Red Post Collection: Save the Date: 10 Year Celebration on 10/15, TFT Beta Pass 3, & More

Posted on at 5:40 PM by Aznbeat
Today's red post collection includes a Save the Date for the 10th Anniversary celebrations, the launch of TFT Beta Pass V.3 with patch 9.20, Worlds 2019 pick'ems live, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

SAVE THE DATE: Celebrate 10 Years With Us on 10/15 

Here's Riot Cactopus with a save the date for the 10 Year celebration on October 15th:
"The 10-Year Anniversary of League of Legends is nearly upon us, and we're planning a celebration for all of you who've built this game together with us. 
Be sure to mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 15th for the kickoff of the League of Legends 10-Year Celebration. 
Rioters around the world will be spending the whole day celebrating with streamed activities and digital experiences. Many of our regional offices are also planning in-person events and activities. Check your local League of Legends channels on 10/15 to discover what's happening in your region. We look forward to making this a special day with you! 
And don't forget to tune in for the main event: starting at 6 PM PDT there'll be a livestream showing of the 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls. Among other things, we'll be sharing a first look at this year's SR preseason update and TFT's "set two" content. 
Here are just a few of the things planned in North America! All times PDT. 
  • 10 AM - Rioters worldwide kick off a day of celebrating with you - in game and across digital platforms.
  • 2:30 PM - League and TFT showmatches airing live Twitch and YouTube
  • 5 PM - League 10-Year Celebration pre-show hosted by Dash
  • 6 PM - Riot Pls: 10th Anniversary Edition 
For anyone who can't make the livestream, we'll be sure to share VODs out after the show. 
See you on October 15th! #League10"

TFT Beta Pass V.3 is here!

With patch 9.20 hitting live, the TFT Beta Pass V.3 is now available on live featuring new rewards for playing and completing missions in Teamfight Tactics. This pass will be available for five weeks ending at the start of Patch 9.22 (~November 6th) .

Here's more information from the official launch announcement:
"The third Teamfight Tactics beta pass is coming! For the next five weeks, you’ll earn icons, emotes, arena chromas, and a Little Legend egg by completing missions and playing TFT. 
Here's how it works: 
Timing: You can start earning beta pass XP in patch 9.20 in all regions. The pass ends with the start of patch 9.22. 
Rewards and XP: By leveling up your pass you'll be able to unlock the “Storm Rift” arena chroma, two new emotes, and three new icons. As a special thanks to everyone that has played this beta season, this pass also includes a Set 1 Little Legends egg. There’s 5760 XP available to earn over the course of four weeks, and it’ll take 4000 XP to unlock all of the rewards. 
Orb of Enlightenment: You'll receive 70 XP just for logging in, and 10 additional XP for each of your next five games. Not including the missions you complete, you can earn 120 XP every day by logging in and finishing five games. 
Missions will be mostly the same as last time. Each week you’ll get 6 missions that you can complete to earn XP. Two will require you to play a certain number of TFT games. Two will be easy challenges you can complete in a single session. The last two will be more difficult, requiring your to complete something challenging or stretching your understanding of rules of strategy within Teamfight Tactics. 
We've heard your feedback on the missions requiring you to play a certain number of games, so we changed their requirements.These missions will now read: 
  • Play 6 games of TFT to Stage 3-6.
  • Play 10 games of TFT to Stage 3-6. 
Combined these missions will take 7 less games per week to complete. We also lowered the stage requirement because you shouldn’t miss credit for a game just because you tried making RFC Braum a thing and got eliminated early. Now at least those losses will have a silver lining. 
Best of luck in the Convergence!

Worlds Pick'em Live!

"Head to and make your picks before Group Stage begins on October 12 for a chance to win every ultimate skin."

The 2019 World Championship Worlds Pick'em is now live! Check out lolesports to lock in your picks for groups to compete against your fellow players, community members, and celebrities alike !
Prizes for this year include including blue essence for participating in Groups and in Knock out stage pick'ems, a summoner icon for scoring 34 more points by the end of it, and a set of five ultimate skins  for getting an ultra rare perfect pick'em.


  • Following 9.20 launch, Riot Scruffy tweeted a few tweaks coming up:
[1] "We're working on a hotfix for Viktor Q augment not buffing the shield - should be live later today."

[2] "Another mid-patch update - Neeko can no longer transform back into herself. We’ll re-add this feature when we can fix a bug where her health, mana, and level do not update if she’s disguised"
  • Squad5 noted a change coming for Ivern:
[1] "Going to put in the change to make Ivern always go to melee range on his dash for the next patch. Was thinking Ivern probably would prefer to go to range distance most of the time but I think I was mistaken. As a plus, should make it easier to fix the monster camp weirdness."
"Your semi-weekly dose of server problem-os, NA League news, and other! (Moved to Mondays for easier updates) 
We’re seeing some exciting Worlds matches, Clash testing is always fun, and 9.20 is right on the horizon! 
  • Mac voice still not working properly Bug grouped with other Mac bugs
  • Transfer service goes down(9/21) PS notifies the NOC that players are getting errors when attempting to transfer between Europe and Oceania (Not 100% failure rate, but not 0% either). A JIRA ticket is made to track the problem, and teams are assigning resources appropriately during the upcoming sprint.
  • TFT Match History intermittent(9/26) TFT match history goes live on all regions, and reports start to filter in over the next day that TFT matches aren’t always showing up in match history. A code fix is discovered, but Live Production does not deem it high enough of a problem to warrant a hotfix just for it. The fix is slated to roll out with patch 9.20.
Server Stuff:
  • Automated Monitoring notices error increases(9/19, ~9 minutes) Automated monitoring notices errors exceeding acceptable levels for logons. Before any need for investigation, the errors decrease back to acceptable levels.
  • Match History fails to load after 9.19(9/25, ~58 minutes) Platform opens after the 9.19 patch, but match history is failing to load. A micropatch rolls out shortly afterwards to update the server config for match history, fixing the problem.
  • Issue with Pro View pass not giving item appropriately. (9/26, ~5 days) A patch rolls out for pro view, and reports drift in that purchases are failing, but RP is still being charged. Pro view and team bundles are disabled while store and dev teams investigate. A fix is tested on PBE and then pushed to TR before rolling out to the remaining Riot realms.
  • Automated Monitoring notices Reconnect Spikes. (9/29, ~90 minutes) Automated monitoring notices game reconnects are spiking. Investigations from network teams identify a networking card issue on a specific server. Network engineers properly route traffic away from the failed network card, and a scheduled replacement task is created for the next time that server case is open for maintenance.
Game Stuff: 
  • TFT ranked disabled due to bugs(9/25, ~36 hours) The NOC is informed by game teams that TFT ranked needs to be disabled. Live Production teams start triaging the associated issues, testing on both internal realms as a micropatch is prepared. After the bug fixes are verified, the micropatch goes out and ranked is turned back on.
  • Riot Greenily provided a look at some UX/UI improvements for TFT:
[1] "Hey all, since we didn't include this in 9.20 Patch Notes (we're trying to be better about it going forward) THREAD for 9.20 TFT UI/UX QoL improvements:
[2] 1. Shop Hint - Whenever a unit appears in the shop that could allow a combine, there is now a visual shine and treatment to help with buying. The star-level will display at the top left (2* or above) and the card will glow. Super requested feature! 
[3] 2. Super Shiny 5 Cost Cards - When 5 cost units appear in your shop, they now look extra snazzy and wonderful with some gleam. 
[4] 3. Combat States - The player scoreboard on the right now displays the results of combat during combat round. There are three states: 
☑ blue checkmark for a win,
❌red cross for a loss (or tie), and a
💬gray ellipsis for in progress. These stay until you return to board."


To round out this red post collection, here are a few reminders on current promotions or limited time events!
"This year, we're celebrating the ten year anniversary of League of Legends! Join us on October 15th, 2019 as we kick things off with livestreams and events, including a 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls that starts at 6:00pm PST."