Worldbreaker Skins now available!

"What have you wrought, mortals? What have I?" - Worldbreaker Malzahar, Maokai, and Sion are now available, along with new sets of chroma for each skin!
Continue reading for a look at each new skin!

Table of Contents

Champion Skins

Three new skins are now available - Worldbreaker Malzahar, Maokai, and Sion:

Worldbreaker Malzahar

1350 RP
"With the world revitalized, there came another wave of titans. Most fearsome of all was Malzahar, the once-great protector of animals. Vengeful over the horrors of the previous extinction, the holy shaman succumbed to anger, and there, in the depths of his rage, his magic turned dark, fueling a fury to end all life-- from the depths of the seas to the peaks of mountains."

Worldbreaker Maokai

1350 RP
"An immense tree-like golem, Maokai grew from the very roots of the world, charred though they were by the last annihilation. Burdened to revive the world after every destructive cycle, he wanders for all eternity, reseeding the earth with his magical saplings, making way for the renewal of life-- only for it to be undone once more."

Worldbreaker Sion

1350 RP
"A once towering fortress toppled during the last annihilation, the thing called Sion was given consciousness by Malzahar, and raised up to become the purest titan of death and destruction. Now, imbued with ravenous hatred, he blasts the terrain with every step, hellbent on culling any instance of life."


New sets of chroma are also now available for each of the Worldbreaker skins, for 290 RP each or bundled with the exclusive Ruby chroma:

Worldbreaker Malzahar
[8 Chromas]

Worldbreaker Maokai
[7 Chromas]

Worldbreaker Sion
[7 Chromas]

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