5/6 PBE Update: Loot Assets, Future Skins & Chroma Notes, Tentative Balance Changes, & More!

Posted on at 3:10 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 10.10 PBE cycle, today's patch includes Loot assets, referencing new and previously announced skins and chroma, tentative balance changes & more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Loot Assets - Skins & Chroma Coming Soon

Loot assets added, some referencing skins and chroma that are coming soon!
  • Chrono Chroma (Astronautilus) + Icon - Coming Soon
  • Chrono Chroma (Astronaut Bard) + Icon - Coming Soon
  • Chrono Chroma (Astronaut Teemo) + Icon - Coming Soon
  • Chrono Chroma (Astronaut Poppy) + Icon - Coming Soon
  • Chrono Chroma (Astronaut Gnar) + Icon - Coming Soon
  • Astronaut Bard Icon + Border - Coming Soon
  • Astronaut Poppy Icon + Border - Coming Soon
  • Astronaut Gnar Icon + Border - Coming Soon
  • Chrono Chroma (Pulsefire Caitlyn) + Icon
  • Chrono Chroma (Pulsefire Riven) + Icon
  • Chrono Chroma (Pulsefire Shen) + Icon
  • Chrono Chroma (Pulsefire Twisted Fate) + Icon

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

[Changelist - R Aura ratio doesn't match yet]
  • Molten Shield (E)
    • Damage reduction increased from 10/13/16/19/22% to 13/17/21/25/29%
  • Summon: Tibbers (R)
    • Tibbers aura damage increased from 10/25/40 to 20/30/40
    • Aura damage AP ratio increased from 10% to 12%
    • Tibbers armor/MR reverted from 40/70/100 to 30/50/70
    • Tibbers summon damage AP ratio increased from 65% to 75%  
      • [NOTE: This appears to just be a tooltip fix/correction and not an actual change vs live.]

  • Base HP lowered from 594 to 570
  • Base damage lowered from 57.04 to 57

  • [All changes reverted, aimed for 10.11!]
    •  A Harmless Scarecrow (Passive)
      • "If Fiddlesticks casts a spell on opponents while pretending to be an effigy (before being damaged or revealed to be actually Fiddlesticks) the enemy will be feared just as if Fiddle was unseen."
      • Time for Fiddle to activate scarecrow pose increased from 1s to 2s
      • Fiddle now has a buff icon to show when the pose is active.
    • Bountiful Harvest (W)
      • Minion damage mod reduced from 60% reduction to 40% reduction

  • Flawless Duet (E) 
    • damage increased from 70/110/150/190/230 to 80/125/170/215/260
    • stun reverted from 1s to .75s

  • Bear Trap on a Rope (Q) cooldown increased from 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 to 11/10/9/8/7

[Changes reverted, bumped to 10.11]
  • Lucent Singularity (E) slow linger reverted from 1s to .25s 

Miss Fortune
[Changelist - does not match!]
  • Strut (W) max movement speed lowered from 60/70/80/90/100 to 50/60/70/80/90

  • Javelin Toss (Human Q) AP ratio increased from 40% to 50%

  • Spell Shield (E) mana restore increased from 80/95/110/125/140 to 110/120/130/140/150

  • Starcall (Q) damage increased from 75/110/145/180/215 to 85/120/155/190/225
  • Astral Infusion (W) health refund when rejuvenated increased from 60/70/80/90/100% to 80/85/90/95/100%

  • HP Per level lowered from 90 to 85
  • Bastion (W) bonus armor lowered from 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% to 10/11/12/13/14%

Twisted Fate
  • Base AD increased from 49.954 to 52
  • Base Armor increased from 20.542 to 21
  • Destiny (R) mana cost lowered from 150/125/100 to 100 at all ranks

  • Base HP increased from 593.32 to 594
  • Mana increased from 270.4 to 271
  • MP5 lowered from 7.506 to 7.5
  • Move speed increased from 345 to 350

TFT Changes
  • Ability damage reverted from 450/600/2000 to 425/550/2000

Context & Notes

1) Riot Scruffy provided changelists for balance in patch 10.10:
"Patch 10.10 preview with some tentative changes. Should have some more updates later in the week with directions we're testing for bot and mid lane."
He also shared some early testing numbers for bottom changes:
[1] Testing our first iteration of bot changes with both offense and defense. We're not going the direct XP route to keep the power focused on the carry instead of both carry and sup.  
-Zeal +3% Attack speed
-RFC, PD, Shiv, Hurricane +5% Attack speed
-ADC Base Health +30; per lvl +5 
[2] It's a first set of changes, so expect things may change and we will do a tuning pass if the direction is good. These aren't going into 10.10 so we can take time iterating. Mid changes aren't in yet, focusing on Bot first.