7/21 PBE Update: Spirit Blossom Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, & Riven + more!

Posted on at 12:30 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we start the 10.16 PBE cycle, today's patch includes new Spirit Blossom skins for Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, & Riven, chromas, icons, Little Legends and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Champion Skins

Following their social media previews, the second set of Spirit Blossom skins have bloomed on the PBE - Spirit Blossom Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, and Riven.

Spirit Blossom Ahri

1820 RP (Legendary)
"The famed Spirit of Salvation, and the fox all mortals are beckoned towards when their souls arrive to the spirit realm. A capricious, whimsical spirit who sees the fate of the living as a game of chase, she offers the chance for souls to find their final rest... but will not intervene if they stray from the path."

As a Legendary skin, Spirit Blossom Ahri has a new voiceover:

Here's Riot GrumboJr with a bugs & feedback thread for Spirit Blossom Ahri:

"Ahri leads the spirits of the dead through the afterlife to their final rest. While her role is to shepherd the departed, it is the soul's own decision to follow her... or wander from the path. 
Spirit Blossom Ahri is leading lost souls through the Rift, featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New animations and recall!
  • New VO!
Spirit Blossom Ahri is set to be 1820 RP. 
Spirit Blossom Ahri will be available to play soon on PBE! As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!"

Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia

1350 RP
"Rumored to have once been a beautiful princess, legend says Cassiopeia vanished into the mountains when her sister staged a coup, never to return. So great was her beauty, and so renowned her cunning, that a shrine was built to honor this 'spirit of temptation', until her story was accepted into popular folklore."
Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia:
""Careful, now. I bite." 
Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia is hitting the Rift with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia is set to be 1350 RP. 
Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia will be available to play soon on PBE! As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!"

Spirit Blossom Kindred

1350 RP
"In the Ionian tradition, the Kindred are interpreted as a child and her beastly companion, endlessly playing games with one another until they are called to perform their duties. The two do not know where they came from, but it is said they feel a sense of loss for someone they knew long ago..."
Here's Riot MoreChrono with a bugs & feedback thread for Spirit Blossom Kindred:
"They are not a dream. They are the waking. A new Kindred skin has arrived on PBE! 
Spirit Blossom Kindred is hitting the Rift with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Spirit Blossom Kindred is set to be 1350 RP. 
Spirit Blossom Kindred will be available to play soon on PBE! As with all skins we are looking for feedback. Wherever it hides. In the shadows. In the daylight. Where the feedback lives, we will chase it down. But we would prefer if it was in the thread below."

Spirit Blossom Riven

1350 RP
"A brave warrior from an ancient land, Riven was ignobly cut down in the heat of battle thousands of years ago, her sword shattering in the process. Unable to find peace, she obsessively scours an otherworldly battlefield for pieces of her broken blade, possessed by a horrific darkness that guides her into oblivion."

Here's Riot MoreChrono with a bugs & feedback thread for Spirit Blossom Riven:

"If you are wondering “How should I proceed?”, the answer is: proceed to PBE and check out this new Riven skin! 
Spirit Blossom Riven is hitting the Rift with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation! 
Spirit Blossom Riven is set to be 1350 RP. 
Spirit Blossom Riven will be available to play soon on PBE! I know Riven can be a bit hard to catch, but she is susceptible to feedback so please leave any you have in the thread below!"


Each new skin this cycle has a set of chromas!

Spirit Blossom Ahri
[5 Chromas]

Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia
[8 Chromas]

Spirit Blossom Riven
[8 Chromas]

Spirit Blossom Kindred
[8 Chromas]

Here's Kingby on /r/LeaguePBE with a bugs and feedback thread for Spirit Blossom Chromas Part II! 
"Hey everyone! 
We’ve got new Chromas coming up for Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia, Spirit Blossom Riven and Spirit Blossom Kindred
Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia:
  • New textures:
    • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia (Ruby)
    • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia (Citrine)
    • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia (Obsidian)
    • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia (Rose Quartz)
    • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia (Sapphire)
    • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia (Turquoise)
    • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia (Pearl)
    • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia (Night Blossom)
Spirit Blossom Riven:
  • New textures:
    • Spirit Blossom Riven (Sapphire)
    • Spirit Blossom Riven (Ruby)
    • Spirit Blossom Riven (Catseye)
    • Spirit Blossom Riven (Emerald)
    • Spirit Blossom Riven (Obsidian)
    • Spirit Blossom Riven (Rose Quartz)
    • Spirit Blossom Riven (Tanzanite)
    • Spirit Blossom Riven (Night Blossom)
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred:
  • New textures:
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred (Ruby)
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred (Catseye)
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred (Peridot)
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred (Aquamarine)
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred (Rose Quartz)
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred (Obsidian)
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred (Sapphire)
    • Spirit Blossom Kindred (Night Blossom)
The Chroma sets should be available on PBE soon! We hope you all will enjoy the new sets; and as usual, we’re looking forward to hearing your constructive feedback.
Riot Kingby"

Summoner Icons

A handful of new summoner icons are now on the PBE!

Spirit Blossom Riven Icon, Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia Icon, Spirit Blossom Ahri Icon

Spirit Blossom Kindred Icon, Spirit Blossom Riven Chroma Icon, Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia Chroma Icon

Spirit Blossom Ahri Chroma Icon, Spirit Blossom Kindred Chroma Icon

LCS Solo Q Icon
"Acquired during the 2020 LCS Season."

BRG Icon, Psy Ops Icon


A new Emote is now on the PBE:

Master's Challenge Season 6
[CN Masters exclusive]

Little Legends

Six sets of Little Legends skins are now on the PBE!

Spirit Blossom Kami Featherknight

Spirit Blossom Yokai Featherknight

Spirit Blossom Kami Melisma

Spirit Blossom Yokai Melisma

Spirit Blossom Kami Hushtail

Spirit Blossom Yokai Hushtail


Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

TFT Traits

  • 6 unit attack speed increased from 120% to 150%

  • 4 unit healing or damage increased from 180 to 200
  • 6 unit healing or damage increased from 480 to 550
  • 8 unit healing or damage increased from 880 to 1100

  • 9 unit shield value increased from 330 to 400
  • 9 unit AD increased from 15 to 20

  • 2 unit healing lowered from 20% to 15%

Star Guardian
  • 9 unit mana increased from 45 to 60

Dark Star
  • 8 unit AD and spell power increased from 38 to 48
TFT Champs

Tier 1
  • Ability damage increased from 125/200/325 to 125/200/500
  • Armor & MR steal increased from 30/40/60 to 30/50/90

  • Shield increased from 40/45/60% to 40/45/70%

  • Ability damage increased from 100/150/200 to 100/150/225
  • Shield value increased from 200/300/400 to 200/300/450

  • Ability damage reduction increased from 40/80/200 to 40/80/400

  • Ability damage increased from 200/250/400 to 200/250/500

Tier 2

  • Ability damage increased from 300/400/600 to 300/400/700
  • Shield value increased from 400/500/700 to 400/500/800

  • Shield value increased from 350/500/800 to 350/500/950

  • Ability damage increased from 175/250/375 to 175/250/425

  • Ability damage increased from 100/200/400 to 100/200/500
  • Stun duration increased from 3/3/5 to 3/3/6

  • Ability damage increased from 400/550/800 to 400/550/850

  • Attack damage steal increased from 20/25/40% to 20/33/50%

  • Ability duration increased from 2.5/3/5 to 2.5/3/6
  • Magic resist increased from 15/30/45 to 15/30/90

  • Ability damage increased from 200/350/850 to 200/350/1500

Tier 3

  • Ability AD increased from 175/200/225% to 175/200/275%

  • Ability damage increased from 350/550/1100 to 350/550/1350
  • Knock up damage increased from 150/200/500 to 150/200/600

  • Ability damage increased from 500/750/1500 to 500/750/1800

  • Ability damage increased from 100/150/400 to 100/175/800

Tier 4

  • Mega Gnar health increased from 750/1250/4000 to 750/1250/5000

  • Heal lowered from 375/550/20000 to 325/500/20000

  • Stun duration increased from 2/2/5 to 2/2/7

  • Ability damage increased from 100/150/450 to 100/150/600
  • Shield value increased from 200/350/1000 to 200/350/1200

Context & Notes

1) Riot EggoMcLeggo commented on Spirit Blossom Ahri and the lack of a toggle for her forms:
"Hey all - to answer some questions Spirit Blossom Ahri does not have a toggle! Not having a toggle let us do a few things we really cared about for her: Making her ult form a bigger departure from her model than we could comfortably go for clarity reasons and keeping the consistency that all Ahri skins have a clear read when her ult is active. AND the full fox homeguard + recall, which felt like an awesome story and character moment we didn't want to sacrifice."