The PBE has been updated! As we start the 10.11 PBE cycle, today's patch includes the Volibear champion update, with a new look and reworked kit, plus new skins, and much more!
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)
Table of Contents
- Volibear Champion Update
- Champion Skins
- Chromas
- Summoner Icons
- Emote
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Changes
- Context & Notes
Volibear Champion Update
The Volibear champion update is roaring onto the PBE in the 10.11 PBE cycle! Check out these links for more details:
Volibear, the Relentless Storm
Stats & Abilities
Changed Stats:
- Base HP: 580
- HP per level: 85
- HP regen per level: 9
- Mana: 350
- Mana per level: 40
- MP5: 7.5
- Mana regen per level: 0.1
- Base AD: 60
- AD Per Level: 3.25
- Base Armor: 31
- Armor Per Level: 4
- Base MR: 32
- Movespeed: 340
- Attack Range: 150
- Attack Speed: 0.66
- Attack SpeedRatio: 0.7
- Attack Speed Per Level: 2
The Relentless Storm (Passive)
"Volibear gains 3% attack speed whenever he deals damage, which stacks up to 5 times.
Lightning Claws: At 5 stacks, Volibear's claws ignite with lightning, causing his basic attack to deal 11-60 (+40% AP) bonus magic damage to the 5 closest enemies. Volibear must deal damage within 6 seconds to maintain this effect."
Thundering Smash (Q)
14/13/12/11/10s Cooldown
50 Mana
"Volibear gains 10/15/20/25/30% movement speed for 4 seconds (or 20/30/40/50/60% towards enemy champions) and the ability to move through units. While active, Volibear's next basic attack deals 25/50/75/100/125 (+120% bAD) bonus damage and stuns the target for 1 second.
Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy immobilizes him before he stuns a target, resetting this ability and its cooldown."
Frenzied Maul (W)
5s Cooldown
30/35/40/45/50 Mana
5s Cooldown
30/35/40/45/50 Mana
"Volibear mauls an enemy, dealing 10/35/60/85/110 (+100% tAD) (+6% bonus health) physical damage, applying on-hit effects, and wounding the target for 8 seconds.
If Frenzied Maul is used on a wounded target, its damage is increased by 50% and Volibear restores 20/35/50/65/80 health + 8/10/12/14/16% of his missing health (50% effective against minions)."
Sky Splitter (E)
15s Cooldown
60 Mana
15s Cooldown
60 Mana
"After a delay, Volibear summons a lightning bolt at a target location. This deals 60/90/120/150/180 (+80% AP) (+7/8.5/10/11.5/13% of the target's maximum health) magic damage and slows enemies by 40% for 2 seconds. Damage against monsters is capped at 100/200/300/400/500.
If Volibear is inside the blast zone, he gains a shield equal to 15% of his maximum health (+80% AP) for 3 seconds."
Stormbringer (R)
160/140/120s Cooldown
100 Mana
160/140/120s Cooldown
100 Mana
"Volibear transforms and leaps toward a target location, gaining 200/400/600 health, 50 attack range, and the ability to move through units for the next 12 seconds.
Upon landing, nearby enemy towers are disabled for 2/4/6 seconds and suffer 250/475/700 (+250% bAD) (+150% AP) physical damage. Nearby enemies are slowed by 50%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer 250/475/700 (+250% bAD) (+150% AP) physical damage.
In Client-Bio: "To those who still revere him, the Volibear is the storm made manifest. Destructive, wild, and stubbornly resolute, he existed before mortals walked the Freljord's tundra, and is fiercely protective of the lands that he and his demi-god kin created. Cultivating a deep hatred of civilization and the weakness it brought with it, he now fights to return to the old ways-- when the land was untamed, and blood spilled freely-- and eagerly battles all who oppose him, with tooth, claw, and thundering domination."
Volibear's biography was update on his Universe Page:
Updated Skins
Each of Volibear's skins has been updated with his champion update!
Thunderlord Volibear
Northern Storm Volibear
Runeguard Volibear
Captain Volibear
El Rayo Volibear
Champion Skins
Four new skins are now on the PBE - Thousand Pierced Volibear, as well as Astronaut Bard, Gnar, and Poppy!
Thousand Pierced Volibear
[Free to players who own or purchase Volibear during Patch 10.11, 975 RP thereafter]
"Ancient Freljordian legends speak of spirit walkers consumed by the true spirit of the unrelenting bear—a force older than the Freljord itself. Those who dare to invoke its name cannot fathom the terrible, primal power they call down upon themselves."
Astronaut Bard
Astronaut Gnar
"Gnar knew he should be focusing on the mission at hand, but the strange little creatures he encountered on the planet's surface captivated his attention (and kept his wrath at bay… for now)."
[Full images when available in PBE store!]
Astronaut Poppy
"Commencing countdown,
Engines on.
Check ignition,
Keep the Hammer safe with you..."
[Full images when available in PBE store!]
While there are no files or assets for chroma just yet, each of the new Astronaut skins and Astronaut Teemo and Nautilus have chroma icons on the PBE, indicating chromas will be added soon!Summoner Icons
New summoner icons are now on the PBE:
Astronaut Gnar Icon, Astronaut Poppy Icon, Astronaut Bard Icon
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Pulsefire event."
Astronaut Gnar Chroma Icon, Astronaut Poppy Chroma Icon, Astronaut Bard Chroma Icon
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Pulsefire event."
Astronaut Teemo Chroma Icon, Astronautilus Chroma Icon
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Pulsefire event."
- As noted by Riot Beardilocks, Cassiopeia VFX changes are now on the PBE for testing!
Coming to PBE tomorrow, some updates to the #VFX of #Cassiopeia. We're trialing some very small scope changes to clarify hitboxes, starting with Cassio R. I also took the liberty of updating her Q a little, as the smoke went way outside the hitbox. Let me know what you think— Riot Beardilocks (@Beardilocks) May 8, 2020
[2] "W and E remain unchanged on all skins. I also updated the "turn to stone" effect, it should sort better with other character effects in the game now."
Balance Changes
* NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.
- Base HP increased from 500 to 530
- HP per level increased from 86 to 91
- Base HP increased from 539 to 570
- HP per level increased from 85 to 90
- Base HP increased from 481 to 510
- HP per level increased from 91 to 96
- Base HP increased from 574 to 605
- HP per level increased from 88 to 93
- Base HP increased from 500 to 530
- HP per level increased from 86 to 91
- A Harmless Scarecrow (Passive)
- "If Fiddlesticks casts a spell on opponents while pretending to be an effigy (before being damaged or revealed to be actually Fiddlesticks) the enemy will be feared just as if Fiddle was unseen."
- Time for Fiddle to activate scarecrow pose increased from 1s to 2s
- Fiddle now has a buff icon to show when the pose is active.
- Bountiful Harvest (W) "minion damage mod reduced to 40% reduction from 60% reduction"
- Base HP increased from 556 to 585
- HP per level increased from 91 to 96
- Base HP increased from 581 to 610
- HP per level increased from 84 to 89
- Base HP increased from 571 to 600
- HP per level increased from 86 to 91
- Base HP increased from 534 to 565
- Base HP increased from 534 to 565
- HP per level increased from 88 to 93
- Base HP increased from 571 to 600
- HP per level increased from 86 to 91
- Lucent Singularity (E)
- slow linger increased from .25s to 1s
- slow linger now noted on tooltip: "Enemies affected remain slowed for 1 second after exiting the zone or being damaged by Lucent Singularity."
Miss Fortune
- Base HP increased from 541 to 570
- HP per level increased from 91 to 96
- Base HP increased from 520 to 550
- HP per level increased from 75 to 80
- Base HP increased from 532 to 562
- HP per level increased from 88 to 93
- Base HP increased from 559 to 590
- HP per level increased from 88 to 93
- Base HP increased from 582 to 612
- HP per level increased from 84 to 89
- Base HP increased from 500 to 530
- HP per level increased from 89 to 94
- Base HP increased from 515 to 545
- HP per level increased from 89 to 94
- Base HP increased from 561 to 590
- HP per level increased from 86 to 91
- Attack Speed increased from 30% to 35%
Rapid Firecannon
- Attack speed increased from 30% to 35%
Runaan's Hurricane
- Attack speed increased from 40% to 45%
Statikk Shiv
- Attack speed increased from 40% to 45%
- Attack Speed increased from 12% to 15%
Context & Notes
1) Here's a tweet from Riot Scruffy on May 6th, noting context on bot changes now testing this PBE cycle:"Testing our first iteration of bot changes with both offense and defense.
We're not going the direct XP route to keep the power focused on the carry instead of both carry and sup.2) Squad5 provided a Fiddlesticks changelist for changes now testing on the PBE:
-Zeal +3% Attack speed
-RFC, PD, Shiv, Hurricane +5% Attack speed
-ADC Base Health +30; per lvl +5"
"Testing out some Fiddle changes. Could be too much since Fid's already fairly strong, but I think these might be worth giving something up elsewhere if needed."3) Here's Aperill with details on using DirectX11 on the PBE:
"Hello everyone!
Starting in Patch 10.11 players will now have the option to use DX11 instead of DX9 to run League of Legends. We'd like as many as people as possible to opt in so if you’d like to help test, please add the following line to your game.cfg file which can be found at Riot Games > PBE > Config.
To verify that DX11 is enabled there will be a line in your r3dlog that says “Using X3D Platform: DX11”. These logs can be found under PBE > Logs > GameLogs.
If you encounter a crash or any rendering or graphical issues while using DX11, please report them by making a comment in this thread using the following format:
Summoner Name:
Description of Issue:
Repro Steps:
If your current hardware doesn’t support DX10 or higher, the game will automatically switch to DX9 if you have the flag enabled. If the flag is disabled or missing from your config the game will use DX9 by default.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, you can also submit issues on the PBE discord. Thanks!
Known VFX Issues:
- Illaoi Leap of Faith
- Bard's Magical Journey
- Kindred Mounting Dread"