Red Post Collection: Season 2020 Countdown & Teaser Video, Universe Update, Mid-Patch Updates & More

Posted on at 8:21 AM by Aznbeat
[Added mid-patch update details, including Sylas hotfix buff + TFT mid-patch bugfixes!]

Today's red post collection includes a countdown to the start of Season 2020 on January 10th, a Season 2020 Teaser video, a new Sett color story on the Universe, an announcement on the Username update prompt, 1/8/20 Mid-patch updates, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

1/8/20 Mid-Patch Updates

Some mid-patch updates are now live, check out the full details from the 10.1 Patch Notes:
"1/8/2020 Aphelios Bugfixes, Sylas Balance Changes, Thresh VFX Update
  • Q - FLAMETHROWER SPLASH DAMAGE BUGFIX Aphelios' Q's splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level 
The nerfs to Sylas are on-target directionally, but we overshot bit in terms of magnitude and are pulling back as a result. 
  • PASSIVE - PETRICITE BURST PRIMARY TARGET DAMAGE 1.1 attack damage (+0.25 ability power) ⇒ 1.3 attack damage (+0.25 ability power)
  • Q - CHAIN LASH DETONATION DAMAGE 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 60/115/170/225/280 (+0.8 ability power)
  • W - KINGSLAYER COOLDOWN 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds ⇒ 13/11.5/10/8.5/7 seconds  
Thresh VFX 
These changes are aimed at improving gameplay readability, bringing up Thresh's VFXs to modern day standards, and improving his overall thematic feel. 
  • BASIC ATTACK Trails added with new hit effects
  • PASSIVE - DAMNATION Updated souls' appearance and power-up visuals
  • Q - DEATH SENTENCE Cleared up the hitbox, adjusted the hook's position, updated the hit and link break effects, and changed the wind-up effect.
  • W - DARK PASSAGE Updated the Lantern's missile, edge, and AoE indicators to be more noticeable and in-theme. The Lantern will now also rotate much more fluidly.
  • E - FLAY Added a circle indicator to show the actual hitbox
  • IDLE EFFECTS Cleaned up and improved his idle effects overall to match his actual appearance
  • ALL SKINS Generally cleaned up and matched with the base skin changes
  • DEEP TERROR THRESH More bubbles!
  • CHAMPIONSHIP THRESH New Championship themed particles and cleaned up
  • BLOOD MOON THRESH Cleaned up with some thematic improvements"

1/8/20 TFT Mid-Patch Updates

Bugfixes for TFT also went out, check out the full details from the TFT Patch 10.1 notes:
"1/8/2020 Bugfixes 
The following bugs have been squashed:
  • Equipping two or more Ionic Sparks on one champion caused them to do more damage than intended.
  • Equipping two or more Seraph's Embraces on one champion would make those Seraph's stop working.
  • Singed stopped moving if he tried to target something untargetable (Zyra's plants).
  • Nocturne did 2X auto-attack damage on spin.
  • End of Game and Match History issues."

Season 2020 Teaser

With the season right around the corner, a new Season 2020 teaser is up! ! Look for tons of additional info coming in the next few days on Volibear, Clash, Legends of Runeterra, and more!
"Take a peek at what’s next for League of Legends in 2020."
At about 30 seconds into the teaser, they show this concept of Volibear - who is set for a champion update soon!  Riot Lutzburg's commented on the r/VolibearMains subreddit with some context on this latest concept art reveal and noted we'll see more art in the official road map later this month!

Season 2020 is starting on January 10th! Check out art posted on Riot social media and in the client as we count down!

Universe Update

The Universe was updated with a new Sett color story - Big Head, Bad News:
"“Who’s watchin’ the till?” I ask. 
Sherap—the stick of a man taking weapons at the door—looks at me with bug eyes, scared he’s done somethin’ wrong. 
“Ryo. Ryo’s on the till tonight,” he says. 
“Get two more on it,” I tell him. 
It’s a big night—lot of spenders. Last thing I need is some lowlife makin’ off with the profit. 
Sherap scurries off. A couple seconds later he comes back with two of my heaviest hitters. After they join Ryo at the coin box, I check back on the action in the arena. The place is packed, crammed to the doors with nobodies, somebodies, and everyone in between—people with nothin’ much in common, except a hankering for blood. And they’re about to get it."

[Check out the full story on the Universe!] 

Here's the full art featured in the story:

Diana and Leona's biographies were also tweaked, check them out over on the Universe:


  • Riot Schmiot provided an update on the Username update prompt, noting it would become mandatory next week:
"Last month we turned on an optional Riot Account update prompt in the client. Now that it’s been on for a few weeks and all players who need to make a change should have an email listing the accounts they need to change, we’re going to be making the pop-up mandatory starting next week. 
This change means players that need to update to globally unique usernames will not be able to play until they update their account. If you’ve played in the past few weeks and haven’t gotten a pop-up (or you've made your username unique), you’re in the clear. To find out if you need to update your account, you can visit this website
We’ve also updated the account update website to allow you to change your account name again if you mistakenly swapped it to the wrong thing, or just want to see what else is available. 
These changes are in advance of an update next month which will remove the region selector from the login screen. You’ll still be able to log in to any region, but you’ll need to use the account associated with the region to do it. 
If you haven’t updated your account by then you won’t be able to log in at all if your username isn’t unique, and you’ll need to go to this website to make the change. 
We know that this rollout created some confusion, but this change is necessary prep for launching our future games, and getting this done now will make your first experiences with those games much better down the road. You can find out more about the Riot Account update by checking out this Riot Support FAQ, which includes more details, some additional context, and a few tips that might help out."
  • Riot Mort noted a change to the TFT Beta bass, lowering the amount of points it takes to get to the final reward:
"TFT - The final egg is meant to be a tough reward to get for our most engaged TFT fans...but 20,000 was a bit much. We've now lowered it to 16,000. Good luck with your goals! (And yes, more missions are coming)"
"Your semi-weekly dose of server problem-os, NA League news, and other! 
2019 has ended, and 2020 is just starting. We’ve got a fresh new patch incoming, start of the new season, and a bunch of “It’s 2020 where’s new news riot” memes as well. 
  • Mac voice still not working properly Bug grouped with other Mac bugs. More .plist fun (No progress since last check).
  • None
Server Stuff:
  • Custom Player game minimum set to 10(12/15, ~92 minutes) NOC is notified by automated alerting that CPU usage across game servers is approaching warning limits. To ensure the limit isn’t exceeded, the NOC sets custom games to a minimum of 10 players, alleviating the load slightly. Once the CPU usage falls back to normal levels, the NOC re-enables practice tool and removes all ticker updates.
  • CPU Mitigation Steps(12/15, ~92 minutes) Reports filter in that the CPU usage is above the ideal threshold. In response, the NOC disables the practice tool, sets minimum custom players to 10 per game, and starts throttling non-ranked queues. Once the CPU usage falls below the red line, the NOC returns all queues to normal.
Game Stuff:
  • TFT Elemental Pass rewards 10 and 11 disappeared from TFT Tab(12/30, ~13 hours) Player Support notifies the NOC about reports regarding battlepass 10 and 11 not being available for TFT. Escalation and notification of the appropriate team finds the missions were set to expire at the wrong time. The missions are changed to expire appropriately, fixing the problem.
  • LCS starts on Jan 25 and Academy on Jan 24
  • LCS games will be on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays
    • We’re introducing Monday Night League, featuring two marquee LCS matchups of the week and kicking off at 5:30 PM PT
  • Academy games will be on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays
    • Academy Rush, a new show, will air on Fridays at 5PM PT and will feature 4 Academy games played simultaneously and the 5th and final game shown in full
  • We’ve updated the LCS Playoffs format for Spring and Summer, taking place over 4 weeks
  • Academy Playoffs format has been updated for Spring Split
  • The 3 LCS teams will qualify for Worlds 2020 via the new LCS Summer Playoffs instead of the old path of Regional Qualifier and Championship Points
We ended last year on a high with the news that the LCS is the third most popular major sports league among 18-34 year olds in the US. We’ve been busy preparing for the upcoming competitive season and excited to share some of what we’ve been working on with all of you.

[Check out the full article here!] 


To round out this red post collection, here are a few reminders on current promotions or limited time events!
  • The Night & Dawn event is running now through January 13th, including a new event pass and missions, Night & Dawn and Sugar Rush skins, chroma, icons, ward, and much more!