10/23 PBE Update: More Preseason & TFT Balance Changes

Posted on at 1:00 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 9.22 PBE cycle, today's patch includes more tentative Preseason and TFT balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents


  • With Lucian's updated VO this cycle, his choose and ban lines were updated with the new voice actor:
Choose: "Everybody dies. Some just need a little help." 
Ban: "You don't have the heart for this."

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

Doran's Shield
[Changelist] [This is part of preseason changes - Context!]
  • Unique passive changed: "UNIQUE Passive: Regenerate up to 40 health over 8 seconds after taking basic attack or single target spell damage from an enemy champion, based on percent missing health. (75% effective for Ranged)"

Youmuu's Ghostblade
[This is part of preseason changes - Context!]
  • Lethality increased from 12 to 13

Duskblade of Draktharr
[This is part of preseason changes - Context!]
  • Lethality increased from 15 to 16

Presence of Mind (P2)
[Changelist / Expect changes tomorrow!]
  • Effect changed: "Takedowns restore 20% of your maximum mana or energy and increase your maximum mana by 35 (up to 350) or your maximum energy by 10 (up to 100). "

Kaleidostone (Inspiration Keystone)
[This is part of preseason changes - Context!]
  • Cooldown between using and gaining next keystone increased from 6 to 9
    • Increased from 8 to 12 for ranged users
  • Reroll time after no use of keystone lowered from 120 to 30

TFT Changes
These changes are tentative and may not be complete! Always refer to official notes for the full picture!
Light Trait
[Changelist & Bugfixes]
  • Healing lowered from 25% to 20%

[Changelist & Bugfixes]
  • Plants Summoned changed from 2/2/4 to 2/3/4
  • Plants Damage lowered from 80/160/240 to 80/100/120

[Changelist & Bugfixes]
  • Ghouls Created lowered from 3/5/10 to 1/2/4
  • Ghouls Health changed from 500/900/2000 to 1000/1500/2000
  • Ghouls AD increased from 75/150/225 to 150/250/350

[Changelist & Bugfixes]

  • Spell Damage changed from 600/900/1200 to 500/800/1100
  • Spell changed from [Restores 50 mana per unit killed with her spell] to [Restores 50 mana if she kills at least 1 unit with her spell]

Master Yi
[Changelist & Bugfixes]

  • Move speed increased
  • Mana increased from 0/100 to 100/150
  • Healing changed from 25/50/75% to 30%
  • Meditate duration lowered from 1.5 seconds to 1 second
  • [NEW] Gains 100% Attack Speed during the buff
  • [NEW] Meditate ends if Master Yi is full health
  • On hit damage after meditate lowered from 100/150/200 to 80/120/160

Context & Notes

1) Riot Scruffy provided updates on Preseason changes in today's update! Check out the full changes in this thread:
"Preseason PBE updates added to the PBE thread. Stormrazor improvements coming tomorrow (with added crit strike chance)."

2) Riot Mort provided an updated changelist for TFT in today's update:
"Update 10/23 
  • -Zyra Plants Summoned: 2/2/4 -> 2/3/4
  • -Zyra Plants Damage: 80/160/240 -> 80/100/120
  • -Yorick Ghouls Created: 3/5/10 -> 1/2/4
  • -Yorick Ghouls Health: 500/900/2000 -> 1000/1500/2000
  • -Yorick Ghouls AD: 75/150/225 -> 150/250/350
  • -Lux Spell Damage: 600/900/1200 -> 500/800/1100
  • -Lux: Restores 50 mana per unit killed with her spell >>> Restores 50 mana if she kills at least 1 unit with her spell
  • -Light Healing: 25% -> 20%
  • -Master Yi changes:
    • ---Move speed increased
    • ---Mana :: 0/100 >>> 100/150
    • ---Healing :: 25/50/75% >>> 30%
    • ---Meditate duration :: 1.5 seconds >>> 1 second
    • --- [NEW] Gains 100% Attack Speed during the buff
    • --- [NEW] Meditate ends if Master Yi is full health
    • --- On hit damage after meditate :: 100/150/200 >>> 80/120/160
  • -Fixed Neeko not working on Lux if your bench was full
  • -Fixed Spatulas dropping more than intended
  • -When Repeating Crossbow bounces to a unit that already has a Repeating Crossbow, they combine into one.
  • -Jax’s Counterstrike spell now actually gives him dodge
  • -Champions no longer keep the mana from the Ocean Hex when moved into then out of that hex
  • -Mountain Hex now correctly gives +30 permanent health
  • -Wind Hex now correctly gives 30% Dodge
  • -Combining a Spatula and a component into an item that would give that Champion a trait they already have now correctly pops the combined item off that Champion
  • -Fixed a bug where Lux would occasionally not gain mana from her ability when it killed a unit"
3) Riot Mort also provided a full rundown for TFT set 2 - "Teamfight Tactics is out of beta and we're rotating in a brand new set of champions!"
"Teamfight Tactics’ beta is over and the elements are rising in season two. As our first new set, Rise of the Elements fully replaces the champions, origins, and classes you played with during beta. 
Here you will find all the information you need to hop into the Convergence and start exploring the new set. TFT has evolved, but your goal’s the same—can you adapt to new strategies, abilities, effects, and interactions to build a team and defeat your opponents? 
Get ready for Teamfight Tactics: Rise of the Elements, coming in patch 9.22

This season champions represent elements rather than origins, but the rules are the same. Deploy multiple unique champions with the same element to unlock powerful trait bonuses! Copies of the same champion all benefit from their elemental bonus, but only the first counts for determining how many unique champions you have deployed, even if your copies are different star levels. 
Each element has its own unique bonus: 
  • Crystal
    • Skarner, Taric, Ashe
      • Deploying multiple Crystal champions grants them a maximum limit to the amount of damage they can take from a single attack or ability hit.
  • Desert
    • Renekton, Sivir, Azir, Khazix
      • Deploying multiple Desert champions reduces the enemy team’s armor. The reduction increases if more Desert champions are deployed.
  • Electric
    • Ornn, Volibear, Zed
      • Deploying multiple Electric champions causes them to damage adjacent enemies whenever they critically strike or are critically struck.
  • Glacial
    • Warwick, Volibear, Braum, Ezreal, Olaf
      • Deploying multiple Glacial champions grants their attacks a chance to stun their target, increasing with more Glacials.
  • Inferno
    • Zyra, Diana, Varus, Qiyana, Kindred, Annie, Brand
      • Deploying multiple Inferno champions causes their abilities to temporarily ignite the ground beneath their targets, damaging enemies standing in the fire. Damage increases with more Inferno champions.
  • Light
    • Nasus, Vayne, Jax, Aatrox, Soraka, Yorick
      • Deploying multiple Light champions causes them to, on death, heal other Light champions for a percentage of their max health and grant them attack speed for the remainder of the round (stacking with multiple Light champion deaths). Heal and attack speed increase with more Light champions.
  • Steel
    • Rek’Sai, Nocturne
      • Deploying multiple Steel champions causes them to briefly become immune to damage when they drop below 50% health.
  • Mountain
    • Taliyah, Qiyana, Malphite
      • Deploying multiple Mountain champions grants a massive shield to a random ally at the start of combat.
  • Ocean
    • Vladimir, Thresh, Syndra, Qiyana, Nautilus, Nami
      • Deploying multiple Ocean champions periodically grants allies mana. The amount increases with more Ocean champions.
  • Poison
    • Kog’Maw, Dr. Mundo, Twitch, Singed
      • Deploying multiple Poison champions causes their damaging attacks and abilities to increase the mana costs of their targets’ abilities.
  • Shadow
    • Malzahar, Kindred, Veigar, Sion, Master Yi
      • Deploying multiple Shadow champions causes them to deal increased damage for the first few seconds of combat, as well as for a few seconds when they score a takedown. Deploying more Shadow champions causes all of them to deal increased damage when any of them score a takedown.
  • Wind
    • Yasuo, Qiyana, Janna
      • Deploying both Wind champions grants your team dodge chance.
  • Woodland
    • Maokai, Ivern, Neeko, LeBlanc
      • Deploying multiple Woodland champions causes one of them to randomly create a clone of themselves (including items) at the start of combat. 
A champion’s class describes how they fight and functions similarly to their element, conferring additional trait bonuses based on how many unique members of that class you have on your team (duplicate champions don’t count here, either): 
  • Alchemist
    • Singed
      • Alchemists can move through other units and never stop moving.
  • Assassin
    • Diana, LeBlanc, Qiyana, Nocturne, Kha’Zix, Zed
      • Assassins sneak across the battlefield at the start of combat, placing themselves opposite from where they started.
      • Deploying multiple Assassins grants them critical strike chance and increased critical strike damage, increasing with more Assassins.
  • Avatar
    • Lux
      • An Avatar’s element is counted twice for trait bonuses.
  • Berserker
    • Renekton, Jax, Volibear, Dr. Mundo, Sion, Olaf
      • Deploying multiple Berserkers grants their attacks a chance to deal damage in a cone behind the target. The chance increases with more Berserkers.
  • Blademaster
    • Yasuo, Sivir, Aatrox, Master Yi
      • Deploying multiple Blademasters grants their attacks a chance to hit extra times, increasing with more Blademasters.
  • Summoner
    • Zyra, Malzahar, Azir, Annie, Yorick, Zed
      • Deploying multiple Summoners increases the health and duration of their spawned allies, increasing with more Summoners.
      • Summoners’ pets benefit from Element and Class bonuses, but don’t count as additional units toward activating higher levels of those bonuses.
  • Druid
    • Ivern, Maokai, Neeko
      • Deploying two Druids grants all Druids health regeneration.
  • Mage
    • Vladimir, Taliyah, Syndra, LeBlanc, Veigar, Brand
      • Deploying multiple Mages grants them a chance after casting an ability to cast it again. This chance increases with more mages.
  • Mystic
    • Soraka, Janna, Master Yi, Nami
      • Deploying multiple Mystics grants all allies magic resist, increasing with more Mystics.
  • Predator
    • Warwick, Kog’Maw, Skarner, Rek’Sai
      • Deploying multiple Predators causes their attacks and abilities to immediately kill low-health enemies.
  • Ranger
    • Vayne, Varus, Ezreal, Kindred, Ashe, Twitch
      • Deploying multiple Rangers periodically grants them a chance to gain a burst of attack speed, increasing with more Rangers.
  • Warden
    • Ornn, Nasus, Thresh, Braum, Nautilus, Malphite, Taric
      • Deploying multiple Wardens grants them armor, increasing with more Wardens.
Tier 1
  • Diana
    • Inferno
    • Assassin
    • Flame Cascade: Diana shields herself for a few seconds and creates three flame orbs that orbit her. Orbs explode when they contact an enemy, dealing damage.
  • Ivern
    • Woodland
    • Druid
    • Triggerseed: Ivern shields the lowest-health ally for a few seconds.
  • Kog’Maw
    • Poison
    • Predator
    • Living Artillery: Kog’Maw launches acid that damages a random enemy.
  • Maokai
    • Woodland
    • Druid
    • Sap Magic (passive): Whener Maokai is damaged by an enemy spell, his next attack heals him.
  • Nasus
    • Light
    • Warden
    • Fury of the Dawn: Nasus temporarily enrages, gaining bonus health and damaging adjacent enemies each second for the duration.
  • Ornn
    • Electric
    • Warden
    • Lightning Breath: Ornn breathes lightning in a cone in front of him, damaging enemies and increasing their chance to be critically struck for the next few seconds.
  • Renekton
    • Desert
    • Berserker
    • Cull the Meek: Renekton damages adjacent enemies and heals himself for each enemy hit.
  • Taliyah
    • Mountain
    • Mage
    • Seismic Shove: Taliyah erupts the ground under a random enemy, knocking them toward her if ranged, or away if melee.
  • Vayne
    • Light
    • Ranger
    • Silver Bolts (Passive): Vayne passively deals bonus true damage every third attack based on the enemy’s maximum health.
  • Vladimir
    • Ocean
    • Mage
    • Drain: Vladimir damages a target enemy, healing himself for the damage dealt.
  • Warwick
    • Glacial
    • Predator
    • Infinite Duress: Warwick pounces onto the lowest-health enemy, stunning and damaging them. Applies on-hit effects.
  • Zyra
    • Inferno
    • Summoner
    • Rampant Growth: Zyra spawns two untargetable Flame Spitters on random hexes at the edge of the arena, which attack the nearest enemy. 
Tier 2
  • Braum
    • Glacial
    • Warden
    • Unbreakable: Braum raises his shield toward the furthest enemy, reducing incoming damage from that direction and blocking projectiles.
  • Jax
    • Light
    • Berserker
    • Counter Strike: Jax gains 100% dodge chance for the next few seconds, then briefly stuns and damages adjacent enemies.
  • Leblanc
    • Woodland
    • Assassin, Mage
    • Ethereal Chain: Leblanc sends a chain toward the nearest enemy, stunning and damaging them after a delay.
  • Malzahar
    • Shadow
    • Summoner
    • Shadow Swarm: Malzahar creates a portal that spawns minions. More star levels, more minions.
  • Neeko
    • Woodland
    • Druid
    • Blooming Burst: Neeko throws a seed at a random enemy that explodes three times in a larger and larger radius.
  • Rek’Sai
    • Steel
    • Predator
    • Furious Bite: Rek’Sai bites her target, dealing true damage.
  • Skarner
    • Crystal
    • Predator
    • Crystalline Exoskeleton: Skarner shields himself for a few seconds, gaining bonus attack speed while the shield holds.
  • Syndra
    • Ocean
    • Mage
    • Hydro Sphere: Syndra conjures a Hydro Sphere at a target location that damages enemies.
  • Thresh
    • Ocean
    • Warden
    • Deep Sea Passage: Thresh throws his lantern to the lowest-health ally, shielding them and nearby allies for a few seconds.
  • Varus
    • Inferno
    • Ranger
    • Piercing Arrow: Varus charges and fires an arrow, dealing damage to all enemies in a line.
  • Volibear
    • Electric, Glacial
    • Berserker
    • Thunder Bite: Volibear bites his target, dealing damage. Thunder Bite instantly kills enemies below a certain amount of health, fully restoring Volibear’s mana.
  • Yasuo
    • Wind
    • Blademaster
    • Last Breath: Yasuo instantly appears next to the enemy with the most items, attacking them multiple times in rapid succession and knocking them up for the duration. 
Tier 3
  • Aatrox
    • Light
    • Blademaster
    • The Arclight Blade: Aatrox slams his sword in a circle in front of him, damaging enemies hit.
  • Azir
    • Desert
    • Summoner
    • Arise!: Azir summons an untargetable Sand Soldier near a random enemy that attacks whenever Azir attacks.
  • Dr. Mundo
    • Poison
    • Berserker
    • Adrenaline Rush: Dr. Mundo spawns a toxic cloud around himself that damages adjacent enemies and heals himself for the damage dealt for several seconds.
  • Ezreal
    • Glacial
    • Ranger
    • Ice Shot: Ezreal fires a shard of ice toward the lowest-health enemy, damaging the first enemy hit and applying on-hit effects.
  • Kindred
    • Shadow, Inferno
    • Ranger
    • Wolf’s Frenzy: Lamb tumbles away from her target while Wolf bites them, dealing damage.
  • Nautilus
    • Ocean
    • Warden
    • Depth Charge: Nautilus sends out a depth charge that seeks out the furthest enemy champion, knocking them up and stunning them for a really long time.
  • Nocturne
    • Steel
    • Assassin
    • Steel Blades (Passive): Every three hits, Nocturne’s next attack is enhanced, damaging all adjacent enemies and healing him for a portion of damage dealt.
  • Qiyana
    • Inferno OR Ocean OR Mountain OR Wind
    • Assassin
    • Edge of Ixtal: Qiyana dashes to the side of her target and throws a blast of wind through them, damaging and stunning enemies it passes through.
  • Sion
    • Shadow
    • Berserker
    • Decimating Smash: Sion smashes an area in front of him after a delay, knocking up and damaging enemies.
  • Sivir
    • Desert
    • Blademaster
    • Ricochet: Sivir’s attacks temporarily bounce to nearby units.
  • Soraka
    • Light
    • Mystic
    • Equinox: Soraka temporarily calms an area around a random enemy, damaging enemies and preventing them from gaining mana while inside.
  • Veigar
    • Shadow
    • Mage
    • Primordial Burst: Veigar blasts an enemy with magical energy, dealing damage. Instantly kills enemies at lower star levels than Veigar. 
Tier 4
  • Annie
    • Inferno
    • Summoner
    • Tibbers!: Annie summons Tibbers onto a nearby hex. Tibbers attacks nearby enemies while active.
  • Ashe
    • Crystal
    • Ranger
    • Ranger’s Focus: For the next few seconds Ashe gains attack speed and her attacks fire a flurry of arrows, dealing bonus damage.
  • Brand
    • Inferno
    • Mage
    • Pyroclasm: Brand launches a bouncing fireball, damaging enemies hit.
  • Janna
    • Wind
    • Mystic
    • Monsoon: Janna knocks back enemies in a large area and channels for a few seconds, continuously healing nearby allies.
  • Kha’Zix
    • Desert
    • Assassin
    • Arid Assault: Kha’Zix briefly becomes stealthed, becoming untargetable and causing his next attack to critically strike.
  • Malphite
    • Mountain
    • Warden
    • Unstoppable Force: Malphite throws himself toward a random enemy, damaging and knocking up nearby enemies when he arrives.
  • Olaf
    • Glacial
    • Berserker
    • Berserker Rage: For the rest of combat, Olaf gains a large amount of Attack Speed and Lifesteal for a few seconds and becomes immune to crowd control.
  • Twitch
    • Poison
    • Ranger
    • Spray and Pray: Twitch temporarily gains infinite range and his attacks become piercing bolts that fly through their targets to the end of the board, damaging all enemies they pass through.
  • Yorick
    • Light
    • Summoner
    • Shepherd of Souls: Yorick blesses several of his lowest-health allies, reviving them as a Minion of Light when they die. More star levels, more targets. 
Tier 5
  • Master Yi
    • Shadow, Mystic
    • Blademaster
    • Meditate: Master Yi becomes untargetable and significantly heals himself over a few seconds. After channeling, his attacks temporarily deal bonus magic damage on hit.
  • Nami
    • Ocean
    • Mystic
    • Tidal Wave: Nami sends a massive wave toward a random enemy, damaging and knocking up enemies it passes through and granting allies it passes through bonus magic damage on hit.
  • Singed
    • Poison
    • Alchemist
    • Poison Trail (Passive): Singed passively leaves a poison cloud behind himself that damages enemies who stand in it.
  • Taric
    • Crystal
    • Warden
    • Cosmic Radiance: After a delay, Taric and all nearby allies become invulnerable for a few seconds.
  • Zed
    • Electric
    • Summoner, Assassin
    • Living Lightning: Zed creates an identical clone of himself behind his current target, copying his items as well. This clone can also cast Living Lightning. 
Tier 7
  • Lux
    • Electric OR Inferno OR Glacial OR Crystal OR Wind OR Woodland OR Steel OR Ocean OR Shadow OR Light
    • There are ten copies of Lux in each game, one of each of the above elements.
    • Once you purchase one Lux, the other Luxes will become that element when you see them in your shop.
    • Avatar
    • Final Spark: Lux fires a giant laser that deals massive damage to enemies hit and restores mana based on enemies hit. 
Items increase your champions’ base stats and can upgrade into stronger items that provide unique effects. In PvE rounds, each monster you defeat has a chance of dropping an item. In Draft rounds, every draftable champion comes with an item equipped. You’ll always see basic items early on, but as the game progresses, you’ll have a shot at upgraded items. 
There are nine basic items: 
  • BF Sword: Attacks deal more damage
  • Recurve Bow: Attack more often
  • Needlessly Large Rod: Abilities are stronger
  • Tear of the Goddess: Begin combat with some mana
  • Giant’s Belt: Gain health
  • Chain Vest: Take less damage from basic attacks
  • Negatron Cloak: Take less damage from abilities
  • Sparring Gloves: Gain dodge chance and critical strike chance
  • Spatula: Provides no stats, but upgrades into various rule-breaking items! 
Equip items by dragging and dropping them onto your champions (be careful, this can’t be undone). If you equip a champion with two basic items, those items automatically combine into an upgraded item, sharing the same combination of stats as its components. Every pair of basic items creates a different upgraded item! 
Upgraded items can buff your attacks and abilities, grant unique effects, and even change the properties of your champions! New classes and origins means new spatula items, here’s what’s new: 
  • Spatula + BF Sword: Assassin
  • Spatula + Recurve Bow: Blademaster
  • Spatula + Needlessly Large Rod: Inferno
  • Spatula + Tear of the Goddess: Mage
  • Spatula + Giant’s Belt: Glacial
  • Spatula + Chain Vest: Warden
  • Spatula + Negatron Cloak: Light
  • Spatula + Sparring Gloves: Berserker 
Element of the Game 
Each Rise of the Elements game will randomly feature one element: Inferno, Ocean, Mountain, or Wind. The element of the game can be tracked in the center of the carousel, and has a few effects. 
First, Qiyana’s element corresponds to the element of the game. Second, the Dragon encounter now features the Elemental Drake that corresponds to the element of the game. Finally, the element of the game controls the new Elemental Hex mechanic. 
When you load into the Convergence, one random hex will be imbued with the element of the game, buffing the champion that starts combat on top of it each round. When the game reaches stage 3-1, a second Elemental Hex is created. The same hexes are chosen on all eight players’ boards. 
Elemental Hexes grant the following effects:
  • Inferno: Gain attack speed for the duration of combat
  • Ocean: Start combat with additional mana
  • Mountain: Gain permanent health that stacks between rounds and remains even if the champion is moved off the Elemental Hex
  • Wind: Gain dodge chance for the duration of combat
Note that Elemental Hex buffs take up an item slot. If a champion with three items starts combat in an Elemental Hex, they won’t receive the buff."

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !