PBE Preview: Elderwood & Infernal Skins

Posted on at 1:54 PM by Aznbeat
PBE previews for new skins are now on Riot social media! Check out the previews of Elderwood Ahri, Nocturne, and Veigar, as well as Infernal Shen, Galio, and Varus!
Continue reading for more information!
PBE Preview: Elderwood Ahri, Nocturne, and Veigar


KateyKhaos noted the Ahri skin shown in the video was a chroma! She provided turnaround shots for each new skin:

Elderwood Ahri

Elderwood Nocturne

Elderwood Veigar

PBE Preview: Infernal Shen, Galio, and Varus



KateyKhaos provided turnaround shots for each new skin:

Infernal Galio

Infernal Shen

Infernal Varus

Look for more details on each of these new skins when they come to the PBE in the 9.17 PBE cycle!