Champion & Skin Sale: Week of July 27th

Posted on at 10:44 AM by Aznbeat
The sales for the week of July 27th are now in the shop! Each week an assortment of skins and champions will be on sale for up to 60% off! Check out this week's sales, featuring 15 skins and 5 Champions!
Continue reading for a look at the items on sale!

Table of Contents


Five champions are on sale this week for up to 60% off their RP Price!


Fifteen skins are on sale this week for up to 60% off their RP price!

Acolyte Lee Sin / 375 RP (-50%)

Battle Boss Qiyana / 877 RP (-35%)

Battle Boss Yasuo / 810 RP (-40%)

Blood Moon Master Yi / 975 RP (-27%)

Cosmic Queen Ashe / 877 RP (-35%)

Cottontail Teemo / 390 RP (-60%)

Debonair Galio / 337 RP (-55%)

Headhunter Akali / 540 RP (-60%)

Jaximus / 633 RP (-35%)

Master Arcanist Ziggs / 675 RP (-50%)

Renegade Talon / 208 RP (60%)

Uncle Ryze / 208 RP (-60%)

Undertaker Yorick / 208 RP (-60%)

Warden Karma / 375 RP (50%)

Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao / 742 RP (45%)

Sale & Skin Related News

Check out any news about sales and discounts here!

Nobody here but us yordles!