3/9 PBE Update: Dark Star Malphite Prestige Edition Splash Art, Chroma Assets, & more!

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 10.6 PBE cycle, today's patch includes the splash art for Dark Star Malphite Prestige Edition, chroma assets & TFT asset tweaks, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Dark Star Malphite Prestige Edition Splash Art

The splash art for Dark Star Malphite Prestige Edition is now on the PBE!

Dark Star Malphite Prestige Edition

Continued TFT: Galaxies Testing

Teamfight Tactics Galaxies continues testing on the PBE this cycle! First up, here's the full 3/9 TFT changelist from Riot Mort:
"TFT - Again, big thank you to everyone playing on PBE at the moment. Getting lots of good data! Here are the patch notes for today's PBE deploy.  
(Again, we normally don't do PBE notes, but for Galaxies want to keep people up to date)"

Galaxies TFT arena assets tweaked:
Images of all three tiers of Astronaut Molediver Little Legend added:

A new  TFT: Galaxies set introduction video was released on the League of Legends youtube:


  • Chroma assets for skins this cycle added:
    • Talon Blackwood
    • Taric Luminshield
    • Twitch Shadowfoot

    • Dark Star Mordekaiser
    • Dark Star Xerath
    • Dark Star Jarvan IV
    • Dark Star Orianna
    • Dark Star Thresh
    • Dark Star Varus

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


[Numbers here seem to be buggy! Look for further changes later this cycle!]

  • Blaze (Passive)
    • [New] "Brand deals 1.2% damage to monsters and deals a maximum of 80 damage per second."
      • [In game testing shows 120%]

  • Tormented Shadow (W)
    • [New] "Tormented Shadow deals 1.5% damage to non epic monsters."
      • [In game testing shows 150%]

  • Blinding Dart (Q)
    • [New] "Teemo blinds minions and monsters for 2% of his blind's base duration."
      • [In game tesing shows 200%]
  • Toxic Shot (E)
    • [New] "Toxic Shot's poison does 1.5 damage to monsters."
      • [In game testing shows 150%]

  • Shepherd of Souls (Passive)
    • [New] Large monster always leave a grave
    • [New] "Yorick's Ghouls take 0.5% less damage from monsters."
      • [In game testing shows 50%]

  • Garden of Thorns (Passive)
    • [New] "Zyra's plants deal 0% damage to non-epic monsters." 

Context & Notes

1) Riot Scruffy provided a preview of balance for 10.6:
"Patch Preview for 10.6 - Targets here, change lists should be ready to share tomorrow."
He added:
"Forgot - Twisted Fate work from 10.5 is in here too."
2) Riot Porosite tweeted about the boards changes and how it will affect the PBE feedback:
"So the PBE Boards are now officially read-only, and you can probably guess that we aren't ready to funnel PBE traffic to our alternative. We are still hoping to get it ready by the time 10.7 hits PBE but can't give a guarantee. If you're encountering a bug in the meantime, I called out ways you can get comms to us in the meantime on my last Boards post :( I can't go into specifics on what we're doing, but I will restate that we are committed to creating a space where PBE players can speak out on the content they're testing where they know we watch, and without all of the extra noise around League."
They added:
"For now we'll be posting those feedback posts to /r/leagueoflegends. The alternative we're working on is for both feature feedback and bug reports."

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