Spirit Blossom skinline teased during Anime Expo Lite Stream

Several Rioters participated in Anime Expo Lite this afternoon, streaming a panel on the history of skin thematics in LoL with a  focus on the anime inspired skin lines! At the end of the stream, they  shared a teaser for an upcoming SPIRIT BLOSSOM skinline including two images and a promise of more on July 7th!
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Two SPIRIT BLOSSOM images were shown  near the end of the hour long History of Skin Thematics in LoL panel stream - one a teaser image set in a forest and the other a logo and icon to represent this new anime inspired skin line! It was also mentioned this skinline would be at the scale of Star Guardian as far as "how much effort we have put into this world, into the things that will come around it".

The stream was hosted by Mel Capperino-Garcia with Carlos GiffoniJessica Oyhenart, and  Jared Rosen participating in the discussion and Q&A!

Here are the two images, also shared by Riot Swimbananas on twitter following the stream announcement!

[Clipped Images from stream]

Here's the VOD of the stream via the Anime Expo Youtube channel:

[NOTE: Unfortunately looks like Anime Expo has set the VODs from this weekend to private- as was mentioned would happen AX page. Will update if things change.]

As you may recall, the name Spirit Blossom also showed up recently on the 10.14 PBE with a client mission asset named "SpiritBlossomPrologue_MissionThumbnail.jpg"

As mentioned on stream, look for more on SPIRIT BLOSSOM in Tuesday, July 7th!

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