10/22 PBE Update: TFT Set 2, Preseason 2020 Testing & More!

The PBE has been updated! As we start the 9.22 PBE cycle, today's massive patch includes TFT set 2, tons of Preseason 2020 changes, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Preseason 2020: Rise of the Elements

Big changes are now on the PBE in prep for Preseason 2020! Check out this post from the Summoner's Rift team for a full rundown on what to expect including new Elemental Rifts, new Dragon related mechanics, new sidelane alcoves & brush, item changes, and more!
"Welcome to Preseason 2020: Rise of the Elements! In our high-level goals blog, we revealed that this year’s preseason would be transformative but left the details hiding in the fog of war. Then we shared a video preview during the 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls. And now, the full reveal is here. 
Elemental Rifts 
GOAL: Every game, Summoner's Rift presents a variety of distinct and memorable environments for players to master. 
Rise of the Elements will bring SR to life as the primal magic of the Elemental Drakes changes the landscape each game. The third drake transforms the Rift before it spawns and after that, its element will be the only one to spawn for the remainder of the game. 
Infernal Rift 
The Infernal Drake sunders the Rift, creating new pathways through buff camps and burning away their brush. In addition, the dragon pit itself becomes the Infernal Drake’s molten domain, crumbling the walls at the mouth of the pit. New paths make opportunities for a quick flank or sidestep that your opponent isn’t expecting. 
Ocean Rift 
The Ocean Drake brings new life to the Rift, causing existing brush to expand, fresh patches of brush to grow around the dragon pit, and the environment to flood with pools of water. In addition, Honeyfruit plants sprout up in each jungle quadrant. Sneak around the jungle or look for a new ambush opportunity. 
Cloud Rift 
The Cloud Drake’s power spawns air currents flowing through the jungle and dragon pit, speeding up champions in the vicinity. Dodge skillshots or make a swift collapse on your enemies trying to sneak a far away objective. 
Mountainous Rift 
The Mountain Drake triggers a seismic shift throughout the Rift. Bluffs of rock erupt from the earth, making for some scary new choke points and ambush locations, most notably across the mouth of the dragon pit itself. Extra tight spaces give opportunities for big AOE wombos and create some interesting new hiding spots with fog of war. 
We wanted to make sure the Elemental Rifts are fair to both teams regardless of whether one team is ahead on drakes. Keeping your head in the game if you fall behind early can be hard enough as-is; we didn't want to make it feel like the map itself was trying to make you lose, too. When creating new layouts for the Rifts, we wanted to make sure each of them would be as exciting and fair as the base SR map. Both teams have the opportunity to exploit and master the new terrain equally, so the outcomes are still in players' hands regardless of which Elemental Rift takes shape. 
Additionally, we wanted to ensure the Rifts feel intuitive, even in your first game. We avoided creating new gameplay mechanics in favor of expanding the SR elements you're already familiar with. We also made sure the changes always occur in the jungle near buff camps and dragon pit so that no matter which element you get, you'll interact with the layout changes around the same areas. 
Elemental Buffs & Dragon Souls 
GOAL: The elemental buffs are more equal in both satisfaction and strength. 
The Elemental Drakes themselves still grant different flavors of permanent, stacking buffs to your team when killed, but some buffs are now a little different.
  • Infernal Might:
    • Gain a percentage increase of Attack Damage and Ability Power.
  • Oceanic Will:
    • Regenerate a percentage of missing health every second.
  • Cloudbringer’s Grace:
    • Gain cooldown reduction for your Ultimate ability.
  • Mountainous Vigor:
    • Gain a percentage increase of Armor and Magic Resistance.
When a team kills their fourth Elemental Drake, instead of stacking their elemental buff, they'll gain a powerful Dragon Soul from the dominant dragon. Dragon Souls persist through death and last the remainder of the game.
  • Infernal Dragon Soul:
    • Every 3 seconds, your next attack or damaging spell creates a small AoE explosion, dealing adaptive damage that scales with bonus attack damage, ability power, and bonus health.
  • Ocean Dragon Soul:
    • Dealing any damage triggers strong health and resource regeneration for 3 seconds.
    • Damage to minions provides less regeneration.
  • Cloud Dragon Soul:
    • Hitting enemies with abilities or attacks lowers the cooldowns of your base abilities.
  • Mountain Dragon Soul:
    • After not taking damage for 5 seconds, gain a shield that lasts until destroyed. The shield’s magnitude scales with bonus attack damage, ability power, and bonus health.
Once one team has claimed a Dragon Soul, it becomes the Elder Dragon's turn to defend the pit—this means only one team can have a Dragon Soul. 
Elder Dragon 
GOAL: Elder buff is more satisfying; Elder buff doesn't favor the team with more dragons. 
Elder Dragon still grants a powerful, short-term combat buff, and we're retooling it to offer teams who failed to claim a Dragon Soul a teamfight-focused hope of getting back into the game. To achieve this, we're removing Elder Dragon's scaling with Elemental Drake buffs (which favors the team that's ahead) and replacing it with a new execution component. If Elder's burn damage affects a low-health enemy champion, they’ll be consumed by a searing Elder Immolation—killing them instantly!

Enemies affected by the Elder burn have a small marker on their health bar, indicating the execution threshold. The execution has a brief wind-up, so with quick reactions, Immolation victims can avoid imminent execution with the usual suite of clutch save abilities or spells (Zhonya’s Hourglass, Kindred’s Ultimate, etc). The threat of Immolation will still be there when they become vulnerable again, so if the Elder buff burn is applied a second time, it’s back to the fountain! 
Side Lane Alcoves & Brush 
GOAL: The side lanes offer greater outplay opportunities by allowing players to turn fights through clever environmental play. 
Aside from the Elemental Rifts and other Dragon changes, we've made some renovations to other parts of Summoner’s Rift. We've created identical alcoves in top and bottom lane. Both alcoves feature three patches of brush on their outer edges and a small space in their center for champions to juke around or hide in. 
We don’t expect alcoves to be used constantly throughout lane phase. But every so often, players may turn a 2v3 into a double kill, or perhaps escape certain death due to the unique layout of an alcove. We look forward to seeing how players make use of them when they hit the Rift. 
Finally, there are two new patches of permanent brush opposite the Baron and Dragon pits. These open areas to the river are high traffic, but lack the map features that create playmaking possibilities. New brush opens up a lot of new strategic and tactical options. 
Other gameplay changes 
But it’s not all about the map! There’s a host of other new features and updates coming in preseason to address common frustration points in League. 
Jungle Path Diversity 
Early jungling currently revolves around Krugs due to their high gold/XP tuning, resulting in pretty one-dimensional pathing and a heavy blue-side advantage due to bot lane's proximity to Krugs. We're making XP and gold changes in order to open up more diverse pathing options and jungle strategies—most significantly, reducing Krugs' value and buffing Gromp's so junglers can hit level 3 off any combination of outer camp (Gromp or Krugs), buff camp, and any third camp. 
We’ve also added respawn timer icons (like you see on red and blue buff) to the minimap for every camp to help all junglers plan their next moves. 
Top Lane Influence 
For a high-stakes solo lane, top hasn’t been able to translate a lane win into an effective mid and late game carry for their team—particularly in higher levels of play. Combined with this preseason's increased focus on Elemental Drakes drawing fights to the bot lane, we're shifting power around to give top laners better opportunities to translate their wins in lane into game wins. 
We’re increasing base minion XP slightly so solo laners level a bit faster, and we’re reducing the amount of bonus XP generated when allies share XP so bot lane levels a bit more slowly. We're also slightly decreasing jungle XP. 
Additionally, to balance out the map objectives a bit, we’re spawning Rift Herald earlier in the game and allowing her to respawn once if she is killed early. 
Support Items 
We're refreshing support choices in the shop. They’ll be less poachable and have an expanded quest system that should be more satisfying overall. We're also reducing the current complexity and rules bloat of the lineup. 
Towards the goal of creating more satisfying items, supports will no longer have to upgrade these starter items in the shop. Instead, the quest system now automatically upgrades items to their second and third tiers when milestones are reached, with the Warding passive baked into those upgrades: 
  • Tier 1 - Starting stats and gold generation passive
  • Tier 2 - Stats improved, 3 wards added
  • Tier 3 - Major stats upgrade, 4 ward capacity, gold generation passive removed
This unlocks supports to begin progressing toward their item builds without having to spend their first 1500g on completing their economy item. These starting support items won’t carry as many stats as before, but we think this is a fair tradeoff for the jump-start supports are getting on their other items. 
The four starting support item options are:
  • High AD + Low HP + Spellthief’s passive
  • High AP + Low HP + Spellthief’s passive
  • Low AD + High HP + Targon's passive
  • Low AP + High HP + Targon's passive
  • (Coin removed) 
When assessing the play patterns of the income passives, Targon’s and Coin both encourage a safer, more sustain-focused playstyle compared to Spellthief’s aggressive one. To simplify the support item system, we’re removing Coin and allowing ranged champions to use the execute element of Targon’s passive. 
Finally, we're adding a new poaching rule that significantly reduces the gold you get from minions if you're farming them consistently. The tuning we want should still allow supports to secure a last-hit every now and then or even farm an occasional wave like today; the penalty only kicks in if item holders begin farming like non-supports. This new rule also allows us to remove the current anti-poaching mechanics on Spellthief's (charge pausing on CS, nearby ally requirement for gold). 
Lethality Items 
Lethality items are core for a pretty big group of AD assassins and fighters, but with only Duskblade and Ghostblade commonly used, choices feel limited. We want to make Edge of Night a more attractive option and add a fourth choice to the lineup: 
  • Duskblade is mostly the same.
  • Ghostblade is also mostly the same.
  • Edge of Night's spellshield now works like Banshee's Veil, which is a more straightforward effect that avoids the learning curve of an active item while also allowing for clearer counterplay opportunities for opponents.
  • Sanguine Blade is a new Lethality item that enables split pushing. Its unique passive grants a huge attack speed buff when no allies are nearby.
  • We’re also exploring a few other potential lethality item options that you may see on PBE. 
Doubling the number of attractive Lethality items significantly increases assassins' ability to tailor their early builds to their matchup or game state, but we don't want to kill their later build variety by letting full-Lethality become optimal in every game. Individual items grant fewer stats but now feature a one- and two-piece bonus which preserves the power spikes of assassins' first big purchases. Since this set bonus stops at two, assassins should generally branch into raw-AD items like Guardian Angel or Black Cleaver after their two-item spike. Full Lethality should still feel like a strong option against exceptionally squishy comps, though. 
Other Items 
We're removing Spear of Shojin. Its unique passive when used by the most synergistic champions is lowering the downtime of some CC, mobility, and immunity spells beyond what we think leaves healthy room for counterplay. 
We’re also looking for other small improvements we can make across the item system from now through the launch of preseason. 
Keystone Rune changes
We’re tweaking some keystones to address a few problems they've created. 
Conqueror has been too effective at allowing sustained damage fighters to deal with tanks, who have lost their place in solo lanes as a result. We’re toning down the anti-tank nature of the rune by removing the true damage conversion and putting more power into the stacking adaptive force. 
Kleptomancy has been commonly used as a way to generate lots of gold in an uneven matchup, like ranged vs melee top lane. We’re pulling power out of the “farm gold off of my enemy” pattern and pushing more into the early game elixir drops. 
Aftershock continues to attract squishy champs looking to negate their intended fragility. We’re lowering the flat resistances more on this rune and buffing the power it gives to tankier champions. 
See you in 9.23! 
Exact numbers and whatnot for all the changes we've just shared will be available soon on the PBE for an extended four-week cycle. Rise of the Elements ships with patch 9.23 in November!"

Riot Scruffy also posted on the boards with more details, including some extra changes:
"Hey all, let’s begin this epic journey into season 10 with Rise of the Elements, preseason's gameplay component, on PBE today! We're keeping the changes on PBE for an extended 4 week period to iron out all of the bugs and polish that we can before patch 9.23. 
Go here for our original announcement blog with most of the details:
Some extra clarification
We think that the new dragon changes will probably push more power in to the bot/jungle side of the map, so with a combination of herald and XP changes, we’re aiming to put a bit more late game carry potential into the hands of top laners. 
Elemental drake spawns
  • The first 3 drakes will always be unique.
  • Ex. Ocean->Infernal->Mountain is possible but Ocean->Ocean->Infernal is not
Rift Herald buffs
  • Spawn time 10 >>> 8 min
  • Can respawn after 6 min
  • Channel time to spawn the herald 4s >>> 1s
Minion XP changes
  • 2% increase to solo lane XP and 2.4% decrease to duo lane XP
  • Level 2 breakpoints are the same for both solo and duo lanes
Jungle XP changes
  • Overall 4% decrease to xp, less if you're gaining catchup xp
  • Krugs XP nerfed, Gromp XP buffed to make both sides of the jungle viable pathing choices
  • Clearing any side of the jungle will get you level 3
Monster Buff VFX Updated
  • We’ve got an updated version of Red, Blue, Baron, Elder, and the new Dragon Soul buff VFX in
Changes from our announcement
Cloud drake soul
  • Announced: Reduce your cooldowns when hitting enemies with attacks or abilities.
  • Updated: Gain a burst of Movement speed for 3s after using your ultimate
  • The previous effect was pushing basic ability cooldowns too low in a way that felt similar to the reasons we decided to remove Spear of Shojin. Our new effect instead puts the power into a movement speed buff to also create more interesting uses on more champions.
Kleptomancy Rework
  • We previously announced: Power siphoned out of gold procs and into elixirs to weaken the "farm my opponent" pattern, especially ranged vs melee.
  • Updated: Klepto has been significantly reworked into a “mastery of all keystones” playstyle. You cycle between all of the keystones - they key is to use them effectively and quickly for max value.
  • Gain a random keystone - once it is used gain another after 7 seconds.
  • Includes - Lethal Tempo, Fleet Footwork, Aery, Comet, Phase Rush, Predator (only if you have boots), Electrocute, Hail of Blades, Grasp of the Undying, Glacial Augment
  • Keystones cycle pseudo randomly - you cannot repeat a keystone for 5 rolls after it has been used
  • Entering the fountain will reroll your current keystone
More preseason item changes
It's been a few months since we talked about our intent to clean up the item shop, and preseason is the time for those changes. As a reminder, we want to remove items that are (a) unhealthy, (b) too similar to another item, (c) very low usage rate, and/or (d) reducing the number of impactful decisions the item system offers. This'll free up space to add more items to the store, such as the new Sanguine Blade lethality item. 
Item removals
Zz’rot Portal
  • This item has led to split push strategies that don’t involve enough champion interaction. We may revisit this type of strategic item in the future, but it would require more risk for the champion user to apply tower pressure.
  • This item has been underused and underpowered for a very long time. The tower disable effect is an interesting interaction that can exist in LoL, but it has been hard to balance in the item space because we would not be happy if we saw tower disable become a baseline on most team comps.
Raptor Cloak
  • With no items to build into, we can clean this up.
Shurelya’s Reverie Reworked
  • Shurelya's has had a hard time finding users and overlaps considerably with Righteous Glory. We want to try and shift it to enchanter stats to create a new option for supports and leave tanks with Righteous as an option.
  • Updated Shurelia’s:
  • Forbidden Idol + Crystalline Bracer + 850g (total cost 2300g)
  • 300hp
  • 10% CDR
  • 100% health regen
  • 100% mana regen
  • 10% heal/shield power
  • Active: 40% movement speed for 3s for you and nearby allies (90s cooldown)
Kircheis Shard buff
  • This middle tier item has been quite underpowered and a bit of a trap to build early.
  • Kircheis Shard damage 50 >>> 60
  • Damage from Energized procs now stacks, rather than using the strongest one
  • Stormrazor proc buffed from 50 to 60-80 based on level
  • Statikk Shiv and RFC Energized proc reduced from 60-140 to 60-80
Coming Soon
Melee vs ranged lanes
  • Primarily we want to make sure that we have mechanics to safeguard from ranged champions taking over top lane, which is the primary place where we get melee 1v1 matchups
  • Current iterations have some additional melee only power added to Doran’s Shield 
Final icons for new items
  • What you’re seeing are very early sketches, updates will be coming soon 
Stormrazor improvements
  • We’re hoping to both improve the power of Stormrazor (as it’s only viable for 1 champ currently) and find ways to make it a more appealing item for more players. Should be some updates in the next week on this.
Tons of visual polish and performance improvements
  • We are still finishing up all of the pieces for each elemental rift to make them feel unique and alive. Additionally in the final weeks we will be cleaning up a lot of stuff under the hood to make sure that there are no FPS drops or hitches with all of the new art.
A few more things still might be coming.
  • We’re testing out a few other item changes and making sure that we have mechanics in place so that we can tune every position after launch if we need to adjust.
We hope you enjoy playing Rise of the Elements early and we would love to hear feedback or any issues you encounter in the wild. 
-The Summoner’s Rift Team"

Ocean Rift:

Mountainous Rift:

Infernal Rift:

Cloud Rift:

Elder Dragon:

New Sidelanes:

Monster Buff VFX:

TFT - 9.22 Set 2 PBE Change Log & Update

TFT Set 2 is now up for testing on the PBE! Here's Riot Mortdog with a changelog:
"Hello everyone. With TFT Set 2 on PBE, we wanted to do something we normally don't do, and make sure everyone is aware of all the systemic changes that are going on as well. For the PBE cycle, we'll be posting updates here as things change. Thanks, and enjoying playing Set 2! 
Board Size
  • -3 rows of 7 hexes per player -> 4 rows of 7 hexes per player
Bag Changes
  • -Tier 1: 39 -> 29
  • -Tier 2: 26 -> 22
  • -Tier 3: 18 -> 16
  • -Tier 4: 13 -> 12
  • -Tier 5: 10
Mana Generation Rules
  • Mana generated from attacking:
    • -1 star champs: 6-10 mana per attack -> 8 mana per attack
    • -2 star champs: 10 mana per attack
    • -3 star champs: 10 mana per attack -> 12 mana per attack
  • Mana generated from taking damage:
    • -Reduced by ~15%.
Item Changes
  • Recipe Change:
    • -Cursed Blade has been removed
    • -Negatron Cloak + Recurve Bow = Ruunan’s Hurricane
    • -Spatula + Needlessly Large Rod = Inferno’s Cinder
    • -Spatula + Tear of the Goddess = Mage’s Cap
    • -Spatula + Chain Vest = Warden’s Mail
    • -Spatula + Negatron Cloak = Talisman of Light
    • -Spatula + Sparring Gloves = Berserker’s Axe
  • Stat Changes:
    • -All Spatula Items: No longer give double stats
    • -Chain Vest: 20 Armor -> 25 Armor
    • -Deathcap: +50% AP -> +75% AP
    • -Dragon’s Claw: 75% magic reduction -> 50% magic reduction
    • -Giant’s Slayer: 5% Max HP true damage -> 8% Current HP Physical damage
    • -Guardian’s Angel: 500HP on revive -> 400 HP on revive
    • -Ionic Spark: 125 true damage -> 100 true damage
    • -Luden’s Echo: 180dmg -> 150dmg
    • -Negatron Cloak: 20 MR -> 25 MR
    • -Recurve Bow: 20% AS -> 15% AS
    • -Red Buff: Gains 2% max hp true damage on hit in addition to its burn
    • -Zeke’s Herald: 15% AS -> 20% AS 
  • -Uncommon boxes average gold value reduced very slightly
  • -Gold boxes average gold value reduced very slightly
  • -Reduced the chances of getting combined items slightly
  • -Dragons now drop two common orbs in addition to their carried item
  • -Elder Dragon and Rift Herald drop a common and an uncommon orb in addition to their carried item.
  • -Once you pick something up from the carousel, your Little Legend no longer has collision. 
Trait UI Tooltip Update
  • -Champions that contribute to a Trait will have their portraits and tier information displayed inside the tooltip
  • -Champions that are active on the battlefield will have their portraits highlighted
Bug Fixes
  • -Red Buff & Morellonomicon tooltip now correctly states it blocks 80% of healing
  • -Fixed a bug where 3* 3-Cost units were doing 1 more player damage than intended.

Here's a listing of all champions in Set 2 from the TFT Twitter:
"Teamfight Tactics Set 2 - Rise of the Elements What does your board look like?"

Tier 1
  • Kog'Maw
  • Ivern
  • Warwick
  • Diana
  • Maokai
  • Ornn
  • Vladimir
  • Taliyah
  • Nasus
  • Zyra
  • Vayne
  • Renekton
Tier 2
  • Malzahar
  • Neeko
  • Skarner
  • Thresh
  • Syndra
  • Volibear
  • LeBlanc
  • Varus
  • Yasuo
  • Braum
  • Jax
  • Rek'Sai
Tier 3
  • Qiyana 
  • Ezreal
  • Veigar
  • Sivir
  • Sion
  • Nocturne
  • Kindred
  • Nautilus
  • Dr. Mundo
  • Soraka
  • Aatrox
  • Azir
Tier 4
  • Ashe
  • Brand
  • Kha'Zix
  • Malphite
  • Anie
  • Twitch
  • Janna
  • Yorick
  • Olaf
Tier 5
  • Nami
  • Taric
  • Zed
  • Singed
  • Master Yi
Tier 7
  • Lux

Riot Mort also provided some cheat sheets with more info:
"TFT - Here's all the cheat sheets you can use for now. Take it all in, there's a LOT different this time :) 
Can't wait to see how you all enjoy it!"

Experimental "Max Cast Range" Changes Coming to PBE! 

Here's Riot Lutzberg with a thread on Max Cast Range changes coming to test on the PBE:
"Hi everyone, 
For the last few weeks, the team and I have been experimenting with a potential change to the way a handful of area-based spells work. To explain, let's use Miss Fortune's E as an example: 
In the LIVE game, casting E outside of its maximum cast range will cause Miss Fortune to move towards the desired target area, then automatically cast the spell. On PBE, this spell (and the others listed below) will be "constrained to cast range." This means that, if cast outside of max cast range, the spell will instantly be cast at max cast range instead.

Why are we trying this? Here are our goals:
  1. Create a more intuitive and instinctive aiming experience for players
  2. Create a higher percentage of "success cases" when these spells are cast
  3. Preserve player mastery opportunities and skill-based aiming 
After a bit of internal testing, we came up with a list of criteria to help inform which spells could benefit from this change. From there, we arrived at the list we're pushing to the PBE for player feedback: 
  • Heimerdinger E and RE
  • Miss Fortune E
  • Singed W
  • Twitch W
  • Varus E
  • Ziggs E
Couple of notes and thoughts to consider: 
These changes are highly subjective, and there will be a meaningful cost of "re-learning" how these spells work. We're willing to accept a little bit of this cost, but not much. If reactions are mixed or negative, we'll revert them. This is an experiment, after all. 
That sentiment is especially true for the last three spells written in BOLD, which we think are riskier than the rest. These were changed to potentially alleviate player input issues with things like Gangplank's barrel combos and Syndra's Q/E hit confirms. We're especially interested in how these feel to players who play these Champions a lot, so please let us know your thoughts! 


  • Thresh in-client bio tweaked: "Sadistic and cunning, Thresh is an ambitious and restless spirit of the Shadow Isles. Once the custodian of countless arcane secrets, he sought was undone by a power greater than life or death, and now sustains himself by tormenting and breaking others with slow, excruciating inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond their brief mortal coil as Thresh wreaks agony upon their souls, imprisoning them in his unholy lantern to torture for all eternity."
  • Lucian in-client bio tweaked: "Lucian, a Sentinel of Light, is a grim hunter of undying spirits, pursuing them relentlessly and annihilating them with his twin relic pistols. After the wraith Thresh slew his wife, Lucian embarked on the path of vengeance... but even with her return to life, his rage is undiminished. Merciless and single-minded, Lucian will stop at nothing to protect the living from the long-dead horrors of the Black Mist."
  • Lucian's VO was updated, probably due to Senna's impending release to the PBE for testing:
  • Space for two new TFT arenas added. No images or names yet!

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

[See above or here and here for details posts on Preseason changes!]
[See here for detailed TFT Set 2 changelog!]

Removed Items
  • Spear of Shojin
  • Zz'Rot Portal
  • Ohmwrecker
  • Raptor Cloak

Support Item Changes
  • Spellthief's Edge
    • 400g
    • +8 Ability Power
    • +10 Health
    • +2 Gold per 10 seconds
    • Unique Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant 15 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
    • Quest: Earning gold through using this item will transform the item, granting Sightstone.
    • (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    • Limited to 1 Gold Income Item or Jungle item.
  • Runesteel Shoulderguard
    • +30 Health
    • +3 Attack Damage
    • +2 Gold per 10 seconds
    • Unique Passive - Spoils of War: Basic attacks execute minions below 50% of their max health (30% for ranged). Recharges every 45 seconds. Max 3 charges.
    • Quest: Earning gold through using this item will transform the item, granting Sightstone.
    • (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    • Limited to 1 Gold Income Item or Jungle item.
  • Relic Shield
    • +30 Health
    • +5 Ability Power
    • +2 Gold per 10 seconds
    • Unique Passive - Spoils of War: Basic attacks execute minions below 50% of their max health (30% for ranged). Recharges every 45 seconds. Max 3 charges.
    • Quest: Earning gold through using this item will transform the item, granting Sightstone.
    • (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    • Limited to 1 Gold Income Item or Jungle item.
  • Spectral Sickle
    • 400g
    • +5 Attack Damage
    • +10 Health
    • +2 Gold per 10 seconds
    • Unique Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant 15 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
    • Quest: Earning gold through using this item will transform the item, granting Sightstone.
    • (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    • Limited to 1 Gold Income Item or Jungle item.

Shurelya's Reverie
  • Cost: 2300g
  • Recipe: [Forbidden Idol + Crystalline Bracer + 850g]
  • +300 Health
  • +10% CDR
  • +100% Health Regen
  • +100% Mana Regen
  • Unique Passive: +10% Heal and Shield power
  • Unique Active: Grant yourself and nearby allies +40% movement speed for 3s. (90s cooldown).

Serrated Dirk
  • Removed Headhunter passive

Youmuu's Ghostblade
  • New Recipe: [Long Sword + Long Sword + Serrated Dirk + 1100g]
  • Removed CDR
  • Lethality lowered from 18 to 12
  • Lethality no longer unique passive

Duskblade of Draktharr
  • New Recipe: [Serrated Dirk + Pickaxe + 925g]
  • Removed CDR
  • Lethality lowered from 21 to 15
  • Lethality no longer unique passive
  • Slow lowered from 99% to 97%

Edge of Night
  • Cost increased from 3000 to 3200
  • Combine cost increased from 625 to 825
  • Health lowered from 250 to 200
  • Lethality lowered from 18 to 10
  • Lethality no longer unique passive
  • [Changed] Unique Passive: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds.

Conqueror (Precision Keystone)
  • [New Effect] "Basic attacks or spells that deal damage to an enemy champion grant 2 stacks of Conqueror for 8s, gaining ?X? Attack Damage per stack. Stacks up to 10 times. Ranged champions gain only 1 stack per basic attack.
When fully stacked, heal for 15% of the damage you deal to champions."

Nimbus Cloak (S2)
  • Changed from [shortly after casting your Ultimate] to [Shortly after casting a Summoner Spell]
  • Movement speed increased from 100 to 150

Aftershock (Resolve Keystone)
  • Armor and MR changed from [70 + 50% of your Bonus Resists] to [35 + 80% of your Bonus Resists]
  • Damage changed from [10 - 120 (+4% of your maximum health)] to [25 - 120 (+8% of your bonus health)]
  • Cooldown lowered from 35s to 20s

Kaleidostone (Inspiration Keystone)
  • Replaces Kleptomancy
  • [New Effect] "Periodically grants a single use of another random keystone.
6 second cooldown between using a keystone and gaining the next. (8 seconds for ranged users)
After 120 seconds of not using a given keystone, Master Key will re-roll. 
Does not re-roll if you are in combat"

Context & Notes

1) NONE!

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