushy position, the viewers are getting older and the weather is getting freakier. Might be time to put her meteorology degree to good use, and... fight the sky!
    • Lil' Slugger Trundle: Unable to let go of being rejected from the major and minor leagues, Trundle has joined a little league team after saying he was thirteen years old on an admission form. Trundle is an eleven-foot-tall ice troll who enjoys allying with evil wizards and biting people to death. Practice has been... interesting.
    • Winged Hussar Xin Zhao: A member of the vaunted winged hussars, Xin Zhao is one of the last standard bearers of a military order tracing its roots back to the late 17th century. Of course, his progenitors didn't ride an army of armored black pegasi into battle, but you know how it is.
    • Boom Boom Blitzcrank: His fists are named boom and boom, proving that robots are a perfect facsimile of human life.
    • Definitely Not Blitzcrank: I, not a robot.
    • Shamrock Malphite: Malphite is a twenty-ton rock man who used to be part of an even larger rock that was destroyed, leaving him orphaned on a distinctly un-rocklike plane of existence. The guy could use a little luck.
    • Outback Renekton: Crikey, what a ripper.
    • Hazmat Heimerdinger: Sometimes, when he's alone at night, Heimerdinger wonders if the reason his head is so big is all that exposure to Zaun Grey. Then he gets tired, and rests his giant head against an equally giant pillow.

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