6/26 PBE Update: New Summoner Icon, Mysterious Voice on the PBE, & More

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 10.14 PBE cycle, today's patch includes a new summoner icon, a set of mysterious voicelines on the PBE, continued Nexus Blitz testing, & more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Summoner Icon

The Arcanist Zoe Prestige Edition summoner icon is now on the PBE:

Mysterious Voice on PBE

Some mysterious voice files have been uncovered on the PBE. The two individual clips are listed below and were found with some map files.
  • [clip 1] sounds like - "They took your home, Lillia. Do not forget this loss. Let it course through you."
  • [clip 2] sounds like - "Poor lost spirits beckoning to bloom... I've been waiting for you."

Continued Nexus Blitz Testing

Nexus Blitz continues its extended PBE testing run this cycle! Here's Riot Lowbo with a changelist for today's update:
"Good morning everybody! Here's a list of design-related changes going into today's PBE build."


  • Skin bios added:
    • Infernal Karthus: "The disciples of Karthus usher this infernal harbinger into the world by singing his discordant chorus, a pledge that beckons pillars of flame unto them. On his arrival, the deathsinger's chant summons columns of hellfire that descend from the heavens above. Few live to tell of the dirge they heard before flames swept the land."
    • Infernal Kennen: "A playful spirit of fire, Kennen is not a malevolent being, but can't help igniting his surroundings while zipping about. His lightning quick movements wreak havoc upon any village unfortunate enough to entice the impish spirit to visit."
    • Infernal Vel'Koz: "Scarce is known of Vel'koz, owing to the fact that most who witness him combust at his mere presence. What is known, however, is that this cataclysmic titan can level entire civilizations with his incinerating gaze, leaving only smouldering ruin. Woe be to those fixed in the behemoth's infernal gaze, for there will be no remains left to bury."
    • Conqueror Nautilus: "Commemorating the 2020 Spring Split Champions."

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

TFT Changes
  • 2 unit damage per hex reverted from 12% to 10% 
  • 4 unit damage per hex reverted from 20% to 18%

  • 6 unit AD reverted from 70 to 75

  • Damage increased from 50/75/125 to 75/100/200

  • Knockup duration increased from 1.5 to 1.5/2/2.5

  • Damage changed from 400/600/1200 to 350/550/1500
  • Knockup damage increased from 150/200/500 to 150/200/750

  • Damage increased from 75/100/175 to 85/125/225

  • Damage reverted from 150/250/500 to 150/200/375

  • Damage increased from 150/250/500 to 150/250/750

  • Damage reverted from 100/150/750 to 100/150/400

  • Damage reverted from 200/350/1500 to 200/350/850

  • Damage lowered from 450/600/5000 to 400/550/3000

Aurelion Sol 
  • Damage changed from 110/150/750 to 90/150/1000

Context & Notes

1) Over on twitter, RiotPhlox noted a Karthus changelist that should be hitting the PBE soon!
"Current Karthus list you'll see on PBE whenever it next deploys. Currently making sure it's the right size of buffs and nerfs and hitting what we want to hit (probably will change). W changes will continue to be tested internally but no guarantees!"
Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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