Red Post Collection: Mid-Patch Updates, Quick Gameplay Thoughts: March 20 & More

Today's red post collection includes details on a handful of hotfixes and mid-patch updates, Riot Scruffy's quick gameplay thoughts for March 20, a notice from Riot Porosite about not having a PBE deploy today, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Mid-Patch Updates

The Patch 10.6 notes were updated with recent hotfixes:
"3/20/2020 Wukong Balance Changes 
  • W - WARRIOR TRICKSTER 60 mana ⇒ 80/70/60/50/40 mana
  • W - WARRIOR TRICKSTER DECOY REDUCED DAMAGE 50/55/60/65/70% ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60%
3/19/2020 Kayn Bugfix 
  • W - BLADE'S REACH BUGFIX Kayn is no longer able to damage monsters and champions globally if he casts W - Blade's Reach
3/18/2020 Wukong Bugfixes 
  • Q - CRUSHING BLOW BONUS DAMAGE BUGFIX Now properly applies the bonus damage to structures
  • W - WARRIOR TRICKSTER DECOY DAMAGE BUGFIX Wukong's decoy's basic attacks now properly deal the expected damage against structures and champions

Quick Gameplay Thoughts: March 20

Here's Riot Scruffy with this week's quick gameplay thoughts - "In-client clash trophy case, balance framework update":
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The work or goals could change depending on what we discover, and projects mentioned may get delayed or even stopped. That said, I believe it’s important to share as much as we can even if plans may change. 
Clash Trophy Case 
We’re still in the early days of Clash, so we’re learning a lot about what’s working and what needs improvement. One clear area to improve is around the trophies you earn for winning a tourney. It’s cool to be able to show off your clash wins in the profile and on SR, but when they go away at the start of the next tournament it’s erasing accomplishments that we want you to have forever. We’re working to provide you with a permanent Clash “Trophy Case.” This new tab in the client will store all of the trophies, banners, and icons you’ve earned in Clash so you can go back and browse your past accomplishments. 
Balance Framework Update for Elite 
In our last update to the balance framework (breaks balance into four bands: Regular, Skilled, Elite, and Pro), I mentioned that we were feeling that our Elite band method wasn’t fully satisfying our goals. The old method using ban rate captured high popularity, high frustration champions that were overpowered (like Akali) but would fail to discover overpowered champs in classes that are less banned (like supports or tanks). 
Range expanded from Master+ (top 0.1%) to Diamond 2+ (top 0.3%) 
Our old MMR range of Master+ doesn’t give us enough data to assess power from win rates (too small of a data set). We revisited expanding the MMR range slightly to see if it was still a similar enough balance state. We see that the balance outliers are nearly the same after expanding the audience slightly, and it gives us the data we need to use winrates (expanding to just Diamond 1+ would have still given us too little data). 
The new criteria:
  • Overpowered Old - greater than 45% ban rate
  • Overpowered New
    • Greater than 50% ban rate or
    • Greater than 54% win rate if below avg banrate, down to 52.5% win rate if >5x avg banrate
  • Underpowered Old - Less than 5% combined pick/ban rate
  • Underpowered New - Less than 7.5% combined pick/ban rate  
These winrate thresholds are 0.5% higher than the skilled thresholds to factor in the reality that players of this extremely high MMR have slightly higher winrates overall because they can only be matched against players that are lower skill. In other words we don’t want to nerf champs in this tier unfairly because they are being played by the best players. 
Priorities during COVID-19 
We’re all going through this global pandemic together, and with all of the disruption to our normal lives, we’re taking stock of all of our work and trying to prioritize what is critical. Our top priorities are our game’s stability, servers, and client to make sure that League is available to all of us looking to play. 
Personally, I hope you all are staying safe and sane. Let League be a place to compete but also a place where you can unwind or stay connected to your friends and family. I’ll see you on the Rift. 

He also noted the Clash trophy case would be retroactive:
"It will be, so any of your beta or demacia stuff will go there instantly."

He continued:
"Also, we're doing a bunch of upgrades for clash over time - scouting phase will get a bunch of tweaks now that we've seen it played a few times."


  • Riot Porosite noted there would not be a PBE maintenance today (3/20):
"Heads up! There won't be a PBE deploy today. You can continue to ban Fiddle in OFA through the weekend without me taking the servers down. Next maintenance will be around noon-ish on Monday."
  • RiotPrismaPrime tweeted a few VFX tweaks upcoming for Surprise Party Fiddlesticks. You can expect to see them Monday.
"Submitted some changes for Surprise Party Fiddlesticks R, added more confetti, more small balloon animals, some more wispy trails, and increased visualization the the hit. These changes should be visible on PBE Monday"
He showed off the changes in a video:
  • CestDommage noted the Galaxies+Pass and and missions were live on TFT Mobile! For the full details on what you can earn, check out the Galaxies+ Pass FAQ!
"The Galaxies Pass (and missions) are live on mobile in NA as of 5 minutes ago! Begun, the grind wars have."

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